Tight Couple

Tight Couple


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Java is an object-oriented programming language that uses classes and objects. Coupling plays a vital role in Java if you work with classes and objects in the Java language . Coupling refers to the degree of knowledge one element in Java has about the other element. It is the degree of usage of one class by another class. This article will give you a deep understanding of coupling in Java , its types with examples.
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Coupling is nothing but the dependency of one class on the other. If one object in a code uses the other object in the program, it is called loose coupling in Java . In coupling, two classes or objects collaborate and work with each other to complete a pre-defined task. It simply means that one element requires another element to complete a function. It is known as collaboration when one class calls the logic of the other class.
When two classes, modules, or components have low dependencies on each other, it is called loose coupling in Java. Loose coupling in Java means that the classes are independent of each other. The only knowledge one class has about the other class is what the other class has exposed through its interfaces in loose coupling. If a situation requires objects to be used from outside, it is termed as a loose coupling situation.
Here, the parent object is rarely using the object, and the object can be easily changed from external sources. The loose coupling in Java has the edge over tight coupling as it reduces code maintenance and efforts. A change in one class does not require changes in the other class, and two classes can work independently.
Example 1: Imagine you have created two classes, A and B, in your program. Class A is called volume, and class B evaluates the volume of a cylinder. If you change class A volume, then you are not forced to change class B. This is called loose coupling in Java. When class A requires changes in class B, then you have tight coupling.
  public static void main(String args[]) {
       Cylinder b = new Cylinder(25, 25, 25);
   Cylinder(int length, int width, int height) {
             this.volume = length * width * height;
Explanation: In the above example, class A and class B are loosely coupled.
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   public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
      //a.display() will print Italian and Chinese
      //a.display() will print Italian and Mexican
Explanation: In the above example, all three classes are loosely coupled. It simply means that you can use the food interface to provide services by injecting any of the implemented services.
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When two classes are highly dependent on each other, it is called tight coupling. It occurs when a class takes too many responsibilities or where a change in one class requires changes in the other class. In tight coupling, an object (parent object) creates another object (child object) for its usage. If the parent object knows more about how the child object was implemented, we can say that the parent and child object are tightly coupled.
Example: Imagine you have created two classes A and B, in your program. Class A is called volume, and class B evaluates the volume of a cylinder. If you make any changes in the volume, then the same changes will reflect in class B. Hence, we can say both the classes are highly dependent on each other and are tightly coupled.
  public static void main(String args[]) {
       Cylinder b = new Cylinder(15, 15, 15);
  Cylinder(int length, int width, int height) {
           this.volume = length * width * height; }}
Explanation: In the above example, class A and class B are bound together and work with each other as a team. 
The following table lists the differences between loose coupling and tight coupling.
In a nutshell, loose coupling in Java is much better as compared to tight coupling. It provides better flexibility and reusability of code. As the two classes are independent of each other, it makes changes in the code very easy. It also provides better testability. 
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Objects are independent of each other.
One object is dependent on the other object to complete a task.
Testability is not as great as the loose coupling in Java .
Less coordination. Swapping code between two classes is not easy.
Provides better coordination. You can easily swap code between two objects.
Follows GOF principles to interface
It does not have the change capability.

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Tight coupling means classes and objects are dependent on one another. In general, tight coupling is usually not good because it reduces the flexibility and re-usability of the code while Loose coupling means reducing the dependencies of a class that uses the different class directly.
In the above example, the code that is defined by this kind of implementation uses tight coupling and is very bad since class B knows about the detail of class A, if class A changes the variable 'a' to private then class B breaks, also class A's implementation states that variable 'a' should not be more than 10 but as we can see there is no way to enforce such a rule as we can go directly to the variable and change its state to whatever value we decide.
In the above example, the code that is defined by this kind of implementation uses loose coupling and is recommended since class B has to go through class A to get its state where rules are enforced. If class A is changed internally, class B will not break as it uses only class A as a way of communication.
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Can any one describe the exact difference between loose coupling and tight coupling in Object oriented paradigm?
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Tight coupling is when a group of classes are highly dependent on one another.
This scenario arises when a class assumes too many responsibilities, or when one concern is spread over many classes rather than having its own class.
Loose coupling is achieved by means of a design that promotes single-responsibility and separation of concerns.
A loosely-coupled class can be consumed and tested independently of other (concrete) classes.
Interfaces are a powerful tool to use for decoupling. Classes can communicate through interfaces rather than other concrete classes, and any class can be on the other end of that communication simply by implementing the interface.
Simple analogy to explain the concept. Code can come later.
In the picture above, the Hat is "loosely coupled" to the body. This means you can easily take the hat off without making any changes to the person/body. When you can do that then you have "loose coupling". See below for elaboration.
Think of your skin. It's stuck to your body. It fits like a glove. But what if you wanted to change your skin colour from say white to black? Can you imagine just how painful it would be to peel off your skin, dye it, and then to paste it back on etc? Changing your skin is difficult because it is tightly coupled to your body. You just can't make changes easily. You would have to fundamentally redesign a
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