Tijuana Girl And Donkey

Tijuana Girl And Donkey


Tijuana Girl And Donkey

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U.S. Senate hopeful Jim Lamon, a Paradise Valley Republican, said in March, "We can't have this constant Big Brother government to help."

Gage Skidmore

Since we started Phoenix New Times , it has been defined as the free, independent voice of Phoenix, and we'd like to keep it that way. With local media under siege, it's more important than ever for us to rally support behind funding our local journalism. You can help by participating in our "I Support" program, allowing us to keep offering readers access to our incisive coverage of local news, food and culture with no paywalls.

Elias Weiss is a staff writer at the Phoenix New Times. A native of Charlotte, North Carolina, he reported first for the Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette and was editor of the Chatham Star-Tribune in Southern Virginia, where he covered politics and law. In 2020, the Virginia Press Association awarded him first place in the categories of Government Writing and Breaking News Writing for non-daily newspapers statewide.

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Jennifer Harrison stirs up vitriol at a women's rights protest in February 2020. Now, she's wanted by Temple police after being seen spraying abortion-rights protesters with bear mace on Sunday.

Benjamin Leatherman

Since we started Phoenix New Times , it has been defined as the free, independent voice of Phoenix, and we'd like to keep it that way. With local media under siege, it's more important than ever for us to rally support behind funding our local journalism. You can help by participating in our "I Support" program, allowing us to keep offering readers access to our incisive coverage of local news, food and culture with no paywalls.

Elias Weiss is a staff writer at the Phoenix New Times. A native of Charlotte, North Carolina, he reported first for the Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette and was editor of the Chatham Star-Tribune in Southern Virginia, where he covered politics and law. In 2020, the Virginia Press Association awarded him first place in the categories of Government Writing and Breaking News Writing for non-daily newspapers statewide.

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Gustavo Arellano

October 16, 2014


Dear Mexican: I've heard that the Tijuana donkey show featuring a female whore is not real other than the fact that they do bring out a donkey and do some simulation for people who are drunk.
Dear Gabacho : You're right. And after months of research, the Mexican can confirm the full history of donkey shows, the supposed borderlands specialty in which women have sex with donkeys before a live paying audience. Not only are they not a thing in Tijuana (or Juárez or Acapulco or anywhere in Mexico frequented by tourists), they're actually a wholesale gabacho invention that says more about how America projects its fevered perversions onto Mexicans and Mexico than anything about Mexicans themselves. None of the Tijuana Bibles, the infamous X-rated comics of the Great Depression that showed all sorts of depredations, make any mention of such shows south of the border (the excellent 1997 anthology, Tijuana Bibles: Art and Wit in America's Forbidden Funnies, 1930s-1950s , even points out that the foul funnies got their name not because they were made in Mexico but "as a gleefully sacrilegious pre-NAFTA slur against Mexicans"). The earliest published account even mentioning donkey sex shows in Mexico doesn't pop up until 1975, in the book Binding with Briars: Sex and Sin in the Catholic Church. Before that, mentions of "donkey shows" in newspapers, books, or magazines were exactly that: donkeys on display at county fairs, and nothing else.
But after porn star Linda Lovelace claimed her then-husband was going to force her to get "fucked by a donkey in Juárez, Mexico" in her 1980 memoir, Ordeal , the act quickly seeped into mainstream American culture. Three years later, the search for a donkey show in Tijuana is a plot point in the Tom Cruise film, Losin' It ; by the mid-1980s, a pioneering ska band called themselves The Donkey Show — based out of San Diego, no less. Really, the biggest culprit in spreading the donkey show myth is Hollywood. In the past decade alone, there's been mention of the act in at least a dozen high-profile projects, from The 40-Year-Old Virgin to Two and a Half Men and more. This proves once again that Hollywood's stereotyping of Mexicans hasn't changed in a century — but what else do you expect from screenwriters (notwithstanding the awesome writers at the new ABC sitcom Cristela and the upcoming Fox cartoon Bordertown , for which I'm a consultant) who know Mexicans mostly as their nannies, car washers, gardeners, cooks, and the janitors in their offices?
Are there sex shows between humans and animals in Mexico? I'm sure there are, just as there are in the United States — in fact, the earliest account I could find of people paying to see a woman-donkey coupling is in the November 1915 issue of the St. Louis-based medical journal The Urologic and Cutaneous Review , in which a doctor recalled a case 25 years earlier in which spectators at such a show (including "a judge, sons of a social reformer, and a secretary of a girl's aid society") were criminally tried after a woman died during the copulation. But leave it to gabachos to stereotype such debauchery as being as exclusively Mexican as the Aztec pyramids and a corrupt government. Pinche gabachos . . . Ask the Mexican at themexican@askamexican.net , be his fan on Facebook, follow him on Twitter @gustavoarellano, or follow him on Instagram @gustavo_arellano!

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Elias Weiss

July 8, 2022


Despite billions of dollars in federal help throughout his career in the solar energy sector, U.S. Senate hopeful Jim Lamon insists government should “get the hell out of the way” of American businesses.

Lamon is the former CEO and founder of DEPCOM Power Inc., a Scottsdale-based utility-scale solar company. In 2019, the Paradise Valley Republican claimed on a Freedom Files podcast that neither he nor DEPCOM “ever asked for a subsidy or handout from anyone.”

“No handouts,” Lamon said in March. “We can't have this constant Big Brother government to help. That's not going to allow us to be the strong and the powerful nation that we can be to help our own.”

