Tickle Punish

Tickle Punish


Tickle Punish
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It was a rainy cold day in Bear Country and Brother Bear was extremely bored. He lounged on the couch flipping channels on the television, but nothing was worth watching. It just seemed like this day was never going to end as he glanced out the window. "Ugh!" exclaimed Brother. "Why won't it stop raining?" "Brother!" suddenly called Mama from the kitchen. "Can you come here please?" "Coming Mama," replied Brother. "Brother," said Mama as Brother entered the kitchen. "I need you to watch over your sisters for a few hours." "Sure Mama," stated Brother. "They're upstairs playing house or something. It'll be easy!" "Papa and I are taking something over to Gran's," said Mama. "Are you sure you will be okay watching your sisters?" "Yes Mama!" stated Brother. "Like I said, it will be easy!" "Alright," replied Mama, heading out the door with Papa. "Be back in a few hours!" "Okay," said Brother, waving goodbye. Brother went back to the couch and resumed flipping channels. There still was absolutely nothing on that he wanted to watch. Tossing the remote onto the floor, Brother just laid on his back on the couch and decided to take a nap. However, those plans quickly changed as Honey Bear tapped him on his chest. "Brother!" exclaimed Honey. "Play game?" "Go away Honey," replied Brother. "I'm trying to take a nap!" "Brother! Play game?" asked Honey again. "Honey!" exclaimed Brother. "What's a matter Brother?" asked Sister, coming into the room. "I'm trying to take a nap and Honey keeps asking me to play a game," stated Brother. "Then let's all play a game!" exclaimed Sister, grabbing Brother by the wrist. "Leave me alone!" said Brother, pulling his wrist free. "I want to take a nap!" "I'll just get Mama to make you play then," stated Sister. "Good luck with that," replied Brother. "She and Papa left for a few hours." "They left us all alone!" exclaimed Sister. "They left me in charge," stated Brother. "Then if you are in charge of watching us," stated Sister. "You have to play with us!" "Play with us Brother!" added Honey. "Fine!" sighed Brother, realizing that he was not going to be able to take a nap. "What game do you want to play?" "Game! Play game!" shouted Honey. "How about a new game I just thought up?" asked Sister with an evil grin. "Whatever!" exclaimed Brother. "Let's just play a game so I can take a nap." "Okay then," replied Sister. "The game is called no laughing Brother Bear!" "No laughing Brother Bear?" asked Brother. "What kind of game is that?" "Honey and I will try to make you laugh without touching you," said Sister. "Okay," replied Brother. "How long do I have to go without laughing?" "Ten minutes!" suggested Sister. "Fine!" agreed Brother. "But when I win, you girls have to let me take a nap!" "Deal!" stated Sister. "But if we win, then you have to let us tickle you until Mama and Papa return!" "Whatever," said Brother. "I'm going to win anyway, so let's just get this game started!" "Alright then," replied Sister. "Good luck!" Sister set the timer for ten minutes and the game began. Brother sat on the couch with his head propped up on his hand and yawned a few times. He could not believe that he had agreed to play this game with his younger sisters. There was absolutely no way he was going to laugh. "This is only postponing my nap," stated Brother. "You won't get to take a nap," replied Sister. "You'll be too busy being tickled later!" "Tickle Brother!" stated Honey, making funny faces. "Well, you two have to try harder than that to make me laugh," said Brother. "Don't worry Brother," stated Sister. "You'll laugh soon enough!" "But you two only have five minutes left!" exclaimed Brother. "Okay, okay," said Sister. "Honey, come with me!" "Hey!" shouted Brother. "Where are you two going? You're almost out of time!" "We'll be back!" shouted back Sister. "Have to get something from upstairs!" "Only three minutes to go!" shouted Brother. Brother continued to watch the timer count down. He just shrugged his shoulders when he thought about what his sisters were doing upstairs. It did not really matter to Brother though, since he was less than two minutes away from a nice nap. However, Brother almost blew his chances of a nap when he saw his sisters return. "Ummm....what are you two wearing?" asked Brother with a little smile. "Hah!" shouted Sister. "We got you to laugh!" "I only smiled!" stated Brother. "Fine, but you will laugh very soon!" exclaimed Sister. "Only a minute left!" reminded Brother. Sister and Honey quickly began doing their clown routine. Sister had on a pink wig and was trying to juggle. Honey had on a green wig and doing a silly little dance. The problem was that neither girl was watching what the other was doing. Brother just watched in anticipation as the two collided, sending both wigs flying in the air. "Ugh!" cried out Sister as a juggling ball hit her in the head. "Ugh!" imitated Honey. "Oh my!" exclaimed Brother, unable to keep himself from laughing now. "That was so funny!" "Brother's laughing!" shouted Sister. "Check the timer!" "Timer! Timer!" shouted Honey. "It's too late," said Brother, holding his side and still laughing. "No it's not!" shouted Sister. "Look!" "Oh no!" exclaimed Brother as he saw the last three seconds count down on the timer. "No nap for me, I guess!" "That's right!" stated Sister, grabbing Brother by the arm. "It's time to get tickled!" "Yeah!" shouted Honey. "Tickle Brother!" "Fine!" said Brother as he was led upstairs. "Let's get this over with!" "Then take off your shirt and lay down on the floor," demanded Sister as they entered their bedroom. "Take off my shirt?" questioned Brother. "Why?" "We want maximum fur!" stated Sister. "Now take off that shirt!" "Take off shirt!" repeated Honey. "Whatever," replied Brother as he pulled his shirt off over his head. "This is going to be fun!" exclaimed Sister, seeing Brother's bare belly. "Now get on the floor!" "Fine!" replied Brother, laying on his back