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A Ruined Orgasm - A Chaste Man's Worst Nightmare

MLA Style Citation:

Jameson, Sarah "A Ruined Orgasm - A Chaste Man's Worst Nightmare."
A Ruined Orgasm - A Chaste Man's Worst Nightmare .
1 Feb. 2011 EzineArticles.com.
16 Oct. 2022 < http://ezinearticles.com/?A-­Ruined-­Orgasm-­-­-­A-­Chaste-­Mans-­Worst-­Nightmare&id=5837972 >.

APA Style Citation:

Jameson, S. (2011, February 1). A Ruined Orgasm - A Chaste Man's Worst Nightmare .
Retrieved October 16, 2022, from http://ezinearticles.com/?A-­Ruined-­Orgasm-­-­-­A-­Chaste-­Mans-­Worst-­Nightmare&id=5837972

Chicago Style Citation:

Jameson, Sarah "A Ruined Orgasm - A Chaste Man's Worst Nightmare." A Ruined Orgasm - A Chaste Man's Worst Nightmare
EzineArticles.com . http://ezinearticles.com/?A-­Ruined-­Orgasm-­-­-­A-­Chaste-­Mans-­Worst-­Nightmare&id=5837972

Sarah Jameson  |  

Submitted On February 01, 2011

The ruined orgasm has to be the worst thing that can happen to any chaste man... but it's a wonderful punishment to subject him to if he's been pushing his luck. So let's see how to give a perfect... and perfectly torturous... ruined orgasm.
A ruined orgasm is one where as your man starts to orgasm... you simply stop all stimulation. Note you DO let him orgasm but you STOP as he's coming NOT before he comes.
I know, it sounds so innocent and harmless, but believe me, it will drive him virtually insane and, if my husband is to be believed (and there's no reason for him to lie about this), it's actually much worse than having no orgasm at all.
So, how do you give a man a ruined orgasm?
It's also a good alternative to milking, both internal and external (and despite the fact it's an orgasm of sorts, it's probably worse in terms of teasing and frustration than nothing at all, or that's what John says).
You can do it without and his leaking will provide lube all of its own, but it's much better if you have it there from the outset.
Next get him to lie down on his back with his hands behind his head or behind him. I don't usually do this, but given what's about to happen, it's a good idea for once. It's likely at this point he's once more going to have a raging hard on (but, as before, if he hasn't, then he soon will).
Make your forefinger and thumb into a circle, then circle his head,and, squeezing quite hard, slide your hand slowly all the way down his shaft to the base. As your first hand reaches the bottom, circle his head with the forefinger and thumb of the other hand and repeat the process.
Keep doing this, slowly so it's a never-ending cycle.
Now, your mileage may vary, but John gets right to the edge like this, but it's never enough to tip him over - and in this case, with the ruined orgasm - this is what we want.
So, once he's at the edge, and begging, and I mean really begging to come, if necessary change your technique so you're sliding your finger and thumb up and down head only.
Be sure to grip hard - you won't hurt him unless you actually pinch, and...
The Stimulation He'll Feel Is Mind-Blowing.
The other reason is you'll feel it start to pulse under your finger just as he starts to come.
And that's when you let go and stop all stimulation (this is why you might want to handcuff his hands behind him or above his head, to stop him "finishing off").
I guarantee at this point he's going to be bucking and twitching, moaning groaning and begging, pushing up with his hips just to get contact of any kind with anything (a nice tease is to hover your hand just above his pulsing member and move it away as he thrusts, keeping a small but oh-so-important distance between it and what he needs ­- stimulation!).
If you're SICK and TIRED of reading all the hype and nonsense about male chastity and ruined orgasms on made-up fantasy blogs and forums, and you want the 'real McCoy' from a real-life genuine 24/7 lifestyle couple, then...
... click the blue link and claim your FREE male chastity guide [http://www.malechastityblog.com/male-chastity-guide] and discover the truth about the ruined orgasm and why your man will love to hate it.
PLUS, if you act TODAY you can grab a copy of my brand NEW book 'How To Drive Your Man Insane with Desire - the Quick, Dirty and UNCENSORED Guide to Tease and Denial', guaranteed to get him bouncing off the ceiling with exquisite frustration
But HURRY! I'm giving away this Guide and 'How To Drive Your Man Insane with Desire' today and tomorrow ONLY, to anyone who visits my website! So if you're serious about male chastity and you ache for strict tease and denial and ruined orgasms get them before tomorrow night!
Your FREE guide and book are are waiting for you here: [http://www.malechastityblog.com/male-chastity-guide]
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So you think your mother-in-law is torturous? Or your boss with the lame sense of humor? Get a load of the following nine insane torture techniques used in different parts of the world to kill, dismember, or otherwise cause inordinate amounts of pain. We promise: you'll never use the word torturous the same way again.
As you probably know, bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants on earth. Although there's no real proof that it was used, Chinese Bamboo Torture took advantage of bamboo's propensity to grow quickly. How quickly? Well, some varieties in parts of China grow as much as three feet in a single day. In addition to ancient China, many believe that the Japanese used Chinese Bamboo Torture on POWs during WWII.
