Tie Fetish

Tie Fetish


Tie Fetish

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Open discussions about the various fetishes.

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================================================ The Fetishes Forum is now closed for new posts. It is against the Forum Rules to discuss Fetishes as the main topic of a post anywhere at PsychForums. ================================================ You are entering a forum that contains discussions of a sexual nature, some of which are explicit. The topics discussed may be offensive to some people. Please be aware of this before entering this forum.

Hi thanks for letting me join the forum. I have a serious shirt and tie fetish. It's got to the point where I do not have sex with someone else very often, it must have been about a year now, despite that I have a high sex drive. In order for me to get t urned on if I was to have sex with somebody else, I must, and I mean, must be wearing a shirt with a really tight collar and a really tight tie. In order to masturbate I can't unless I'm at least looking at photos of myself wearing a shirt and tie. I'm female and after looking into things it seems this fetish is mainly a gay mens fetish which seems odd. More recently I've been finding it hard to masturbate unless I'm actually wearing a shirt and tie as opposed to just looking at photos. I've been this way since as far back as I can remember. I also enjoy dressing fully in mens formal wear, especially vintage clothing, like the old stiff, starched separate collars with studs etc. I like waistcoats, tie pins, collar bars, sock suspenders etc etc, but the thing that really does it for me is when I do up my top button of my collar and tie my tie nice and tight. I also have to wear my tie in a certain way apart from tight....I like it to jutt out from my neck, so it's sort of standing out or standing to attention, I like my ties striped and silky feeling. When I masturbate I touch my tie and rub it. I also like to keep fully clothed when I do have sex or masturbate, I don't like to be nude. It might help if I list some other fetishes I have, such as enjoying being urinated on, BDSM, etc. I'm not sure where else to turn to for help now to be honest...I feel so alone as weird considering it's supposed to be a gay mans fetish!

I dunno, the idea of a girl wanting to do it in a shirt and tie is pretty hot. I don't think it's all that terrible. There plenty of imagery and memes of girls in varying states of drag. E.g., Bangles. In Your Room. While I'm gone Susanna Hoffs is gonna try on all my clothes. Sexy. Sounds fairly harmless to me.

Tell someone you love them today, for Life is short. But scream it at them in Klingon, for Life is also confusing and terrifying. We do not delete posts. Without (forum) rules we all might as well be up in a tree flinging our crap at each other. All fear Whip Cream Head!
I do wish I had more female paraphiliacs to tell you about, but remember that the most conservative estimate suggests a male-to-female paraphilia ratio of 99 to 1. This enormous gender gap appears across the almost infinite range of sexual deviance, too. There are two exceptions. First are the objectum sexuals (people who desire or fall in love with inanimate objects - poster's insertion), given that women appear to be just as likely as men to have the rare object personification synesthesia that may be behind that paraphilia. The other is sadomasochism, where males outnumber females by only 20 to 1. Bering, Jesse (2013-10-08). Perv: The Sexual Deviant in All of Us (p. 122). Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Kindle Edition.

As a person with one among several fetishes that Dan Savage characterizes as a "fetish too far," I can sympathize — indeed, empathize! — with you as you deal with your fetish. For most of my life, which on some days seems to have gone on way too long, I have struggled with the belief that I my "too far" fetish makes me unique on the planet. Just a few years ago, two psychologists managed to convince me that my fetish is not all that uncommon, and even if it is, so what? I enjoy it, it doesn't hurt anyone else, and it helps me cope with my high libido in a marriage with a vanilla woman who has a very low libido. Just as we often don't understand why we are saddled with particular fetishes, we also don't understand that they are just as much a part of us as our eye and hair colour, our build, our skin colour, and our level of intelligence. Just as we can't change our eyes, hair, skin, and brains, neither can we change our fetishes. My advice: Do what you need to do as often as you feel a need to do it, and don't worry about it. I can tell you honestly that if you and I were in a relationship, I'd have no problem dealing with your fetish, as long as you could deal with mine. And I'd even pee on you, if you'd return the favour! Other

Hi Lame 44, Just a quick message: This is not only a gay men's fetish. Google for "women in shirt and tie" and you'll see there are many straight men (and women) interested in this fetish. It's hot, don't try to fight it. There's an active community on Flickr exchanging photos and enjoying the fetish. Best, Nzh3

This is not a fetish to be embarrassed about at all.....When people like to see/have sex with a woman wearing a bikini it's not seen as a bad thing, this fetish is the same.....People like certain outfits as it arouses more then other outfits........I have enjoyed this fetish for years, since i was a kid....couple of my female teachers used to regularly wear shirt and tie suit outfits, i couldn't wait to get to class when they did lol. I'm strictly fond of the white stiff color shirt with dark solid colour tie......a nice fitting suit jacket with skirt is good.......Don't be Embarrassed to talk about this with your partner, they should be ok with it, if you like wearing it while your being intimate that shouldn't be cause for discomfort or awkwardness for them.......One of my ex girlfriends told me she wants to have a serious chat, i said ok......she said she really gets turned on when i get home from football and still got my kit on while its all dirty and muddy, and that shes been stressing to tell me she wants to always have sex with me still wearing it.......I told her not to stress it's not a problem.........I said in return you have to wear shirt and tie for me.......she was thrilled

i`ve had shirt and tie fetish for as long as i can remember,probably began as early as junior school.I loved the formality of tight shirt collar and tightly knotted neck tie,i still do.I usually masturbate quite vigorously whilst wearing them and I often wear them solely to masturbate or have sexual encounters.

I have a serious shirt and tie fetish and smart clothes generally. This started as a phobia when I was a child, when I hated wearing school uniform, particularly short trousers, but over the years it developed into a fetish. I still had a fear of wearing a shirt and tie in public, but in recent times, I have had the courge to start wearing a shirt and tie in public even though I don't need to. I am not required to wear a shirt and tie for my work, for example. I work as a volunteer receptionist, and I wear a shirt and tie for that, which I don't need to, but I like to. It's no good wearing a tie loosely, either. The top button of the shirt has to be done up and the tie tied tightly. It really turns me on, and when I get home, I often continue to wear the shirt and tie. Apart from the sexual fetish, wearing a tie also makes me feel confident. When I want to masturbate, I usually have to wear a shirt and tie. It may be considered weird by some, but it is not doing anyone any harm, and I am not doing myself any harm, and I would say it is an acceptable fetish because no-one bats an eyelid at someone wearing a shirt and tie, unless it is on the beach or some other unusual place.

Thanks. And I know what you mean Pezza, I must have my tie worn fully done up, really tight and the collar must be done up too. I've even bought shirts that are smaller sizes to make sure the collar is tight around my neck. Just feel so alone with it all though.

Lame44 wrote: Thanks. And I know what you mean Pezza, I must have my tie worn fully done up, really tight and the collar must be done up too. I've even bought shirts that are smaller sizes to make sure the collar is tight around my neck. Just feel so alone with it all though.

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