Tied Up Stories

Tied Up Stories


Tied Up Stories


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When I was little and would watch movies with people being tied up or with "damsel in distress" scenarios, I would start to get excited. When my friends and I would play around, I would always want to be the helpless one that needed rescuing. When I started reading romance novels and the hero would save the heroine, or the heroine was in trouble, I would feel this pang "down there" and would later find myself wet. One day while searching for a simple damsel in distress story, I stumbled upon a fiction website with stories of women being tied up. That's when I had my first o***** . I just kind of pushed my legs together and it just happened. I don't think I realized what had happened at first, but soon figured it out. About a year later, I moved on to bondage p*** . I never liked doing this but I was always fascinated by it. I began looking into e-books with bondage themes, and would spend time looking through internet sites for videos and pictures. I began fantasizing about being kidnapped and tied up, and was soon able to make myself come without looking at anything. I've been to the brink several times in public situations, simply because I zoned off and started thinking about it. I hate myself for this, because bondage is supposed to be a bad thing. Being helpless and in harms way should terrify me, but I want it more than anything else.

Bondage is so sexy. Seeing a woman tied and gagged makes me so hsrd.

I am an old male who loves bondage (on me). My fantasy revolves around me being tied from the ceiling, then a spreader bar is used in my feet. The female (wife) can blindfold me or gag me, makes no difference, but once in that position I am hers to use and humiliate. I have been scratched with fingernails: had ball stretchers put on, cannot forget the nipple clips, then given the damndest b****** ever. This is not enough. The head of my d*** is now swollen and so sensitive, breathing on it, is nerve wracking. My nuts, now swollen, are the next target. Nothing violent, just held in her mouth while my d*** is being maneuvered back to erect. Again with the b******* . My legs are so weak, I am literally hanging by my wrists, my legs are shaking, but there is more c** to come. The only way I am given a reprieve is if I promise (due to severe penalty) to finish off my wife orally. Once released, the wife lays down and I eat p**** until she c*** at least once, may be two or three times. This is all fun. The next time we do this I want to be somewhere outside or at least away from the bedroom. How’s that for a fantasy. Cannot get the wife to participate, so it’s just a fantasy.

Jeg elsker at blive bundet som dyr i stalden med kravejern om halsen, og ankler og håndled låst fast til ringe i gulvet i hesteboksen, gerne med en sæk over hovedet så jeg ikke kan se hvem der bruger min slave krop

I’m a male, and I have spent many, many hours tied up and gagged. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of those experiences, even when I was tied in a a strenuous position, such as a reverse prayer or a strict hogtie.

Ok, first of all, bondage is not a "bad thing". It's just a kink. And one that is actually pretty popular. Just because you have that kind of fantasy doesn't mean you're some kind of sexual deviant. Try researching BDSM and see what else you think you might like. Make sure you know what a safeword is and find a partner who you can trust to respect it. I totally get what you mean about enjoying those scenes in movies. I was the same when I was young too. Bottom line, you don't have to demonize your kinks just because some prudes might think they have the right to look down on you for it. Normal is boring.

I love being tied up, gagged and I dream about being f***** ... Also, I love tie up and gag girls since I was a child... If anybody wants to talk : nasskovitch@gmail.com see ya

I'm a female and I have the total dream to be tied up by my boyfriend. I feel so alive when he does.

Can anyone tell how can I tie my self in bath few minutes to feel sexy

The summer when I was 15 my friends would tie me to a tree almost every day during summer vacation and I loved it!

I am a male and I allowed a former lover to bind, gag, and blindfold me in the mistaken belief that I could escape at any time I chose. I was wrong in that belief and she kept me tied up for 17 hours and applied several refinements, such as a plug and clover style nipple clamps, for part of that time. Although this was consensual at the start it became decidedly non-consensual after the first few hours. That is why this fine lady became a “former” lover.

Bondage is one of the most freeing experiences. It truly is something special. When I dom, the excitement of rendering a girl (or a guy) helpless and seeing their excitement grow is one of the most satisfying feelings. There is nothing more fun than helping someone live out their fantasy, especially if they've never gotten to be truly tied up before

I want be tied up very very tight with rope,and I like wear wool buttoned cardigan before tied up.

