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05-30-22 19:23



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Originally Posted by Magnum44
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Yeah, the HK shuttle is the way to go. I also take the trolley so I don't even pay for parking. You can't miss the shuttle. Just walk across San Ysidro and just to the left of the main street, you'll see the shuttle.

05-24-22 22:26



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I tried to reply to your PM, but your mailbox is full. Clear that shiz out, so I can respond to your last. Haha.

Or if you want, I can reply here.

05-19-22 23:38



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The Grand Slam.

I slept much better the second night, but I jumped out of bed bright eyed and bushy tailed much earlier than I had intended. It was only 9:30, but I know myself well enough to know that I'd not be able to return to sleep. I figured that was ok. The wait at the border is always painful in the mornings, and I've endured upwards of 3 hrs in that gods forsaken line on some of my past visits. No, I do not yet have a Sentri card. It's on the agenda. Anyway, I figured we would need to get up early Sunday to be on the safe side (remember, the star of this report had neither his passport nor his birth certificate), and getting started early today would make it that much easier to get to sleep early this night. I messaged the first timer that I was already up, would be showering, and heading down to Azul for coffee and breakfast. He messaged me back while I was washing my ass to advise that his shoulder had been bothering him and he had been tossing and turning most of the night. He was going to pass on breakfast in an attempt to sleep in. I messaged back that I'd be around and to just hit me up once he was ready to get started. I text the hermano with my plans as well. I finish my rounds of text by reaching out to my TJ amigo from S. D. I advised him that I'd been shocked by the small crowds, and the absence of the A-Team at HK. I told him that we had been having more fun at Adalita's and that I was pretty much done with Tropical. I asked him what time he was planning on coming down, assuming it will be in the evening. He tells me he's shooting for around 2100, and that he's been feeling Adalita's lately and further mentions that he rarely visits Tropical.

When in TJ I'm in the habit of reviewing the finances every morning when I get out of bed. I usually do a pretty good job of staying under my daily budget, but we all know how quickly the dineros can evaporate in the clubs and I had had the pedal to the floor since we arrived Thursday. I was shocked to find how little I had remaining. I was either going to have to slow my roll, or I was going to need to make another ATM pull. I still wanted 2 more bar girls on the trip, and my S. D. Brother was coming down. I did not want to have to be conservative when we would all most likely be buying rounds. I knew if I didn't pull more I'd have to settle for one girl, and that just wasn't going satiate my appetite. So before breakfast I got it over with and took it like a man.

I told the server at Azul that I just wanted to work on coffee for a bit before I ordered. While I was still on my first cup the Hermano text me back and asked me "how was Azul? I advised him I hadn't ordered yet and invited him to join me. He arrived a short time later and I asked him how things went with the Cuban Princess. He told me a disturbing story about the Mesero. According to the hermano the Mesero had been ripping him off with the drinks and then had the audacity to insist he pay a bar fine to arriba her. I didn't ask any questions, I just let him talk, but I'm still not sure I followed what happened. My TJ hermano formerly of S. D. Told me he did end up paying a bar fine and taking the girl to a short time room anyway. The only thing I can think of is that the Mesero saw the Rizo wrist band and thought the hermano intended to take her back to his room over there. I guess only they know what truly happened. In any event, my boy told me it was worth it and that he had a great time.

We agreed to hit farmacia after breakfast, before starting our crawl. I needed to return to my room to grab the mask that I had brought just in case. The hermano was running back to his room to do the same. While I was up there, I received a message from the star of the show, he was at Azul's. I grabbed my mask and headed back down. I told my boy that he must have just missed us as we had just finished. He was even seated at the same table. He looked like a train-wreck in truth, and was just starting on his coffee. I let him know what we were up to and told him I'd message him on the way back. Once we got to the farmacia the mask mandate sign was still on the door, but curiously all patrons inside were mask-less, so I took mine off and put it back in my pocket. I picked up some vitamins for myself and a couple of boxes for the first timer. I'm loyal like that.

