Tickle Slave Stories

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Table of contents Last updated Nov 13, 2019
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Alana gets kidnapped by her sexy neighbor because he wants to tickle her. Will she tell him where s...
Ummmm this book is just going to be different s3ggs scenes but they switch dominance because I alwa...
Stories about cheating and infidelity. Wattpad deleted my first book so I had to do a new one
Amber awakes in a fairytale land that has strange values that make her laugh... literally. Through...
Natasha/ Scarlett x fem reader ONE SHOTS
16+ pls don't report
May contain smut
There's cute stuff as well
These are one shots but if people...
Macie is alone in her house everyday because of her parents going on trips. She then makes a myster...
မွေးကတည်းက ကံမကောင်းတဲ့ကောင်မလေးဟာ
တစ်နေ့ ကျောင်းလူဆိုးလေးတစ်ယောက်နဲ့...
Yup...Obsessed....Sorry not sorry (Can't do Lucas cause that's my brothers name and that's awkward...
Intersex student & His Guys(Mm Trans:)
💢18+စာစဉ်ဖြစ်သည့်အတွက် မိမိဘာသာချင့်ချိန်စဉ်းစားပြီးမှသာဖတ်ကြပါရန်💢
Associate Name- 双性学生与生物老师
A not-so-fluffy story about a girl named April who kidnaps a boy named Jake for her tickle amusemen...
Alana gets kidnapped by her sexy neighbor because he wants to tickle her. Will she tell him where she's most ticklish? Or will he be forced to find out himself. (a bit kinky lol)
#3 in tickles

