Tickling Stories Archive

Tickling Stories Archive


Tickling Stories Archive

The Feather will find you!
Avengers: Knismo Initiative - Scarlet Witch
Profile Report: Wanda Maximoff, AKA the Scarlet Witch Miss Maximoff, with one of the stranger sets of abilities this facility has been witness to, did not require any more security than our facility had to offer. Her powers are mysterious, not well understood, and, at one point, were a point of confusion and real fear among our team of technicians. Once restrained, powers nullified, she became like any other non-augmented humanoid, and submitted to sensory experiment. That did not stop her from attempting to prevent the experiments, using those powers to try and interfere with the parameters of the session. “Engaging systems. Prepare for sensory testing.” Speakers to the booth like a theater held the automated voice and carried in to the short, leg length space between Wanda and the wall in front of her, were right behind her. If there hadn’t been a gap from there to the door—where she h
Avengers: Knismo Initiative - The Wasp
Profile Report: Hope van Dyne, AKA the Wasp To our surprise—at least at first—it didn’t take Miss van Dyne long to break down and succumb to the most trying aspects of our experiments. Within minutes of the first session she had been subject to, Miss van Dyne exhibited some of the strongest resistance we had seen yet, possibly the most desperate we had seen to escape the circumstances of the experiment, and then immediately lost that resistance and succumbed to a total loss of stamina. While we didn’t see it fitting to stop the experiment or to let up on Miss van Dyne, it certainly changed the nature of it. The experiments in testing the ticklishness and overall sensitivity of unusually-powerful humanoids are often, in large part, tests of stamina. Miss van Dyne did not exhibit any particularly unusual traits in terms of her own ticklishness, she seemed to be right in the middle and possess perfectly average sensitivity. However, some aspect of h
Avengers: Knismo Initiative - Agent Peggy Carter
Profile Report: Agent Peggy Carter Obtaining Miss Carter, though the difficulty was not nearly as high on any scale of deadliness, was arguably the most difficult subject to get into our labs. Finding her through the dimensional scales and through as many time travel instances as we could was no small feat. Strangely, Miss Carter seemed to be just as ticklish as the rest. More than average, in fact. In our estimates, a human female from a more primitive era of human civilization should have suffered more nerve damage from less available resources and more general wear from harder living conditions. None of these seemed to be a factor to her body—and, in fact, if anything, we were able to reach the more primal reactions we were hoping to find in the first place from Miss Carter much faster than we had anticipated thanks to these factors. Miss Carter’s skin was much softer, more malleable than we could have hoped for. The outlying factor seemed to be a stronge
Avengers: Knismo Initiative - Black Widow
Profile Report: Natasha Romanoff, AKA the Black Widow The infamous Black Widow... in this case, our chief representative of the Avengers. Getting Miss Romanoff to comply with our experiments was difficult at first. The application and content of our sessions, however, was enough to break through that barriers—and from there, it was just a matter of breaking through the rest. “ Nn-nuuuh!! Aaahaaah~ Naaaaah~!! Ghahaaahaaahaaahaaahaaa~!! ” Natasha had only so much strength before she broke into a laughing fit—before she collapsed further. Only so much willpower to resist what was done to her—the intense, ticklish sensations racking her body. The middles of the roller-brushes were flexible. They looked like they were bending to press against the curve of her underarms, pressing as though they could get more surface area of the skin if they just pressed in and forced the s
Who Ever Heard of Tickling Darth Vader?