on the floor. "Now remember Brother," began Sister. "We can tickle you all we want until Mama and Papa get home!" "Whatever!" shouted Brother, realizing that he was in for it now. Sister and Honey began slowly walking around Brother like they were eyeing him as their prey. Honey immediately went for Brother's bare feet, while Sister dove onto his belly. Brother squirmed and laughed as his sisters were tickling up a storm. All he could do now was hope that Mama and Papa got home soon. However, Brother quickly thought of another option! "I'm going to get away!" shouted Brother in between laughs. "You can't!" shouted back Sister, tickling Brother's arm. "You're ours until Mama and Papa get home!" "But I'm bigger and stronger!" exclaimed Brother as he rolled away from his sisters. "That's not fair!" shouted Sister. "You lost the game and must pay the price!" "Well, you have to catch me first!" exclaimed Brother, heading towards the bedroom door. "Easy!" stated Sister. "Huh? What do you mean?" asked Brother, unaware that he was running right into Papa. As Brother turned back around towards the door, he ran right into Papa. The force of the collision sent Brother falling backwards onto his butt. A little shaken, Brother immediately tried to get to his feet and make another run for it. However, Sister and Honey were prepared for him this time as they each grabbed an arm and held on tight. "What's going on here?" asked Papa, seeing a shirtless Brother being held by his sisters. "Brother lost a game to us and is not willing to let us tickle him!" explained Sister. "That was only supposed to be until you and Mama got home," stated Brother. "Which you are!" "But you were trying to get away before that instead of letting us tickle you!" exclaimed Sister. "Tickle Brother! Tickle!" chimed in Honey. "Is that true Brother?" asked Papa. "Did you not willingly let them tickle you for the time you agreed upon?" "Well....Ummmmm....No, I guess not," stammered out Brother. "In that case," began Papa. "I think you should be punished some more!" "Wait! Really?" questioned Brother. "Yeah!" exclaimed Sister and Honey together. "Exactly!" stated Papa. "Hey Mama, could you come here?" "What is it dear?" asked Mama. "And why is Brother shirtless?" Brother explained that he had wanted to take a nap, but Sister and Honey wanted to play games. Sister and Honey told Mama about their deal with Brother if they could make him laugh in under ten minutes. Papa finally explained that Brother had decided not to accept his punishment for losing the game. The whole time, Mama just stared straight at Brother. "I thought I told to you to watch after your sisters," said Mama. "And you were going to take a nap?" "Errrrr.....I mean.....Yes Mama," stuttered Brother. "I was going to take a nap!" "Then you should be punished!" exclaimed Mama. "What?" asked Brother. "You grab his ankles and I'll get his arms!" stated Papa. Before Brother could respond, his arms were grabbed by Papa and pulled above his head. Mama grabbed his ankles and soon they had him back down on the floor on his back. Brother tried to squirm and get away, but Mama and Papa held him tight. Brother just took a deep breath and prepared for what he knew was going to be a very horrible punishment. "Alright Sister and Honey," stated Papa. "You have five minutes to tickle Brother!" "Yeah!" said Sister, reaching out to tickle Brother's armpits. "Tickle!" shouted Honey as she dove onto Brother's bare belly. "Why should they have all the fun?" asked Mama, giving Brother's feet a little tickle and lick. "Please stop! Please!" begged Brother, in between laughs. "Not yet Brother!" shouted Papa over all the giggling. "You still have a little more punishment to go!" "Please stop!" begged Brother again. "No way!" said Sister, moving to Brother's nose. "This is way too much fun!" "Fun! Tickle!" shouted Honey, still busy with Brother's bare chest and belly. "And stop!" exclaimed Papa, moments later as the timer on his watch went off. "Ah! Really?" asked Sister. "That was five minutes already!" "Yes, it was!" stated Papa. "Okay then," said Mama. "Why don't you girls come downstairs for some milk and cookies?" "I'd like some milk and cookies too!" chimed in Brother, still being held down by Papa. "Too bad Brother!" stated Papa, getting up and picking up Brother. "You're coming with me for some more fun!" "Seriously Papa?" asked Brother as he was carried out of the bedroom towards Papa's room. "Yes!" stated Papa. "I need to teach you a lesson you won't forget! I think a good hour of tickling should do you good!" "An hour!" shouted Brother, struggling to get out of Papa's grasp. "Or more!" stated Papa, opening the door to his and Mama's bedroom. "Please Papa!" begged Brother. "I learned my lesson! No need to tickle me more!" "Hmmmm...." said Papa, putting Brother down in front of him. "I'm sorry I did not do what you and Mama told me to," stated Brother. "And?" stated Papa, getting down on a knee and putting a hand on Brother's bare shoulder. "And not doing what I agreed to with Sister and Honey!" replied Brother. "Okay," stated Papa. "It looks like you've learned your lesson." "I have! I have!" said Brother. "Promise!" "Alright then," stated Papa, before he poked a finger in Brother's bare chest. "But I might still punish you later!" "Really?" asked Brother nervously. "Maybe," stated Papa. "But for now, put your shirt back on and go get some cookies!" "Thanks Papa!" exclaimed Brother, running to get his shirt. Papa watched Brother pull his long sleeved red collared shirt back on over his head. He smiled as he thought about how much fun it would be to tickle Brother for an extended period of time. It would be easy enough for Papa to just grab Brother and hold him down. However Papa thought that he might need a reason to grab Brother, besides just wanting to. Yet Papa knew that one day soon Brother would be tickled by his fingers for as long as he desired! "Wait for me Brother!" shouted Papa as he saw his son run downstairs. "I want some cookies too!"

