Tied Up Girl Peed Herself Video

Tied Up Girl Peed Herself Video


Tied Up Girl Peed Herself Video
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I don't have any idea what brought this on, but these two decided to have a pissing contest IN their pants

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Smake them with a news paper and rubb their noses in it.

abushraider@ bro thats fucked up smack em twice and make em drink it

You can find more free pee clips at www.sexywettingclips.com

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Yesterday while I was watching my favorite TV show on the couch, my boyfriend walked into the room and started massaging my shoulders. I was positioned between his legs and his arms were wrapped around my torso. He slowly shifted from massaging me to softly tickling me and I was laughing super hard. I could feel myself getting breathless and I was shrieking so much trying to get him to stop but he thought it was super entertaining and so continued doing it. Before he started tickling me I really had to pee & he struck at the worst moment. I was like "Stop it! I have to pee!" and he was like "You're saying that just to get me to stop tickling you ahaha." I was like "Seriously! I'm about to pee myself! Get off!" I tried pushing him off but he's stronger and I wasn't able to get up fast enough. Before I knew it my insane laughter caused me to literally pee myself. I was SO embarrassed when I got up and he saw it & I was like "I told you! You're such an asshole. Now I have to change my clothes!" He was like "Tara, I'm sorry. I honestly didn't think it was that much of an emergency." He does seem apologetic but he couldn't stop laughing at me. He was trying to keep it to himself but he broke out laughing at least once or twice and I was super annoyed at him. Why does he think it's funny? I was so mortified!! What do I do now? I'm so embarrassed. Am I overreacting?
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He probably laughed in the moment. If we see our best friends trip over do we not laugh for the first second then suddenly consider if they are actually hurt? It happens to everyone. Doesn't matter if you are 60. Tickling just means you can't keep control of your body. It's just a funny thing imagine if you saw him do it? You'd probably laugh so much but also feel bad for him. He won't think anything of you for it. Honestly if you are a couple there is gonna be weirder than that one day. If you let little things like this become a problem then you might start arguing a lot. Just relax you're fine. If you want prank him back
You're correct lol if the roles were reversed I would have laughed at him too aha it's just embarrassing but I hope that feeling wears off soon because I've been avoiding him just a little since the peeing happened lol
i can imagine that you feel embarrassed but if you are both in a serious relationship nothing will change maybe you will even feel closer to each other after couple weeks since it's really private (sounds strange but who knows). Just try to act normal like it wasn't a big deal and nothing really happened. it's only as big and embarrising as you make it! good luck to you
Aww thanks for saying that It helped! He doesn't think it's a big deal and just found it super funny lol. I, on the other hand, always like being "put together" and that was the worst thing that could have happened! Lol
hahahahhaa that was funny. but I don't know why I am finding it cute. Don't overreact on it. it was just fun moment. don't be embarrassed maybe someday you both will remember it n laugh together.
I just want him to forget it ever happened! Lol He was trying so hard not to laugh but I think it was funny to him that he caused me to pee my pants! I could have murdered him honestly lol
mark my word. it will be your topic for lifetime. your excuse to hit him with mock anger
I always joke around with him saying he doesn't have a good sense of humor and now he's like "And you say I'm not funny. Pssshhhh. I made you piss yourself laughing ahaha." That earned him a pillow in the face lol
I understand that you felt embarassed, but if he was just tickling you and even after you peed he was laughing, I feel that we was laughing at the situation and not of you, and I feel that he didn't have any bad intentions, in fact he probably likes you a lot because he simply laugh after you peed in front of him. Tell him that he needs to know when to stop, but don't be mad with him, he didn't mean to make you feel bad
Liked your answer Thanks! Honestly I think I'm just very hard on myself and because I like him so much I try to be perfect for him so that situation was a nightmare for me lol
Don't worry, if he didn't run away is because he likes you enough. You're fine
I hope he likes me still lol We've been dating for 2 years aha
I mean, I assume you've had sex with him so there's much worse stuff than pee thats come out of you guys so its probably fine. It will make for a good laugh in the future but maybe set some stricter boundaries as far as tickle fights go so this doesn't happen again.