David Prowse played Darth Vader in the Star Wars movies. He did not get to perform the character’s voice, but he still enjoyed donning that black suit, black cloak, and shiny black helmet to portray the iconic villain’s physical form. It was a fun experience. While on break from filming a Star Wars movie, David was approached by a man who asked if he would be interested in a modeling gig. “We’re looking for a tickle model,” the man explained to the actor/bodybuilder. David just stared at the man in disbelief. “We want a male with a nice body. Would you be interested?”“I don’t understand,” David said with a slight grimace. “What is a ‘tickle model’? What would I have to do?”The man smiled. “The work is remarkably simple. You get tied up and somebody tickles you for 30 to 45 minutes.”“…What? Why?” David inquired. “It’s a fetish, Mr. Prowse.”“ Tickle fetish ?” David was stunned. He had never heard of such a thing before. “That’s right,” the man replied, rather proudly. “Now I have to ask you some questions…Are you ticklish?”“I suppose.”“How ticklish are you? Where is your most ticklish spot?”“I…I don’t know.”“Would you like to come in for a session?”David asked how much he would be paid. The man then told him exactly how much he would be paid…and it was quite a lot.David did not want to be tickled, nor did he want to be involved in fetish material. However, the money was certainly tempting.Being somewhat naïve, David accepted the job on the promise of easy money. It was just a little tickling. How bad could it be?When he arrived at the studio, David noticed very few women working there. In fact, he found himself surrounded by beefcake. He could sense eyes on his body from the first moment he stepped into the building. They led him to a room where the tickling would be filmed. There was a padded chair with restraints for the arms. There were stocks that lay open and waiting for a pair of feet. He was welcomed by a young man in a white tank top who he presumed would do the tickling.“I’m Tom,” he said, smiling as he shook David’s hand. “It’s an honor to meet you, sir.”David bit his lip, shuddering as he observed the chair and stocks that awaited him. Tom asked him to start undressing. Suddenly, David realized something. This modeling session…This situation…It was gay-themed. It was intended for a gay audience. Upon his suspicion, David asked Tom if this was actually the case.“Of course,” he answered. “We wanted a male model. What did you expect?”David calmly explained to the crew that he was not homosexual and did not want anyone masturbating on him or poking around near his private parts. They assured him that his boundaries would be respected.David removed his shoes and socks. He took off his shirt and got started on his pants. “Can I keep my underwear on?” he asked hopefully.“Yes,” Tom chuckled, finding the innocence of this man endearing. David took off his belt, unzipped his pants, and sat down to remove his pants. Now, he was clad in only his underwear. “Tell us a little about yourself,” Tom said, nodding towards the camera that had begun rolling.David looked at the camera, and, despite his nervousness, spoke with total confidence. He introduced himself and provided some background information. He spoke of his acting roles in Star Wars and A Clockwork Orange. “Wow,” Tom said, smirking. “I actually get to tickle Darth Vader. Can you believe it?”That comment made David cringe. “Can we just get this over with?”Tom laughed. “Certainly! Let’s get you tied up, Dave.”David made himself as comfortable as possible on the padded chair. They locked his bare feet in the stocks and tied his toes back with string. They cuffed his hands over his head, leaving his hairy armpits and muscular torso unprotected. Tom then put a blindfold over David’s eyes, much to his confusion. “The blindfold makes things more interesting,” he explained, smirking. “You won’t know where I’m going to strike!”David took a deep breath and prepared himself. He really didn’t know how ticklish he was, or in what spots. The blindfold added to his anxiety, but on the bright side, if Tom happened to get a boner at least David wouldn’t have to see it. He waited, bracing himself for the oncoming tickles. “This should be very interesting,” Tom spoke, winking at the camera. “Let’s begin.”David flinched when he felt a touch on his upper body. Fingers danced along his ribcage, digging gently between his ribs. A big smile spread across David’s face. He began to giggle, and soon his giggles turned into laughter."AAAHahahahahahaha! HEY! Stohohohohop thahahahahat!" he laughed, trying to squirm away from the offending fingers.“Does that tickle?” Tom asked teasingly. “Y-YES!” David cried, squirming as much as his bonds would allow. His cheeks flushed as he laughed and giggled. Without warning, Tom switched tactics. His fingers began scratching in David’s exposed underarms.