Brother Bear was walking around his front yard, looking for something to do. He had already finished all of his homework and chores. Mama told him to walk outside and just get some fresh air instead of lounging around doing nothing. But Brother Bear was even more bored just standing outside on a lovely spring day. Mama Bear just laughed at her cute cub just standing there in the yard.

"There's nothing to do!" exclaimed Brother. "Nothing at all!"

"There's plenty of stuff to do Brother!" stated Mama as she went back inside the house. "Just don't stand there the whole time!"

"Whatever," sighed Brother.

Brother started to walk down to t
There was a sunny day. Kurfust was walking around a park, relaxing and taking a good view from the people playing and laughing. But something hid behind the tree's shadows.

??: We have you now...

Suddenly some guys appeared around the lonely dog. They began getting closer to them and finally they grabbed their wrists and legs and lied him on the ground, taking his shirt off of his body.

Kurfust: W-wait what are you doing?!

When he looked around he reconiced the faces. There were Shimmeringstar the bear, Elemental the wolf, Dexter the otter, Fox, Dog, Jay the fox, and Loki the wolf. They were strong enough to keep the dog pinned down again

“Faster kids!” Shouted the ex-Auror with his fake eye quickly spinning in his orbit. “Dementors and dark wizards will curse you even before you´re able to raise your wands!”

“Expeliarmus” Yielded the bunch of first graders gathered in the Defense Against Dark Arts class.