I messaged my boy and told him we were headed down to HK. He replied that he'd join us once he was finished with breakfast. From coffee to beer; is this place a godsend or what? Have I mentioned that I prefer to punt in the mornings? It seems as though all of my best experiences coincidentally happen after I'm freshly showered, fed, and caffeinated. I privately lamented my decision yesterday to to to the cigar shop BEFORE looking for an afternoon delight in HK the day prior. While we were there smoking, my libido was pronounced. By the time we got back to the Zona it had waned considerably. Lesson learned. I know right away after we sit at our table that this is going to be a good one. My loins are humming as if I've been surfing porn for the past hour. The girls look better than the talent Friday night. Maybe it's just me. Did I mention the humming? I'm seeing potential candidates everywhere I look. I text my TJ Amigo from S. D. And mention that I wasn't sure if their flight was delayed, but that the HK A-Team seemed to have arrived. He quickly texts back to inform me: "they heard I was coming tonight". I obviously owe him a drink, gracias amigo. The star of the show soon arrives and we have another round. I chew half a blue like a baby aspirin, I know I'll be folding soon. I've got it narrowed down to two ridiculous near-spinners with next level asses. I tell my amigos that I need to make a move, or I'm going to get overcharged and make a bad pull. One of the two I've had my eye on walks by and squeezes my arm on the way to the casa de banos. That settles it, she's the one. I tell my boys after she comes out of the bathroom I'm smashing. I see her, and drag her to the table for a ficha. She is calling herself "Candy". Jesus, really? Cue the eye roll. I interview, and she's a tough sell, not wanting to offer much of what I ask for. No besos, no oral on her, no body pics, everything covered. She asks $100, and I straight out laugh. In the end though she's a businesswoman and took my offer. I excuse myself and the boys tell me they'll wait at the table.

We handled business, and business was good. Sterile service, but her face and body were so stupid it didn't matter. Then there was her head game. Where do these HK girls learn this shit, do they have a school at orientation? Oh, and the pelvic control, so there was that. She's been doing her kegels like the good little puta she is. I'm not even mad. She was singing along to Behemoth's "Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer" and giggling while she was in the shower after. Well, it was more like cookie monster growling, but it was charming as hell. No pun intended. I'm in the habit of requesting that the chicas topknot my hair for me after service, especially the aforementioned lunatic from Tropical. I usually offer that one a ficha in the bar to do it on the spot. I'm paying them after all. So I continued the tradition with this pretty young thing, she did a great job there as well. Because I am weak and had one of the best nuts in a long while, I threw her a $20 propina. For the first time this trip I'm finally in my favorite state of being; feeling like I've just been darted by a jungle level tranquilizer post climax. Before exiting the elevator at the 3rd floor (in order to return to the front of the minecraft hotel) I said my goodbyes. I quickly found myself back in Hong Kong with the amigos.

We have some drinks, do a few laps, the usual. The hermano asks me if I remember the girls he had his eyes on yesterday because he can't picture their faces. I told him I didn't get a good look at the second one, but remembered the first. I told him I have not seen her since he pointed her out yesterday. We end up making our way back to the front on the second level in front of the mini bar up there, and split our time between standing at the railing and sitting at a table nearby. I distinctly remember the star of the show heading down the stairs and disappearing into the crowd. I wonder if he is drunk already or if he has spotted his next victim. I wait for a good while and then take a stroll to see if I can find him. He has disappeared into the ether. I hoped and supposed it was the latter. Once I return the second level railing my TJ hermano and I have another round while scanning the bar. At one point "the one that got away" ascends the stairs in front of us but not without grabbing us both by the package wearing a smile that splits her face in two. She prances off away from us past the tables headed toward the rear of the club, and her mischievous laughter fills the second level like something out of a Rob Zombie movie. Somebody must have just fucked her proper. She can't be shit-faced this early in the day, can she? God, I love *.

The first timer finally returns. We share a round and he tells us that he arriba'd a hot stacked milfy type with glasses and huge cans. I asked him if it was "Robbie" and he said no. He told us he had reached the point where he had to pull the trigger or his balls were going to explode. I told him it was a beautiful day to be alive and we all shared a laugh. I asked the amigos if they were ready to try the Sushi place across the street. We leave the bar and walk over to Sushi One. The hermano ordered 2 california rolls which proved to be a larger serving than he had anticipated because he only managed to tackle one. The star of this report had a banana roll and another one, I'm not remembering what it was. I had a dragon roll with eel if I'm not mistaken, and a first for me. A sushi roll with sliced mango on top. Holy fuck was that one good despite the mango resembling melted american cheese slices. During the course of our meal a little girl perhaps 7 or 8, walks in with the box of chiclets that we often see kids hustling all over the Zonas. I make a few brutal jokes in very bad taste wondering how many of the club girls were toting identical boxes of chiclets just a few years ago, and how long it would be before the kid in the Sushi place would be getting her audition at Tropical. I stay classy like that.