“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NO! FUCK, STOP! I CAN’T TAKE IT!” David howled, cursing and thrashing violently. As it turned out, he was way more ticklish than he thought he would be! As Tom tickled his underarms, David threw his head back as he laughed which exposed his neck and made it vulnerable. Tom took advantage of this; he reached up and tickled David’s outstretched neck and collarbone, making him shriek and scrunch up his shoulders defensively. Tom went back to tickling his underarms, only to tickle David’s neck again when he exposed it. A cruel trick…but beautifully effective as David’s neck and collarbone were just as ticklish as his underarms. After what seemed like forever, Tom stopped but only to find a new tickle spot. David caught his breath, cheeks bright red and tears soaking his blindfold. “No more, please, no more,” David begged, shaking his head frantically. “Please, I didn’t know I was so ticklish…Let me out!”“Sorry, Davy,” Tom said, giving him a pat on the chest. “But you signed up for a 45-minute session, and it’s only been 15 minutes.”David yelped when ten fingers made contact with his belly. He burst into uncontrollable laughter.“YOUFUCKINGBASTARD! HAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHEHEHEHEHEE!” Tom smiled evilly, scribbling his fingers all over David’s toned belly. “Coochie coochie coochie coo!”David had never imagined that something as childish as tickling could be such torture. He writhed and bucked in his seat, fighting in vain to free himself. He cursed and threatened Tom, and he cursed himself for accepting this job. Suddenly, David felt something soft swirling around in his belly button. The sensation was devastatingly ticklish, and David let out a shrill scream before falling into hysterical laughter.Tom was tickling his belly button with a long, blue feather. “Oh, Dave, is there any place you’re not violently ticklish?” he asked, laughing right along with him.Finally, Tom ceased his assault on David’s poor tummy and belly button. He moved over to David’s vulnerable bare feet, unbeknownst to David because of his blindfold.David gasped for air, trying to regain his composure. Tears stained his bright red cheeks and sweat drenched his massive body. It had been 30 minutes so far.“Is it…is it over yet?” he whimpered. Tom had a sadistic grin on his face.David squealed when he felt Tom’s fingers scribbling on the soles of his feet. He threw his head back and screamed with laughter, tears pouring down his crimson cheeks. He arched his back, writhing and thrashing with every ounce of his bodybuilder-level strength, and it was a wonder the restraints could still hold him. He laughed harder and louder than ever before in his life! “AAAAAAAAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NO, NO, NOT THEEEEERE! PLEEEEASE STOOOOP! PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEEEASE!”He begged and pleaded for mercy, but Tom was merciless. He screamed out every curse word he knew, but that only encouraged Tom to tickle him worse.“Dave, I think we found your most ticklish spot,” Tom announced as he tickled David’s feet, paying special attention to his arches.The minutes passed by, and eventually a crewman informed Tom that he had only 5 minutes left.“You hear that, Dave? There’s 5 minutes left, and I’m going to make every second count,” Tom said as he grabbed a hairbrush and viciously raked it up and down David’s soles.Nothing could have prepared David for the hairbrush torture. It was the most horrible, unbearable, and excruciating tickle torture David had ever experienced. He convulsed with shrieking laughter, sweat dripped from his every pore, and he almost passed out.Those last 5 minutes seemed like eternity to poor David, but finally, he was free to go. They unlocked and opened the stocks, freed his hands, and removed the blindfold. David clutched his aching sides, panting and breathless. He wanted to beat the life out of Tom, but he was too exhausted to do anything but beg for a glass of water. He was dehydrated from crying and sweating. They gave him some water, and he drank the whole pitcher. He got dressed, snatched his check, and left the studio without another word. On the positive side, he did get his money and his boundaries were respected. As for Tom, he was just doing his job. David Prowse learned many things from his experience as a tickle model. He learned that he was a very ticklish person. He learned that his most ticklish spot was his feet, especially the arches. He learned about the strange world of tickle fetishists. He learned a valuable lesson – which was, NEVER accept another modeling job like this one!The End
This story is based on the 1968 version of Romeo and Juliet, directed by Franco Zeffirelli. I KNOW the characters in the real movie don’t talk like this, but I updated the dialogue to make it more modern because I can’t write poetic Shakespearean dialogue (I suck at writing!). The last thing Tybalt remembered was being knocked unconscious. When he awoke, he found himself tied spread eagle on a sturdy table wearing nothing but his underwear. Furious and confused, he immediately began struggling, only to learn that he was completely immobilized. He shouted curses and threats at the two young men standing over him. Romeo and Mercutio were his captors. It was actually Mercutio’s idea. He wanted to play a practical joke on Tybalt. Romeo had been skeptical about the prank but agreed to help Mercutio. The two friends had captured Tybalt, stripped him to his undies, and tied him to the table.“What is the meaning of this?” Tybalt demanded, clenching his fists in rage. “Untie me at once!” “Calm down,” Romeo said softly. “My clothes, my shoes…,” Tybalt whimpered in utter disbelief. “Where are they?”