Professor Moody wasn´t friendly at all. However, he did know how to motivate the students, most of the kids were improving quickly. Unfortunately, that wasn´t Axel´s favourite subject. The lad had tried his best, but Robb´s wand hadn´t barely moved anytime Axel casted the Expeliarmus s
Story written by my brother. Based on characters created by Stan and Jan Berenstain.
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10 year old Harry and his brothers Bradley and Gordon (whom were 16 year old twins) were about to have a blast while their parents went away for the weekend. This was the first time they have ever left the three boys on their own for more than one night, but the two teenagers have proven to be very responsible and sensible when they need to be, gaining enough trust to be able to babysit their younger brother for that length of time. " Now you make sure you behave for your older brothers. While we're away, they're in charge understand?" Their mother says. " Fine," Harry whines. " I mean it. I will be calling every night and making sure of it. If i hear of any nonsense you won't be going to Reese's sleepover party next week," She adds, firmly. " As for you boys, we trust that you'll be sensible and safe and that you are kind to your little brother because they'll be consequences for you as well if i hear that you've been unfair on him,". The three boys listen impatiently as their parents go through the rules. They couldn't wait for the freedom and to be left to do as they pleas for two nights. Their parents could see right through them and gave them another warning to emphasize the fact that there will still be limits even if they aren't going to be around. As soon as the boys see the car drive out of sight, they cheer happily. " Finally," Harry says. Bradley eagerly goes to the telephone to order Pizza for tea while Gordon and Harry race each other into the living room to see who could get to the X-box first. Of course being the much older and taller of the two, Gordon won. " Hey, i was playing on it," Harry whines. " Well, I got here first," Gordon says, with a cruel smirk. " But you and Bradley are always on the X-box, i hardly ever get to play," Harry argues, as he sits on the sofa. The teenager ignores his little brothers whining. At this, Harry only became annoyed but then smiled to himself at a thought which he knew would seriously wind him up. The 10 year old allows Gordon to play for a while, watching his competitiveness and the concentration in his face. Harry knows that he has been trying to complete level 24 for the past few days. After a couple of minutes, he walks toward the TV with a mischievous smirk on his face. Gordon didn't even know he was there until the screen went completely black. " What the hell!" Gordon says in confusion. " Harry, you brat! Why did you do that? I was so close to level 25!" He adds, when realizing what had just happened. Harry tries not to laugh at his brothers frustration. " Serves you right for taking over the X-box when it is my turn to play on it," Harry says. " Mum told you not to be unfair and i'm telling her when she calls tonight,". " Not unless i kill you first," Gordon says, through gritted teeth. Harry looks up warily at those words and screams when he sees his brother coming straight for him at high speed. He runs for the stairs, Gordon running closely behind him. His stomach was fluttering with butterflies in anticipation of what his brother was going to do to him. He bolts for his room, but before he could he felt something grab hold of his leg. Harry looked down to see Gordon laying on the upstairs landing realizing that he had dived for his leg. " No! Get off! Get off!" He yells. He shoves his socked foot in his face, holding it onto his nose. Gordon squirms away before chuckling. At that point, Harry realized that he wasn't mad but was instead being playful. Still, that didn't stop the butterflies. After a few seconds of trying to fight his 16 year old brother, Harry found himself being thrown over his shoulder and carried into his room. " No! Put me down you smelly old fart face!" Harry cursed. (Just the usual kids humor that hardly ever makes sense). Gordon firmly back flops his little brother on the bed, hard enough so that he bounced; then sits on his waist. At this point, Bradley had come up to see what was going on. " Bradley! Help! Gordon's going to kill me!" Harry pleads. " What has the little squirt done now?" Bradley asks. " Turned the X-box off when i was so close to reaching level 25," Gordon replies, in irritation. " Oh, now that's deep," Bradley replies. " Sorry bud, but i can't help you there,". No. Instead, Bradley sits above the younger boys head and pins his arms up. " I think we should tickle the boy to pieces to teach him a lesson," He adds. " NOOOOOOO!" Harry yells, terror written all over his face. He was always a very ticklish kid, and his big brothers knew it well. " I agree," Gordon says, before diving both hands in the boys sensitive armpits. Harry lets out an ear piercing scream before tipping his head back and bursting out with hysterical laughter. His armpits were one of his brothers favorite spots to tickle as it always brought the best reactions and got him most hysterical. " HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! PLEASE! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!" He begs. His laughter was soon beginning to get hoarse from the lack o
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