Once we had full bellies we did more of the same and crawled the bars. Nothing really stood out as far as I recall, the day was still young in the second tier bars. While we were at Chicago in the presence of his most holy "Big Jib", the hermano informs us he is going back to his room for about an hour or so to "recharge". The first timer and I headed back to HK. I receive a message from My S. D. Amgigo asking me our whereabouts. I tell him we are at HK and that it's jumping. I ask my boy if he can believe this shit as stunner after stunner after stunner walks by. He quotes my theory about the dimes zoning in from another dimension, and I tell him - "yeah, that's Gandalf back there in the bathroom holding the portal open with his staff". We were still there drinking and ogling when the Hermano text to ask if we still wanted to hit up "the event" that's going on. Now while my OC amigo was texting me on his way back home Friday morning, he mentioned an event scheduled Saturday night at El Torito Pub on Ave Revolution. The MLB Escort Agency was having a meet and greet type gathering as far as I understood. I told him I was interested as it would give us something to due besides slum the bars and he text me the details. I had bounced the idea off the boys when the three of us first met up at HK later that day. The were receptive, and though I wasn't sure what I'd find on a Saturday night (when you'd think all the best girls would be out doing what they do best), but was interested in scouting the talent all the same. So I text back "yeah" and give him our 20. Once he found us, we dipped out Alley side; it's always a good time to scout the street girls.

The place was easy to find, and the gentleman that greeted us at the entrance knew what we were after. He was kind enough to lead us straight to the gathering. There was another nice gentleman inside that gave us the skinny on the raffle, food (I think they had food), and drinks. There were several tables with people chilling and talking quietly. I told him we were going to have a look around. I saw a few girls intermingled here and there, they seemed nice. It appeared to be a very relaxed and quiet gathering, very low key. We made our way back to the front. I thanked the gentleman that greeted us, and explained that we had just wanted to stop by and were headed back to the Zona to meet up with another amigo. S. D. Amigo, I'm looking at you. I text my OC amigo to give him the skinny, and he told me one of his buddies was looking for us back there. I let him know we had bounced to return to the bars.

As we are on our way back to Norte, the hermano says he wants to check Tropical for reasons known only to him. We're game, so we tag along. Once inside it was up to the 3rd level and found a table just west of the center stage. We grab a round of drinks while we appreciate the dancing chicas, 6's and 7's from what I can remember. There was one chica dancing that stands out in my mind. She had the big meaty roast beef labia that I love, but the entirety of her crotch looked like it had never see a razor, regrettably. The hermano spots a girl in a grey t-shirt tucked into what looked like bib-overalls. She of course had a stunning face as per his inclination. He soon after tells us that he asked a Mesero to bring her to the table, but she declined. He was most displeased. We then went back downstairs and grabbed a booth in my favorite spot along the north wall in front of the stage down there. Not long after we sit down, a Mesero drags the face in the overalls to our table and seats her next to the hermano. She flashes a gorgeous smile that is both timid and awkward. She looks like she'd rather be anyplace other than at our table. I felt sympathy for her for some odd reason. God I love * We order another round of cerveza and I notice the star of the show's first kill from Thursday night being hustled our way by a Mesero. The chica stops the mesero between the bar and us, and they are having what appears to be an exceptionally heated disagreement. I am mostly turned around watching with curious interest. I look at the hermano, he is watching whatever is going on as well. By the time I get the attention of my boy from Vegas and he turns to look, the disagreement comes to an end and the resting * face storms off in the other direction. More Tropical weirdness. This place is fucking odd. There, I said it. The hermano leans forward and tells me that his chica told him she is not comfortable because of the language barrier. I tell him "fuck her, she's a * I'm courteous like that. Now I'm unhappy. This club is really starting to wear me out. I take a better look at her and she looks fresh from the farm. That would explain the overalls. She is drop-dead gorgeous though, an order of magnitude more attractive than any of the other talent I've observed in Tropical this trip. For reasons only known to the hermano, he orders her a ficha. Once the mesero sets down the little mini cerveza bottle, the hermano pays, stands up and tells us we are leaving. I supposed negotiations weren't optimal. The look on her face was priceless. Style points my boy, you've come a long way from your Mormon upbringing.

We all decide to give Chicago another go. I think we had stopped in Adelita's at some point and it was nothing but gordas from what I remember. We get to Chicago, scout around and grab a table on the south wall mid bar. The talent is far and away the best I've seen in Chicago this visit. Before we order drinks I
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