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The Tickle Slave Pt.2 Recap: Samantha Heart , a 37 year old woman with long brown hair and the body of a 25 year old woman, has been embezzling her Daniel and Taylor's, her employers, and has been captured. She is now being used as a tickle slave for her employer's website Tickle Venture and is at the mercy of the beautiful and young Asian professional tickler Hane Kusuguru. “ Tickle Tickle!” Hane teased as she continuously dug her index fingers into Samantha's ticklish sides. “ Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaa!! Stahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaap!!” Samantha pleaded between laughs. “ But why? This is so much fun!” “ AHAHAHAHAHAAHahahahahahahahahaaa!! Ahahahahahahahahaha!! Hohohoho!” Hane began to eye Samantha's innie navel and slowly moved one hand towards it while her other hand was poking and prodding at the bound girl's sensitive navel. It was so deep and so thin, and so ticklish. Hane dug her finger in Samantha's belly button, causing Samantha to buck as much as she could. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!! NyeAHahahahahhahahahahahahaaa!! Blahahahahahahahahahahahaa!! StahahahahahahahahahahAHAHAAAAHAAAHAAHAHAP!!” “ No way! So much fun!” Hane starting wiggling her finger wildly in Samantha's belly button. “ GAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!! AHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahaha!! Nohohohohohohohohohohohohoo!! NahahahahahahyeeAAAHHhahahahahahahahahaha!!” “ This is so much fun!” “ STAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!! PFTHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAAHAHAHAHAA!!” “ I'm just getting started.” Hane reached inside her bikini top and pulled out a long feather from underneath her cleavage. Samantha saw how long and smooth the feather was felt like she was about to go insane. Hane continued to tickle Samantha's navel with one hand and used the other to grab a pillow on the ground after setting down her feather. Hane placed the pillow under Samantha's head, propping her head as Hane grabbed the feather and took out her finger from Samantha's innie. “ T-ickle, T-ickle, T-ickle...” Hane sang as she dragged the feather across Samantha's panty lines back and forth, right between her hips. “ AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!! IHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHIT TIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHICKLES!!!” “ That's the point. T-ickle, T-ickle, Tickle!” “ HAHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!:” “ That tickles, don't it Samantha?” Hane asked as she twirled the feather quickly between Samantha's ribs. “ HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAA!! EEEEEHAHAHAHAHAHEHEHEHAHAHHAHAHHYAAAHAHAHAHA!!” “Gitchie cooooooo!” Hane circles the feather around the rim of Samantha's belly button. “OOOOWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!! EEEEEHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHHA!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!” “ Tickle tickle, cute wittle TUMMIIIEE!!” “ AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!! HEEEEEEHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHA!! UOAHHAHAHAH!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAA!!” “ You are soo ticklish Samantha!” “ AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA!! OHOHOHOHOHOHOHHOHOHOH GOAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHD!! IT TICKLES SO MUCH!!” “ If you thought that tickled, wait until you get this.” Hane inserted the feather into Samantha's deep and thin navel all the way to the bottom. Her eyes widened as much as they could and she let out her loudest shrill of laughter. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!! IT TICKLES!! IT TICKLES!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAA!!” “ That really tickles, doesn't it?” “ HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! NOHOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHEEHEHEHEHEHERRE!! PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHESE!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” “ Keep tickling, sure thing!” This was such torture to Samantha. The pillow propped under her head forced her to watch as her insanely ticklish belly button tickled at the hands of the increasingly ticklish feather, which made it all the more ticklish on her part (that really tickles huh?). “ HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!! YAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!” “ Tickle tickle tickle ticklish tummy button!” “ I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! GRAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” “ Can't take what Samantha?” Hane asked sarcastically but still enjoying herself. “ THE TICKLING!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I CAN'T TAKE THE TICKLING!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!” “ It's only a wittle tickwin.” “ UUUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!! IT TICKLES SO MUCH!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!! EEEAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHA!!” “ Belly Button! Belly Button! Belly Button!” Hane repeated over and over, constantly inserting the feather while twirling it rapidly until it hits the bottom of Samantha's navel. “ NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO MOHOHOHOHOHOHOHHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHORE!! DOHOHOHOHOHOHOHON'T!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!! PLEASE! I'M BEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEGGING YOUHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOO!!!” “ More? Don't stop? You're begging me? You really are enjoying this.” “ HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!! NIIEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAAH!!!HOOHOHOHHOAHAHAHAHAH!!” “ So ticklish!!” Hane lightly strokes Samantha's navel with the feather, flicking the edges and inner walls with its ticklish tip. “ IT TICKLES MORE!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!! IT TICKLES SO MUCH NYAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! I CAN'T TAKE IT !! AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHE!!” “ Tickles for your belly button!” “STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAP!! IT TICKLES! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!! OOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAA!! EEEYAAAHAHAHAHAHA!! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” “ Such a sensitive tummy button! Yes it is!” “HAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAA!!! GAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHOOHHOHOHHEHEHEHHAHHAHAHAAHAA!! SO MUCH TICKLING!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!” “ Tickle Tickle! Tickle Tickle Tickle Sammy's tummy button!” “NOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO MOOHOHOHOHOHOOHOHOHOHORE!! NOT MY BEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEHEHEHEHEHHE BELLY BUTTON!!! PLHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEHESEEE!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAVE MERCYEEEEHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHEHEHHEHEEHEHEHAHHAHAHA!!!” “ Tickle your belly button more? Okay” Hane laughed as she centered the feather on her navel and dragged it quickly left and right multiple times. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHA!!” Samantha screamed in hysterical laughter. “ HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! YAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!! I'M GONNA DIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIE!! HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” “ You're exaggerating,” Hane mocked as she dipped the feather in Samantha's innie constantly. “ HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! THEHEHEHEHEEHEHEHEHEHEEHH SENSATION IS SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO MUCH!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” “ I know, isn't it great!?” Hane twirled the feather around the walls of Samantha's innie. “ HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!! NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!! IT'S UNBERAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHABLE!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!” “ Tickle Tickle! Tickwish Samantha!” “GAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAA!! GEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEHEHEHEHEHEHT IT OUHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOT!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” “ Go farther? Rodger that!” Hane laughed blissfully as she touched the floor of Samantha's navel while continuing to twirl the feather. “ HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!” Samantha shrilled “, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! THEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE BEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEHHEHEHLLYYYAAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA BUTTAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAON!!!! IT TICKLES SOHHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO MUCH!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”