“Not to worry,” Romeo assured him. “We shall return your belongings when we are finished.”Tybalt was getting angrier and more confused by the minute. He cursed, struggling with all his might to get loose. “Finished with what ? What will you do to me?!”Mercutio pursed his lips and moved closer to the Capulet, standing directly over him. The blonde wasted no time getting to the point.“Poor little Tybalt,” Mercutio sighed, smirking down at their enraged hostage. “Word has reached my ears that you are rather…ticklish.”Tybalt froze. His grey blue eyes widened in horror.“Yes… I know ,” Mercutio said with an evil grin. “Romeo told me.”“My lady told me,” Romeo chimed in.Tybalt was terrified. He swallowed a plea of mercy, determined not to lose his dignity. He knew that he was extremely ticklish. It was his greatest weakness. “Me? Ticklish?” he said, clearly trembling. “Ha! Nonsense!”Mercutio and Romeo smiled down at him. They said nothing…just stared and smiled.“I am not t-ticklish,” Tybalt lied, doing his best “brave” look.Mercutio did an experiment. He brought his hands over Tybalt’s body and wiggled his fingers at him. Tybalt smiled and burst into panicked giggles, cringing away from the hovering fingers.Mercutio burst out laughing. “Oh, I think somebody is very ticklish indeed!” Romeo chuckled. “I wonder where he is most ticklish?”“I am so eager to know!” Mercutio grinned, his sky blue eyes sparkling with mischief. “Let us find out, shall we?” “No! Don’t you dare touch me!” Tybalt shouted, cringing.Mercutio ignored him and jumped onto the table, straddling Tybalt’s waist. He began scribbling his fingers in Tybalt’s exposed armpits.Tybalt exploded with laughter. He squirmed and bucked on the table, trying in vain to pull his arms down. “No! Stop!” Tybalt cried. “That tickles!”Romeo smiled, coming over to join the fun. He started tickling the right armpit while Mercutio continued on the left one. They reduced the hot-tempered Capulet to a begging, pleading wreck. He laughed and laughed, turning bright red on his cheeks. “Aww, who’s ticklish? Who’s a ticklish little boy?” Mercutio cooed tauntingly. “Tybalt is! Yes, he is! He is so tickly!”Romeo let Mercutio do the teasing. He was just happy to be tickling the daylights out of Juliet’s feisty cousin. Tybalt always did hate the Montagues. Now, Romeo was making him pay for treating his family like crap for so long.They tickled his pits for fifteen minutes, and then Romeo started tickling his sides which proved to be another weak spot. Mercutio’s fingers dug into his ribcage, and he began counting the ribs slowly and torturously. Mercutio constantly teased him with baby talk. “PLEASE STOP!” he shrieked, desperate for relief. Mercutio suggested they get his stomach next, much to Tybalt’s horror. While his underarms, sides, and ribs were insanely ticklish, his stomach was even worse!“No, please, I beg of you!” Tybalt whimpered. “Not my belly!”Mercutio just laughed at him. He and Romeo turned their attention to Tybalt’s vulnerable stomach. Mercutio started by spidering his fingers along the quivering tummy.Tybalt let out a high-pitched scream before plunging into hysterical laughter. Mercutio grinned in sadistic glee. He began to gently squeeze Tybalt’s tummy, and Romeo did the same. As Tybalt howled with laughter, his entire face turned bright red, and tears came rolling down his hot cheeks. He writhed and thrashed with all his strength but could not get away. He tried to beg for mercy, but he was laughing too hard to speak. His body jerked from side to side, but there was no escaping those four tickling hands.“He’s way more ticklish than I am!” Romeo said with a cheeky smile.“Behold the baby!” Mercutio jeered as he continued kneading the tender belly. “Look, Romeo, look at this little baby! He’s crying!”Romeo took some pity on Tybalt and stopped tickling him. And, twelve minutes later, he convinced Mercutio to stop as well. They granted him a two-minute break to regain some of his composure. Tybalt was broken. He gasped for air, still giggling and shaking. Sweat drenched his tanned body and his dark, curly hair. Romeo, being a sympathetic soul, took a cloth and dried his sweaty, tear-stained face.“Break is over, Tybalt! Get ready to start laughing again,” Mercutio chuckled, eager to explore more tickle spots.“Mercutio?” Romeo spoke up. “My lady Juliet tells me that Tybalt is madly ticklish on the soles of his feet.”Mercutio’s face lit up.“NO! Don’t tickle my feet!” Tybalt protested, now panicking more than ever. His feet were the most ticklish spot on his whole body. “Please, have mercy!”Mercutio walked over to Tybalt’s bare feet. “What are you fussing about, Tybalt? We’re the ones who have to smell your stinky feet.”“ What?! ” Tybalt blushed furiously. That comment embarrassed him. “My feet are not stinky !”“My nose begs to differ,” Mercutio said, pinching his nose in mock disgust.Romeo laughed and played along, holding his nose as well and waving his hand at the air. “P.U.! Those feet do stink!”Tybalt blushed harder, cursing under his breath.The friends wasted no more time. Mercutio took position at his right foot while Romeo took position at the left one.Mercutio lightly ran his index finger along the ball of his foot, and Tybalt absolutely squealed!“I barely touched it,” Mercutio said in awe. “My, what a ticklish li
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