Yes we do have sex but I honestly haven't embarrassed myself in front of him before so this was so mortifying! Lol How would you react if that happened to your girl or even a friend?
Id feel bad but I would not at all blame her and try not to make her feel embarassed. Id try to make sure it never happened again too! Also Id probably not get into that situation in the first place hopefully! I definitely get that its inherently embarassing, much more sofor you, but Im sure he feels embarassed as well. But try not to make too big of a deal about it and it'll blow over, be less embarassing for you, and be a positive memory for you guys in the future. If you blow up about it, it'll just be a needless rough patch in my opinion. Good luck!
Also I think its necessary to embarass yourselves in front of each other in a relationship, you guys need to experience all facets of each other, embarassment included. What you guys do is an important learning experience ya know?
You have a point it's important for couples to go through embarrassing moments together lol but peeing your pants is normally something associated with being a toddler lol
While I get your annoyance and embarrassment, it was an accident, and while I'm sure he is truly sorry, it's also very funny. If this happened just between you two, I don't think you should stay that angry. Hopefully you'll set the humor in the situation soon. If you switched your situations, and he peed himself, I think you would find it hilarious too. Though again, I can see why you were initially embarrassed and annoyed. Probably anyone would.
It happened between the two us only lol and it better remain a secret lol If he tells anyone I swear I'll strangle him
That's a completely rational reaction
Fine I won't strangle him lol but I'll staple his mouth shut lol
As someone who loves tickle fights, I can understand why he didn't stop And as for the laughing situation, it's good to be able to laugh and have fun with everything, no matter how embarrassing it might have felt
We normally get into a lot of tickle fights but I've never had that happen before! I was embarrassed but he told me it wasn't a big deal lol
He sounds like someone who creates a healthy environment. It's great laughing about the bad things
I can see why you're mortified. But it's really cute when a girl is being tickled, and honestly it's even more so if she pees herself because you think of it as submission. To an extent you need to respect that she might be hurt by you seeing that, but if it was the right timing (and she wasn't wearing valuable clothes) I would tell her "I'm gonna tickle you until you pee" and then do so
My boyfriend told me the same thing that he found it really cute lol I guess I see what you mean but I'm a bit of a control freak so that was a nightmare situation for me lol
Do you like to be dominant? That's not a bad thing, I just picture girls who like being submissive would be a bit more used to stuff like that, not that you need to be used to it
Not necessarily dominant lol but I don't always feel comfortable with someone having the upper hand. Like when he's tickling me and I Iiterally have to beg him to stop or in this case when I peed myself, I just feel out of control. Not sure if that makes sense aha
I think I get it, it's just hard when you feel kind of like you have no control over what's going on. Or also just you don't like being tickled
Exactly! Well I used to think I liked being tickled but after this i think I'm traumatized aha
Ah so you need to have some normal tickle sessions without the peeing so that you can get used to the pleasure of it again. Then you'll forget about the trauma I was kind of disappointed, I was gonna start tickling my girlfriend (well, first seeing if she's ticklish) but then we broke up before I had the chance to try. It was a very smooth breakup and we're still cool with each other, but I never had the experience of getting her to laugh and move around from being tickled... it would've been so cute
Aww I'm sorry you missed out on experiencing that I think I enjoy being tickled by my boyfriend because it bonds us together and gives us a reason to laugh but there definitely should be a safety word when I'm being serious about stopping! Lol That would be enough for me to feel comfortable with being tickled again because it gives me a small bit of control lol
That's a good idea, you'll enjoy it again and he'll get to enjoy the ability to make you go crazy laughing and moving around
You're totally overreacting. I see he apologized and if he would have known you was serious, if he's smart, he would have stopped.
He should have stopped regardless lol Tickling is the worst when your actually super ticklish!! Aha
I'll bet he ain't tickling you no more or if he is, he'd better listen, lol.
One more thing, you need not be embarrassed. If he's a good dude and appreciates you, he isn't ever going to bring it up again. That would be my next move.
