Tied And Stripped

Tied And Stripped


Tied And Stripped

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Woman opens up after being 'tortured' by bikie ex-partner
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Police arrest a man who allegedly assaulted woman after stand-off
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Published: 08:54 BST, 20 September 2018 | Updated: 09:48 BST, 20 September 2018
The woman who claimed her bikie ex boyfriend abducted her, shaved part of her head and violently assaulted her for two days, has revealed she will now shave the rest of her hair off.
Cheyane Lubec, 22, claimed she was kidnapped by Gypsy Joker associate Chad Hogg on Sunday and taken to the gang's clubhouse in Horsley Park, 40km west of Sydney .
She was allegedly stripped naked, tied to a pole, gagged, beaten and had her hair shaven off.
Ms Lubec has said she will now shave off the rest of her hair, which will be yet another reminder of her ordeal, Nine News reported.
After revealing the shocking abuse she allegedly suffered at the hands of her bikie gang member boyfriend, Cheyane Lubec (pictured) said she will now shave the rest of her hair off
 She said having her head shaved was the most humiliating part of the entire alleged ordeal 
'I would have preferred he cut off my finger than shave my hair off, I don't know who I am anymore,' she told 9 News. 
She said Mr Hogg had allegedly laughed as he shaved her hair off, knowing what it meant to her. 
Thoughts of seeing her mother and sisters helped her get through the whole ordeal Mr Lubec told 9 News. 
Police arrested Hogg on Tuesday following a tense stand-off at the clubhouse after Ms Lubec courageously fled for her life in a desperate dash for freedom earlier that day.
Ms Lubec (pictured before ordeal) claimed she was abducted by Chad Hogg and taken to the Gypsy Joker clubhouse where she was stripped naked, tied to a pole, gagged, beaten and had her hair shaven off
Ms Lubec claimed Hogg (pictured) laughed while shaving the hair from her scalp in what was the final disgusting act of two days of humiliation at the hands of her former boyfriend
Hogg was already on bail and had a domestic violence order taken out against him after he allegedly strangled Ms Lubec with an electrical cord in July.
She claimed Hogg laughed while shaving the blonde hair from her scalp after two alleged days of humiliation at the hands of her former boyfriend.
'He shaved off my hair and he took pictures and he was laughing while he was doing it,' Ms Lubec said.
She was not able to scream for help as her mouth was allegedly closed shut with duct tape. 
'I would have preferred him to take a finger than to shave off my hair,' she said.
She claims she was duct taped at the wrists and ankles and forced into a position where she was hugging a wooden pole inside the clubhouse.  
She claimed Hogg laughed while shaving the blonde hair from her scalp after two alleged days of humiliation at the hands of her former boyfriend
Ms Lubec said she sustained bruising and fractures to her face, and claimed she now had blurred vision in one of her eyes and was unable to breathe properly out of her nose. 
Ms Lubec claimed her terror came to a dramatic end when Hogg drove her to a a fast food restaurant in south Penrith for her first meal in two days.
She said she was able to retrieve her phone from inside a plastic bag in the glove box, as well as her handbag, and hide in a bush across the road after Hogg left the car to place an order. She then called the police.
'I am very grateful to be alive,' Ms Lubec said.
The 29-year-old man with alleged ties to the Gypsy Jokers allegedly forced Ms Lubec into his Ford Mustang in Cambridge Park on Sunday.  
Cheyane Lubec (pictured) was allegedly kidnapped, held hostage and violently assaulted by her bikie ex-parter for two days 
Ms Lubec claimed her terror came to a dramatic end when Hogg drove her to a a fast food restaurant in south Penrith for her first meal in two days
Hogg was the subject of a domestic violence order due to a different alleged attack earlier in the year. 
He was not allowed to contact Ms Lubec under the DVO conditions, the result of an alleged incident in July - but she claims he has been contacting her constantly since then. 
'He held me at a Bungalow across the road from Nepean River for three days,' Ms Lubec said of the alleged July attack.
Ms Lubec said she sustained bruising and fractures to her face, and claimed she now had blurred vision in one of her eyes and was unable to breath properly out of her nose
'The blood vessels in my throat are damaged after he strangled me with an electrical cord.'  
Mr Hogg was arrested and charged but was given bail by police and twice more by a magistrate when he fronted court over the alleged incident. 
Police from Nepean Police Area Command commenced an investigation after speaking with the Ms Lubec, who was taken to hospital in a stable condition.
Hogg was not allowed to contact Ms Lubec under the DVO conditions, the result of an alleged incident in July - but she claims he has been contacting her constantly since then
At 2.10pm on Tuesday, officers attended the Horsley Drive clubhouse, where Hogg was arrested after a tense two-hour stand-off.
He allegedly tried to flee but was intercepted by officers from Fairfield Police Area Command with the assistance of Traffic and Highway Patrol Command, the Public Order and Riot Squad and further specialist police. 
He was taken to Fairfield Police Station where he was charged with assault occasioning actual bodily harm, taking or detaining a person with intent to obtain advantage cause actual bodily harm, breaching an AVO, and stalking.
He was refused bail and will appear at Fairfield Local Court on Wednesday.
Police from Nepean Police Area Command commenced an investigation after speaking with the Ms Lubec (right), who was taken to hospital in a stable condition
She said she was able to retrieve her phone from inside a plastic bag in the glove box, as well as her handbag, and hide in a bush across the road after Hogg left the car to place an order
Hogg then allegedly drove her to the outlaw gang's clubhouse in Horsley Park, 40km west of Sydney, where police claim she was bound to a pole and assaulted for two days
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Published by Associated Newspapers Ltd
Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media Group