I absolutely love being tied up as tight as I can stand, gagged, and blindfolded for hours. I’m an alpha male and I’ve always felt as if I had to be in charge and know all the answers. Being made helpless and deprived of the ability to see or speak intelligible words allows me to enter a zen like state in which I’m only dimly aware of my body. I’m extremely fortunate that my wife likes to indulge my need to be tied up. She has become very proficient in her rope skills so that escape is impossible. One recent Saturday she tied me up, gagged me with a couple of my own handkerchiefs stuffed into my mouth and held in place with several layers of electrical tape, and blindfolded me with a silk scarf at 10 o’clock in the morning. She released me at 9 o’clock that evening when I could no longer avoid having to go to the bathroom. When she untied me I couldn’t stand without her help, was unable to raise my arms above my elbows, my jaw ached from the gag, and my eyes refused to focus. It. Was. Heaven.

Do you have a number to call? you can reach me at spankthishookups.com...I am johnpaul...

Love being tied and gagged, susan.saunders@ymail.com

My wife is exactly the same as yours. Usually on sundays she cuffs me to the bed in the morning and not release me till around 7 in the evening. I find i relax and have a good chill out. The longest i have been in bondage is 12 hours. loved every minute. steve

Pleasestrip me and tie me up so anyone can see me

Oh yes please and ties and gagged with silk scarves so tightly mouth stuffed with dirty silk knickers mhhhhh

Silk panties silk scarf knotted as a cleave gag and then a wide and tight over the mouth scarf gag

I have enjoyed being tied up and gagged for as long as I can remember. In one of my idle moments, I tried to estimate the number of hours I had spent bound and gagged over the last thirty years. The total was ~2880 hours or a total of 120 full days of lying helplessly tied up, some of those hours in very strenuous positions, such as hogties, reverse prayers and the Hojo-Jutsu ebizeme position. I enjoyed every one of those 172,800 minutes.

I love being tied up and gagged we should meet and see what we can do i live in bradford

I am the same always loved being tied up very tight with rope either tying myself up or if i have been lucky getting someone to do it to me .

Yes I am like U but I want be tied up and sometime tied up other guys

I have that damsel in distress fantasy all the time. But I'm a guy. Being crossdressed, made up, and tied up is SO hot because I have no control and could be discovered.

I have always wanted to tie up and gagged a cross dressed man. Especially if they are wearing sheer black stockings. Tight ropes and a mouth filling gag too. Hogtied and helpless

Ready and waiting @@=@@ and mmmmmmmmmpf

Dont sweat it its just your fetish if you want ill tie you up. jk xD

You can tie me any time mmmmmppphhhh

I like to be tied up .i want be tied up and sometime tied up other guy.

Me to the tighter the better its no good being tied up if its loose i has to be uncomfortable for me to enjoy it

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Artemis took off her sword and armor then massaged her nylon covered legs after a hard day of work. Artemis undid her ponytail and let her hair spread by running her fingers through the pink strands. Knock. Knock. Artemis looked in the mirror. Without her armor, she only had a battle dress and tights. Nothing that would shame the royal families pride if someone saw her. "Come in," Artemis called out. Her bedroom door opened and a servant stood at the door. "My lady," the servant curtsied, "a letter for you." Artemis took the sealed letter from the girl. "Who sent it?" "I got it from the Roc family." The girl replied. Artemis checked the letter for a seal and found a waxed outline of an intimidating bird. "My lady." The girl curtsied and walked away after Artemis closed her door. Artemis broke the wax seal and read the contents of the letter. Knock. Artemis' door opened and in came a younger version of herself wearing a choker. "Letter about the kidnappings?" asked the
First​ over my aunt and I had a decently nice relation being that she was the mother of my two cousins, Erica and Krystal. Her name was Gabriella, everyone in the family called her Gaby or Gab, during the time of the story she was in her early to mid forties.

My aunt is four foot eight, brunette, with a very curvy body. She always liked to dress as though she was still in her late twenties, early thirties, meaning lots of skin is showing. And if she does decide to cover up she'll wear tights and other small stuff to truly define her curves. Now enough of her look let's get down to the story.

Some quick background, during this time I w
I'm 20 years old and I don't babysit as much as I used to but still on occasion do. I have straight, light brunette hair that hangs just past my shoulders, brown eyes and a curvy build. I first started babysitting when I had just turned sixteen, I used to do it regularly, at least once a week, for one family who had three kids, an eight year old, a ten year old and a twelve year old. The ten year old was a girl and the other two were boys, I'll call them Matthew (8), Katie (10) and David (12) rather than telling you their real names. The first few weeks with them went seamlessly, no problems at all, they always did what they were told and mos
"So why we here again mom?" Alex asked her mother who had her light golden brown hair pulled into a bun and was dressed up in a dark blue business suit with a matching skirt with nude pantyhose and matching high heel shoes. While Alex had her hair loosely around her shoulders with wearing a pink t-shirt with denim skirt and black tights with knee high brown boots.