The Villa Adolee girls were taking it easy this particular morning, the birds in the nearby trees chirping and singing as the celebrated the beautiful morning. All was quiet around the house as Kylie was making herself some coffee as she finished getting into her jogging attire. “Mmm, nothin’ better than smelling coffee as it’s being made...” She smiled as their coffee machine was bubbling and churning. Soon enough, her coffee was poured into a ‘Pepe’ mug and she picked up her hot beverage and she gave it another passionate sniff. “Ah! Gewd stuff.” Kylie sighed as she began drinking it while Dolores entered the living room. “Mornin’.” The vampire mumbled as she sat down on the couch. “Mornin ‘Dee Dee’!” Kylie grinned as she took another slurp of her coffee. “You’re out of your room early; you got somebody comin’ over, lil Missy?” The blonde asked as she finished her coffee. “I told Lyla that I’d be available today for something in case she wanted to hang out.” Dolores
“Nahahahahahahaha, staaahahahahahahahaha! Plehehehehehease pleeehehehehehease pleahahahahaha, don’t tihihihihihickle mehehehehehehehe! Baaahahahahahahahahaha!” the girl wriggled in the goo that bound her, trying desperately to escape the too-many fingers of the aliens who were tickling her belly and underarms. Why were they doing this? She was too ticklish to take much more! How had she even gotten into such a mess in the first place...



The girl groaned and forced her bright green eyes open just a crack before snapping them shut again, even the dim overhead light
Ella dreamed that someone was pulling on her arms, trying to get her to go somewhere. "Mmm, not now," she murmured. "Let go of me."

"Can't do that, sweetheart," a voice said quietly with amusement. Ella jerked awake, only to realize with a jolt of horror that she hasn't been dreaming at all. A stranger was standing by her bedside, dressed head to toe in black, from her boots to her gloves to the beanie on her head - Ella could only barely make out her short blonde hair, glinting dark eyes, and flash of white teeth in the darkness of the room.

"Who are you?!" Ella exclaimed nervously. She immediately tried to rise but realized that while she
The Ticklish Girl Part 1-The Tickling Begings

On the way home from school. James stopped Jayne from walking. James asked Jayne a question. "Hey Jayne! Want to come over to my house and work on our homework together?" Jayne shrugged. "Yea why Not." Jayne had known James for years. They were both there Junior year of HighSchool. Jayne was un-aware of what James was going to do. When they got to James house they went up to Jame's bedroom. "Hey James can I just lay on your bed for a few minutes. I didnt get much sleep." A Smirk appeared on Jame's face. "Hey not a problem, Jayne"

Jayne layed on Jame's bed and stretched her arms out. Soon enough
Part two of the trilogy. Samantha still faces the merciless tickler Hane Kusuguru, but this time Hane has a new toy.
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*Squirms in fear at the sight of Hane's feather*

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This Story is not mine, the real version can be found here www.experienceproject.com/stor…  Helplessly Ticklish Slave. (this is a fantasy/fictional story i have dreamed about many a times, warning this is a very long story) ******= 0rgasm it blanked it out. I was walking through the eerie Middleton woods in Leeds, U.K. I always liked to adventure the Middleton woods as a child and even now as a teen (15) I was walking down a familiar path, but it was foggy so I was stumbling more frequently than I would have usually. I had a few loose leaves in my hair, in which i was currently pulling out, then I fell over a tree root and so I tumbled down a rather large hill. I had no idea what happened next but everything kind of went fuzzy, tuned out and just blacked out. I was knocked out by rolling down a hill!? I felt myself come back to reality but everything was still dark, were I dreaming, did I lose my eye sigh- surely not?, then what happened. I shuffled around a bit and the next thing I know the tip of these freezing cold fingers stroked under my eye and started lifting up the darkness... Ah, it was a blindfold. I bl inked from the sudden lighting, although it was quiet a dim room, and the first thing that filled my vision was a beautiful handsome gorgeous cute....( i think you get it)... guy. It could be said he was a man, he looked around 17-20. I just laid there in aw staring at the wonderful creature, of course he was human, but gee was he exquisite. After I came to my senses and recovered from the beauty of the sight, I looked around to explore my surroundings I noticed we were in a huge cave, but smooth rock rather than the stereotypical Jaggered rock. There was a trickle of a waterfall in the corner. That was almost as much-a-exquisite as the man. As I went to sit up I only just noticed my hands were tied to the table above my head, and as i looked down my legs entered into stocks but I couldn't see where my feet were as the stocks were in the way of my view. I turned my attention back to the lad and as soon as i did so he said in the most sexiest husky voi
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