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
Stripped, Tied Up, and Tickled: My First Time
Part I

Scott and I had been good friends since the fifth grade. We were both new to the school, each having moved from different cities, and we bonded right away. And now five years later, in our sophomore year of high school, we still have lunch together, hang out together, study together. We’ve never been romantic (although I think each of us has thought about it for a moment from time to time). We’re just good friends, and that’s really great.

For a long time, I have known that Scott has a thing about tickling. He really likes doing it. He’ll sneak up from behind me and grab me around the waist and really make me laugh hard. It’s never anything sexual. Frankly, I don’t know what he likes about it so much. But it’s rare that we’ll be together and he doesn’t try to tickle me in some way. On my belly, around the waist, under the arms, on my sides, and so on. I don’t mind. It’s cute when he does it, and I’m kind of flattered. Maybe he just likes hearing the sound of my laugh!

Over the past couple of years, he makes jokes about wanting to tie me up and tickle me. It sounds kind of weird to me, but I smile, telling him it’s never going to happen. But he does keep asking. He is persistent. But I guess that’s just not my thing. So I reassure him how much he means to me, and “thanks for asking,” but “no.” He doesn’t seem to mind.

Scott’s sixteenth birthday was coming up in a couple of weeks, and I wanted to get him something special for his birthday. He had been really looking forward to getting his driver’s license, and I knew he would want to do something special to celebrate. We were riding our bikes together one day (as we often did) and I asked him, “Anything in particular you’ve been thinking that you want from me for your birthday?” He didn’t miss a beat. With no delay, he looked right at me, longingly, and said, “Yes, actually. I want you to let me tie you up and tickle you.”

I laughed it off. He’d been asking that of me for years.

“No, really. Is there something special you want from me for your birthday?”

He stopped peddling and came to a stop. So did I. He looked at me, innocently, sweetly, and hopefully. “Yes. Really. Kaylie, I want you to let me tie you up and tickle you.”

I was taken aback. He had been joking about this for so long. But here it was. A real ask. He really wanted me to do this for him… and for his sixteenth birthday, no less. It saddened me to tell him “no,” but I did. And once again, he took the rejection in stride. Although he did seem disappointed that I wasn’t going to grant him his birthday wish this year. It distressed me a bit too, but like I said, that’s not really my thing.

A few days later, with his birthday approaching, we were talking about some ways to celebrate. Maybe a party at my house with some friends; going to an amusement park; or even just a nice dinner out somewhere. He’s a really good guy, and he had dropped the tickling thing. He didn’t bring it up again. But I knew how much he wanted it.

I went to bed that night thinking about it. How bad could it really be, I thought, to be tied up and tickled. I mean, Scott’s a really good, sweet guy. It’s not like I felt like it would be unsafe or threatened in any way. We were best friends. I couldn’t believe I was even entertaining the thought. I mean, I’ve never been tied up like that with anyone. Really, there hasn’t been anyone that I would do that with. Neither Scott or I had really dated much. Other than going to school dances (which we would usually go to with each other, just as friends), neither of us had been in a romantic relationship with anyone. It wasn’t a big deal. We just hadn’t. But in the end, I couldn’t do it. So I fell asleep, okay with my decision—but still disheartened that I wouldn’t be able to do this for him.

A couple of days later, Scott and I were having lunch. He brought it up again, saying, “Kaylie, I’m sorry I brought up about the tickling thing. Don’t worry about it. We’ll do something else and it will be great.” He put up a good front, and I really appreciated how considerate he was in wanting to make me feel better. Still, I could see in his eyes that he was let down.

His birthday was now just one week away. If we were going to plan a party, we needed to do it. We started figuring out who we would invite, and we were making some plans for food, and so on. The next day, I was going to make some fun “Sixteenth Birthday” invitation cards and give them to our friends at school.