He already brought it up once lol and he was like "As long as you don't shit yourself it's all good ahaha." I wanted to kill him after that lol It seems that after the peeing incident he wants to tickle me more to get it to happen again aha which it won't
Now if the woman shits herself, you or any other, that's a horse of a different color! I don't know any woman that would laugh at that & actually the women I know would kick their boyfriends out. Probably husbands too.
Well luckily I've never shit myself in front of him lol That would be 10x more embarrassing unless I was giving birth to our future child in which case it would be somewhat acceptable aha
Totally acceptable if giving birth. There's just about nothing worse, you have the flu at work and I was sick as ****. I was a foreman and out on the floor with my crew when I thought I had to fart, butt (pun) my ass had other ideas. Good thing I had plenty of shower, dressing rooms and change of clothes. Terrible, the worst. Know if I'm ever sick, I stay home.
Lol Thanks for sharing. Even though it's quite embarrassing we're all just humans and sometimes these things can't be helped aha Although I've never burped or farted in front of the boyfriend, he jokes around saying he'll catch me doing it someday lol I hope not! By far the most embarrassing thing I've ever done in front of him lol
I heard my then wife race into the bathroom and she didn't have time to close the bathroom door. It was gross hearing it, she apologized and I'm telling you what I told her, she didn't have to apologize because **it happens.(pun) We both were sick with the flu.
You need reflexes like me. If someone were to tickle me their chance of me punching, head butting, kicking them is nearly guaranteed because I just have no control of what I'm doing. I get that sudden rush of autistic strength.
I don't know how to defend myself when I'm being tickled! Lol I literally become a helpless heap and just beg for them to stop as I squirm around trying to escape aha
I hope you ruined the couch too. It's not as funny otherwise.
No, the couch was still in perfect condition lol
Aww, that sucks. Get your boyfriend to do it again and this time DO IT PROPERLY
I swear I'm never gonna let him tickle me again lol I wish I had peed on him instead. That would have made his laughter end super fast aha What an asshole he is
lmao, yes, just pee on his favourite clothes, he might not bother doing it again.
He made me ruin one of my favorite pairs of pants lol so he deserves something! lol
I almost feel sorry for the guy now. I hope he makes you pee yourself again, you clearly deserve it
Hey, you're supposed to be on my side & feel sorry for me lol
I did but it's gone the other way now, I sense your evil soul. You need to be in constant bladder torture, sorry.
No I'm not lol I wouldn't actually do that lol but he embarrassed me so bad so that makes him the evil one lol
You just can't control your bladder, pissy pants ^_^ #roflwaffle
I honestly couldn't help it! Touche my friend lol
lmao, you do make me laugh though so I am forced to not hate you
It's his fault so nothing to feel embarrassed, or mortified about. That said you are overreacting a bit.
I know but I was so embarrassed and I didn't even know how to react! lol
At the moment it happened i can see how it would. Peeing yourself in front of your SO for any reason is nothing to rejoice about. But this was all in the context of fun and games, it is his fault, he didn't listen, now it's something you both should be able to laugh about. Unless he lets it slip in front of people. Then you smack him one
Thanks for your advice oh I never even considered that he might tell someone He honestly better not! I would probably never leave the house and become a hermit aha
I don't think it was that bad. it seems like an awkward bonding moment. it it generally a funny situation. more funny if he got some because then you both would be on the spot l.
I think I overreacted just a tad lol but it's because I felt so out of control from all that laughing he put me through! Lol
I would laugh as well, and feel sorry. And no it doesn't matter, so it ok woman
Why would that make you laugh? Lol the girl would probably wanna hide in embarrassment like me! Lol
That's one of the funniest things I've heard. Just make sure your boyfriend doesn't ever see the Scary movie 2 pee scene haha. One thing that did come to mind was this... are you sure he didn't want you to end up like that? With everything, I see it from many different angles...
I honestly don't know if he meant for that to happen lol but I do know he found it hilarious which just made me more annoyed at the time lol I was so pissed off (no pun intended) and he was laughing merrily
yes dear don't judge quickly. this incident remains between you then its fine but it goes out then u should react. by the way tell him not to laugh at this kind of situation
I really hope he keeps this embarrassing situation to himself lol I seriously think I would be forced to kill him if this story got out lol
At least he's comfortable enough
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