1. Tips of living bamboo were cut sharp to create a spear.
2. The victim was suspended horizontally above such a patch of bamboo.
3. The bamboo pierced through the victim's skin and continued to grow through his abdomen, ultimately causing one of the most painful deaths ever inflicted.
Watch the Mythbusters prove that Chinese Bamboo Torture is possible.
Like bamboo torture, the Iron Maiden is sometimes thought to be fictional. But this torture technique, using an upright sarcophagus with spikes on the inner surfaces, definitely existed. Invented in the late 18th century, this is the device that the metal band Iron Maiden took their name from.
1. The victim was forced into the spiked sarcophagus and shut in.
2. The short spikes welded into the chamber weren't long enough to kill anyone, but did plenty of damage and inflicted enough pain that an interrogator on the outside was usually able to get a confession.
3. If not, nails and other sharp objects like knives, were inserted into the chamber, inflicting more pain.
4. Generally, between the spikes and the knives, victims would bleed to death after said confession, or sometimes before.
5. Some Iron Maidens also had spikes in place to puncture the eyes.
The word scaphism comes from the Greek word skaphe, meaning scooped or hollowed. An ancient Persian method of torture, wherein the victim was eaten alive by bugs, scaphism was also known as "the boats" for reasons you'll understand momentarily.
1. A captive was stripped naked and chained to a pair of back-to-back narrow rowboats or hollowed out tree trunks.
2. The captive was then left to float on a stagnant pond.
3. He was then force fed copious amounts of milk and honey.
4. The victim would develop serious diarrhea, which would in turn attract insects.
5. The insects would then feed on the victim's exposed flesh.
The Choke Pear was popular during the Middle Ages. Crimes worthy of choke pear torture included blasphemy, lying, having a miscarriage, and homosexual intercourse. Depending on the crime, the torturer would insert the pear into a different part of the criminal's body. Women usually got it in the vagina, homosexuals in the anus, and liars and blasphemers in the mouth.
1. An instrument consisting of sharpened leaf-like segments was inserted into the victim's orifice.
2. The torturer turned a screw at the top, causing the leafs to open, slowly.
3. As the leafs separated, severe internal mutilation occurred.
Designed in ancient Greece, the Brazen Bull was a hollowed brass bull statue designed and invented by Perillos of Athens, commissioned, if you will, by Phalaris, the tyrant of Acragas in Sicily.
1. Victims were locked into the hollowed brass bull.
2. A fire was lit under the bull.
3. The victim was roasted alive.
4. The design of the bull's head was such that the victim's screams were made to sound like the bull roaring.
5. The scorched remains were often made into bracelets and sold at market.
One of the most widely recognized forms of bizarre torture, thanks in part to the movie 2 Fast 2 Furious , rat torture is thought to be an ancient Chinese technique. Below, however, we'll describe a particular form of rat torture developed by Diederik Sonoy, a leader during the Dutch revolt of the 16th century.
1. A prisoner was chained down naked on a table.
2. Large, heavy bowls with disease-infected rats were placed open-side down on the prisoner.
3. Hot charcoal was piled on top of the bowls, agitating the rats.
4. In an attempt to escape from the hot bowls, the rats would gnaw their way through the victim's flesh.
The Spanish Inquisition was known for its many torture devices, and the Judas Cradle was one of the most painful. Also known as the Judas chair, victims usually died of infection, as the seat was never cleaned between uses.
1. The victim was placed on top of a pyramid-shaped seat, with both legs tied together.
2. The chair's point was usually inserted into the anus or vagina, stretching the orifice.
3. The victim was slowly lowered via ropes.
4. The torture might last a few hours or, sometimes, a few days.
For thousands of years, crushing by elephant was a commonly practiced form of torture in Southeast Asia and India. Given the animals' sheer weight, intelligence and susceptibility to training (as we know from the circus), elephants were an obvious choice.
1. Victims were tied down on the floor.
2. Elephants were led into the room to stomp on the victim's head.
3. Often they prolonged the agony by first dismembering victims.
What short list of torture techniques would be complete without the infamous rack? Consisting of a long wooden board and a couple of rollers, the rack was first used on early Christian martyrs like Vincent of Saragossa, who was tortured to death around the year 300. And, as we've seen all too often in bad Hollywood films, as interrogation assistance, simply forcing a prisoner to watch someone else suffering on the rack was generally enough to get him talking. Anyone who survived the rack was generally unable to use his muscles for the remainder of his life. Good times!
1. The victim was chained to rollers at both ends of the device's wooden frame and then pulled in opposite directions.
2. By ratcheting up the tension on the rollers, the victim's limbs were ripped out of their sockets.
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