Again, that night as I was lying in bed, I was thinking about it. Really, how bad could it be to be tied up and tickled? I’m really ticklish, but I guess that’s what he likes about it. Surely, I could endure it for a few minutes. It’s not like there’s anything sexual about it. He does it all the time. It’s just that this time, I would be tied up. My heart started beating faster as I considered it. It really would be such a great gift to give him.. something he would remember for the rest of his life. At that moment, it was like my body was disconnected from my brain. My hand reached for my phone next to my bed, and I called Scott.

It was ringing.

“Hey, Kaylie,” he said, having seen my name come up his phone. “What’s up?”

“You win.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ll do it.”

“Do what?” He really had no idea what I was talking about.

“I will let you tie me up and tickle me for your birthday.” As I moved my lips, my brain couldn’t believe what I was saying. It’s like it was in slow motion.


“Don’t tease me,” came his surprised and skeptical voice through the phone.

“No, really. I will do it. I will let you tie me up and tickle me. If that’s what you really want.”

“Are you serious?”

“Hey, don’t keep asking me, or I might change my mind!”

“Wow. Kaylie. You are amazing. This is going to be great. Oh, you will love it. Thank you!”

“So you just need to tell me when and where, and I’ll be ready.”

He was so excited. The tone in his voice was so joyful. I was really going to be giving him a special gift. And I felt good about that. I was a little nervous, not knowing exactly what to expect. But I was feeling good about my decision.

The next day, when Scott saw me at school, he ran up to me, gave me a big hug, picked me up, and twirled me around. This surprised me (in a good way) and it made my heart race just a bit. He was all smiles.

His birthday was coming up that Saturday. Since my parents and brother were going to be out of town that weekend visiting colleges, we decided that he would come over to my house after lunch. Then we would have the whole afternoon and evening to hang out—and for me to give him his gift.

Last edited by TheBlushingPrincess on Thu Oct 21, 2021 9:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Stripped, Tied Up, and Tickled: My First Time
Part II

At long last, Saturday arrived. Right on schedule, Scott arrived at my house on his bike shortly after lunch. He came in and we hung out for a few minutes before heading up to my bedroom where I would give him his present.

He was in a great mood (and why wouldn’t he be, knowing what was coming?) and we were laughing and having a great time. Once we arrived in my room, he casually kicked off his shoes, as he would normally do when he came over, and he opened a small bag. In the bag, were four silk scarves. As we were talking he walked all around my bed and tied the ends of the scarves to the bed posts. I saw where this was going. It was time to get down to business.

Scott began. “Okay. Well, you should probably get undressed before I tie you up. That’ll be easier.”

Whoa! What?

“Get undressed?” I asked, dumbfounded. “Since when is that part of the equation?”

“Well, look at what you’re wearing,” he said matter-of-factly, explaining the obvious. “You’ve got that big, thick sweater and those running shoes and socks. I mean, I wouldn’t be able to access any skin. It really would be much better if we can have direct contact.”

I could see his point. It was valid. “Well, how about this. I’ll lose the shoes and socks, and change into a tank top.” The negotiations had begun.

He thought about it for a second. After a beat, he admitted, “Honestly, I had really hoped you would be undressed.”

There was a long pause, as we each considered our negotiating positions.

I interjected, still matter-of-factly and business-like, “You’ve really got this planned out, haven’t you.” He sheepishly nodded his head.

There was another pause as we each contemplated our next move.

I broke the silence. “If I ask you a question, will you give me an honest answer?”

“You bet.”

I looked him in the eye. “Have you jacked off while thinking about tickling me, undressed, tied to the bed?”

He froze. Deer in the headlights. I had caught him. Then, after a short delay, came the reply. “What? Absolutely not! No. Well, maybe... Well, yes. Definitely yes.”

I wasn’t surprised. I knew that guys jack off thinking about the girls they know. It didn’t bother me.

“That’s fine.” I replied. “I’m not mad. I just wanted to know. Because you really seem to have something very specific in mind,” I smiled.

I thought about my next move. Surely there was some additional concession I could make. I didn’t want to ruin his birthday gift. But at the same time, I had absolutely no intention of stripping. I mean, I’ve got a cute body with nice curves in the right places. That wasn’t the thing at all. It’s just that no boy has ever seen me undressed. So as far as I was concerned, that was not on the table.

“How about this,” I offered, attempting to negotiate in good faith. “How about if I change out of my jeans and put on a pair of running shorts?” That seemed very reasonable to me. “So I’d be wearing a tank top, running shorts, and no shoes or socks. Will that work for you?”

I could see him thinking. Clearly, he had been playing this out in his mind for some time, and my wearing a shirt and shorts were assuredly not part of his vision. But the ball was in his court now. I’ll admit, the negotiation was stimulating.

“How about this,” he replied, as we worked out the details in a high-stakes game of give-and-take. “We
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