


Superficial thrombophlebitis is inflammatory thrombosis in subcutaneous veins. Superficial suppurative thrombophlebitis
is an inflammation of the vein wall due to the presence of microorganisms occurring as a complication of either dermal infection or use of an indwelling intravenous catheter.


● Subcutaneous vein is palpable, tender; tender cord is present with erythema and edema of the overlying skin and subcutaneous tissue.
● Induration, redness, and tenderness are localized along the course of the vein. This linear appearance rather than circular appearance is useful to distinguish thrombophlebitis from other conditions (cellulitis, erythema nodosum).

● There is no signifi cant swelling of the limb (superficial thrombophlebitis generally does not produce swelling of the limb).

● Low-grade fever may be present. High fever and chills are suggestive of septic phlebitis.
● Superficial suppurative thrombophlebitis may be difficult to identify because local
findings of infl ammation may be absent. Fever is present in 70% of cases but rigors are rare. Local findings (warmth, erythema, tenderness, swelling, lymphangitis) are present in only one third of patients.


● Trauma to preexisting varices.

● Intravenous cannulation of veins (most common cause).

● Abdominal cancer (e.g., carcinoma of the pancreas).

troussem syndrome (Superficial thrombophlebitis) A 58 years old male pt presented to ER complain of epigastric pain , pruritis and chronic diarrhea . on P/E there are yellowish sclera and significant weight loss . no hx of any chronic illness . pt is smoking for 25 years .dx is Pancreas cancer

● Infection: Staphylococcus aureus was the most common pathogen, found in 65% to 78% of the cases of superficial
suppurative thrombophlebitis before 1970; now most cases are due to Enterobacteriaceae

, especially Klebsiella Enterobacter spp. These agents are acquired nosocomially and are often resistant to multiple antibiotics. Infection with fungi or gram-negative aerobic bacilli is often seen in patients who are receiving broad-spectrum antibiotics at the time of the superfi cial suppurative phlebitis.
● Hypercoagulable state

● Deep venous thrombosis (DVT)

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