But in December 2020, Lamon accepted $2,660,600 in federal relief from the Paycheck Protection Program, designed by Congress to provide economic reprieve for payroll, rent, mortgage interest, and utilities, records show .

At the same time, Lamon and other solar industry heads signed a letter calling for the passage of a law that would delay implementing a federal tax credit for solar companies by a year. Solar execs reasoned that the global pandemic had stalled solar projects, rendering the federal help as unnecessary.

“A lot of companies took PPP dollars during a very uncertain time at the beginning of the pandemic in order to protect the jobs of employees,” campaign spokesperson Amy Wilhite told Phoenix New Times on Tuesday. “Jim’s company at the time employed over 1,200 staff, and payroll taxes far exceeded the PPP payment. Plus large federal and state corporate and individual income taxes.”

The PPP money helped protect those jobs at the time, Wilhite said. The company now employs about 300 people .

However, in October 2021, Lamon said DEPCOM “[did] not want to be on subsidies. As soon as we get off [the ground successfully], we want [subsidies] off.”

Then, at the America Uncanceled Conservative Political Action Conference this March, Lamon again claimed he did not want to be on government subsidies, despite building his career with federal help.

He went on to criticize the government’s power to “spend so much money” last year, noting that Congress had disbursed $4 trillion in coronavirus relief spending, even though his company got a slice of the pie.

Lamon believes the solar industry could survive if its tax credit disappeared and said it needed to survive on its own, unsubsidized.

“As an industry, we need to stand on our own two feet,” he said .

Lamon sold DEPCOM to Wichita, Kansas-based Koch Engineered Solutions in November for an undisclosed amount as he shifted focus to his U.S. Senate bid. He’s looking to unseat incumbent Democrat Mark Kelly, but he first needs to win the Republican nomination in Arizona's August 2 primary. His opponents include Attorney General Mark Brnovch and venture capitalist Blake Masters, who leads in the polls this week.

“Blake Masters has never had the pressure of creating jobs and turning a profit so employees can keep their jobs,” Wilhite said. “He has depended on the largesse of a Big Tech billionaire for his livelihood, and for more than $13 million for his campaign. He is 100 percent subsidized and completely indebted to his Big Tech Master."

Wilhite was alluding to Masters' biggest backer, billionaire entrepreneur Peter Thiel, who co-founded PayPal with Elon Musk. Thiel doled out more than $13.5 million from his own coffers to Masters' campaign.

But Lamon, who is the former senior vice president of engineering, procurement, and construction at Tempe-based First Solar, Inc., knows a thing or two about financial help, too.

Lamon held that high-ranking executive position from 2008 to 2012 and was closely involved in the company's decision-making during his tenure there. He was responsible for overseeing the design and construction of solar farms.

In 2011, First Solar received more than $3 billion in loan guarantees from the Obama administration to build the Agua Caliente, Antelope Valley, and Desert Sunlight solar farms in Arizona and California. First Solar later announced it was cutting American jobs.

Lamon took a leading role in the three projects that were funded by the $3 billion in Department of Energy loan guarantees in 2012. 

First Solar implicitly threatened to scrap plans for its Arizona manufacturing plant if it did not receive loan guarantees for the three projects.

“If First Solar’s project applications are not approved, or if they’re delayed beyond September 30, we believe it could jeopardize our ability to close financing ... and, frankly, undermine the rationale for a new manufacturing center in Arizona,” First Solar executive Jens Meyerhoff wrote in a May 2011 letter to a Department of Energy official. 

Lamon’s team built the Antelope Valley Solar Ranch in Los Angeles County in 2012, and he was involved in controversial settlement talks that resulted in furloughed American workers. The solar panel connectors Lamon planned to install were not certified by the common U.S. standard for use with such a large system, which caused a halt in construction and furloughs of 230 construction workers .

The furloughs were “a severe blow" to a town in metro Los Angeles suffering from a high rate of unemployment, where "recent studies found as many as one in three homeowners behind and/or underwater with their mortgages,” Greentech Media reported at the time.

After telling Congress the company was “financially strong,” First Solar laid off 2,000 employees, nearly one-third of its workforce, in 2012. The company didn’t disclose how many layoffs were stateside.

“Jim wasn't the owner, president, or CEO of First Solar,” Wilhite said. “He didn't have control over that company.”

But Lamon took credit in a press release for First Solar’s work at Antelope Valley Solar Ranch, Agua Caliente Solar Project in Yuma County, and Desert Sunlight Solar Farm in Riverside, California.

Power plant loan guarantees totaling $3 billion were all repaid with interest, for a small profit to the taxpayer.

Still, the Republican-led House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform criticized the federal loan that First Solar received for massive power plants in Arizona and California, alleging Energy Department officials broke lending rules to get money to the company.

A report from the committee said two of First Solar’s projects were not “innovative,” a requirement for the loan guarantee. Its authors even alleged an internal effort to falsely consider the technology used in First Solar’s projects innovative, although it was not.

On the 2012 presidential campaign trail, Republican nominee Mitt Romney spotlighted the controversy in a campaign ad, noting that First Solar accepted billions from the federal government and then laid-off workers.

First Solar claimed most of the layoffs were overseas. Chairman Michael Ahearn admitted that “most of our full-time employees are outside the U.S.”

The layoffs coincided with First Solar’s cratering performance on the stock market, in which its stock price had fallen by 85 percent from $137 in April 2011 to less than $21 one year later.

Lamon, who’s promising to curb labor outsourcing and stop buying Chinese goods if elected to the Senate this fall, denies having a role in the decision to lay off American workers.

“His record of investing in his
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