"Well I'm here helping out a friend with her security business, you're here to maybe learn a thing or two about the real world. Now that you moved out I think you could stand to learn a thing or two about how the real world works." Her mother replied as they walked through an empty
First story and hope it gets some attention. Comment for any of mistakes or if you like to give me pointers and help me improve my writing.
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My birthday passed a few weeks back and the only thing I wanted was to tie up a damsel. Not for any nasty business. I was always into tying up the opposite sex. Some may say it is too domineering or tying myself a damsel is degrading to the feminine gender. Maybe it is. If you think deep about it. To me though, I never thought tying up a girl was degrading I only thought it was something fun to do when I was little. Now that I am going through puberty, I try not to think about it. I only know what I like, and I am a man lead by my desires. So, when my younger sister started maturing as she entered high school I took note. Mind you, I never took note in the wrong way. I just thought my sister is growing to become a fine young lady.
It started one day when we sat in her room reminiscing about our past. She brought up the past tie-up games. When we were children playing with the neighborhood kids. She reminded me of how I would always tie up the girls in all sorts of ways.
I don't know why, but that pushed a button. I wasn't going to let it show though.
"That is the past." I said, "today is the present."
"Yeah even though you tried so hard in the end you could never keep me tied up," she smiled.
"Bondage," I replied. "I could never keep you in bondage."
I could see the question mark forming above her head. She was still so young, barely in high school and she still knew so little. Maybe I should teach her how much I have improved since then.
After my thoughts, I called out to her. "Haya, how about you..." I stopped, I was having second thoughts.
My mind retreated to think some more. I cannot possibly tie her up. She is my little sister. When I see a girl tied up I get stimulated and immediately have indecent thoughts. She is family. I can't do that to her.
We talked for a bit more. Our relationship was always close, because we had to team up as kids to face others. We stuck together and I am glad we were still close.
A few days later. Haya came to my room in an outfit I would never forget. She wore a white lacey dress and her long legs were clad in white tights. It was the same outfit from church a few days ago. The look of tights on a girls legs always got me stimulated. She wanted to talk about something, but my eyes are focused on her legs and my mind is thinking of ways to con her into being tied up. Wait I shouldn't tie her up. If I don't do it now when will I? This is the perfect chance. No she is my sister. She is a human being and she has a right to say no. Ask her about playing the old tie up game. Actually that sounds too childish. Just don't over think this and...
"Brother?" Haya called out to me, "are you listening?"
"Uhh yeah, you were talking about school." I paused, "I think."
"Not even close," she said, "also look at my eyes when we have a conversation."
"Yeah sure." I thought, might as well try . Looking at her eyes I asked. "Do you want to be tied up?"
Dang. That was too direct. Whatever go with it. "You know, like the games we played as kids."
"You mean the one where you tied me up?" She asked.
"Yeah. I tie you up and..." Hold it what did I do after I tied the girls? I guess watch them escape or let them struggle while hanging out with the guys.
"If it is not today then I probably won't ever tie you again." I said as my face felt hot.
"Sorry, I just don't want to be tied." She said, then she turned and left the room.
I watched as her knee length dress swished and went through my door. Her white nylon legs and feet took steps out of my room and I heard her go back to hers. My last hope ended with her closing her door. Or did it. There is no one else home right now. I could, perhaps ask her again.
Making up my mind I grabbed some cotton rope. The ones I used back in my elementary days of tying up the neighborhood girls. Then I went to her room.
Closing the door behind me, Haya didn't looked up from her Mac book. She sat on the opposite side of the room. Her back against her bed frame and the Mac placed atop her lap. Her dirty white feet pointed towards me as she continued with whatever she was doing on her Mac.
"Still want to tie me up?" She said simply.
"Yes," I said, "I want to tie you up."
The light on her face paused before distorting with different colors. I assume she is scrolling through some website.
"As I told you before I don't want to be tied up."
"That is okay." I said trying to calm my emotions "A bit disappointing. I remember you asking me to always tie you up when you were younger."
"That is because you seemed happy when you tied someone up." She said. Still not looking at me.
"So you wanted to make me happy?" I asked.
"It is the past." She said, "presently I don't want to be tied up."
"Cool." I shrugged, letting my inner turmoil run wild, "you're not supposed to want to be tied."
Haya paused then realization dawned on her. She put her Mac aside while I pulled rope out of my pocket. We stared at each other before making a move. She tried to run past me and out through the door. Not on my watch. She squealed as I grabbed her by the waist and lifted her into the air before dumping her on the bed. She turned on the bed and tried to get away from me. Bad choice. Never show your back to an opponent. I grabbed at her pure white feet. More squealing came from her as I dragged her towards me. Her nylon clad ankles f
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