Throat See

Throat See


Last reviewed by Dr. Raj MD on August 13th, 2018.
The throat is a complex part of the body with many structures that surround it that are very important.
In this article, you will read about each specific area of the throat as well as its surrounding structures. The throat is positioned in the anterior part of the neck.
The areas that will be discussed here are as follows: pharynx, larynx, vocal cords, Adenoids, tonsils, epiglottis, uvula, and trachea. (1, 3, 8)
Image 1 : The most basic parts of throat anatomy.
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There are two major sections of the throat they are the pharynx and the larynx. These structures are shaped in a ring or a muscular tube.
Picture 2 : The dark like at the front edge of the neck which shows where the throat is.
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The nasopharynx starts at the back of the nasal cavity and ends at the soft palate. It contains the uvula which is a small piece of skin and fatty tissue which hangs at the back of the throat. (4,5, 6)
Figure 3 : The nasopharynx behind the oral cavity and above where the arrow is pointing to the pharynx.
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Picture 4 : A very clear image of the healthy tissue in the throat.
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The oropharynx starts at the soft palate and ends at the hyoid bone. The oropharynx receives food bolus from the oral cavity through the oropharyngeal inlet. The inlet has palatoglossal muscles which create folds in the mucosa.
It also contains the vallecular or space between the base of the tongue and the epiglottis. Between the palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal folds of the oropharynx sit the palatine tonsils. The construction of food is done by the superior and middle pharyngeal constrictors.
These muscles have a mucous membrane covering them. This area also has a nerve which passes through it called the glossopharyngeal nerve. (1, 2, 5)
Image 5 : This image shows the dimensions of the muscle fibers in the esophagus.
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Figure 6 : This image was made using videofluoroscopy, It shows how the oropharyngeal area moves during a barium swallow test.
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The hypopharynx starts at the hyoid bone and ends at the upper esophageal sphincter. This area contains the epiglottis, the paired aryepiglottic folds, and the arytenoid cartilages.
The constricting muscles in this area are the middle and inferior constrictors which are also covered with an overlying mucous membrane.
Another important muscle in this area is the circumferential cricopharyngeus muscle which while resting is contracted and during swallowing it relaxes to let the food pass to the esophagus. (1, 2, 5)
Picture 7 : This diagram shows the structures of the throat for a child.
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It is made up of many tissues such as cartilage muscle and other soft tissues. It contains the well-known folds which are called vocal cords. The vocal cords make a sound when air passes by them. These are not only for speech but also constrict to prevent choking or aspiration of food or objects into the trachea.
Image 8 : The folds that appear above the trachea called vocal folds or vocal cords.
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Epiglottis- This is the part that closes the airway during swallowing. It is simply a piece of cartilage that is behind the tongue and at the start of the larynx. (1, 2, 5)
Picture 9 : The trachea is in comparison to the larynx and the lungs.
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In this one of its most important functions is to protect the airway. It has various subdivisions which are:
Supraglottis – starts at the epiglottis and goes to the vocal folds
Glottis – starts at the level of the vocal folds
Subglottis – starts at the focal folds and goes to the corticoid cartilage. (1, 2)

Figure 10 : This image shows the intensity of the muscular makeup of the throat.
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Image 11 : The complicated muscles in the pharynx
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On this web page, you can find a very interesting slide show of the neck which can show you various tissues that have been discussed in the article you just read.
In conclusion, the throat is complex and active. There are many tissues and structures that work together to assist in speech, breathing, and ignition of the digestive process.
The health information provided on this web site is for educational purposes only and is not to be used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

The throat is one of the most complex parts of the human body. It starts from the pharynx and extends to the upper end of the esophagus. Immediately following the pharynx are the larynx, epiglottis, larynx and the esophagus. The throat is responsible for performing a large number of functions, namely the swallowing, speaking and breathing. It also prevents the accumulation of saliva and helps in the process of digestion.
The Human Throat Anatomy can mainly consists of the following parts.
Each of these parts in the Throat anatomy has been discussed in detail in the following sections:
Adenoids is the term given to the lymphatic tissue collection. These tissues are located towards the rear side of the nasal passages which in turn lie in the nasopharynx. The adenoids are also known as the “lymph glands”. In terms of appearance, they look very similar to the tonsils. The two also share almost the same location except that the adenoids are located slightly higher than the tonsils. After birth, the adenoids keep growing in size and only reach their full size during the early childhood. After these lymph glands have reached their full size, they start to decrease in size and by the time of adolescence, they will have disappeared almost completely.
The adenoids are an integral part of the immune system and help the body to fight against various infections arising out of the attacking viruses and bacteria that mainly enter the body during inhalation. The adenoids make use of different cells as well as antibodies in order to protect the throat against infections. However, their role is not highly important, mainly because the body also has several other mechanisms for fighting infections, thereby offering only a lesser role to the lymph glands.
Since the adenoids gradually reduce in size starting from childhood, they are not generally associated with health issues and complications. However, in rare cases, these glands swell up and thereby require treatment. The enlargement occurs mainly as a result of infection from bacteria and viruses. At other times, they are also caused by allergies.
Tonsils refer to the pair of soft lymphatic tissue lumps that lie at the back of the throat. They have an appearance similar to that of the adenoids. The only difference is that they are found towards the rear part of the throat instead of the nasal passages. Although rare, another serious complication arising with the tonsils is cancer. The tonsils are also included in the body’s immune system. They mainly help in defending the body against infections and illnesses caused by germs that enter the body during inhalation or eating. It is the antibodies and cells that are present in the tonsil that helps in the fighting off these malicious foreign microbes. Although the body also has several other ways to deal with infections, the tonsils form the first defense line. The size of the tonsils is not constant and may vary considerably form one person to the other.
The most problem arising with tonsils is tonsillitis, a condition during which the tonsils get infected. There are also other less common conditions such as quinsy and glandular fever that can affect the tonsils. Although rare, another serious complication arising with the tonsils is cancer. If repeatedly shows infections, it can be beneficial to go for surgeries and resolve the issue once and for all.
The epiglottis is simply a flap composed of soft cartilage which is then covered by a mucous membrane. The epiglottis is directly attached to the posterior part of the tongue and covers the cavities lying behind it. Its main function is to prevent the liquids and food from going over to the lungs. The epiglottis is controlled involuntarily. It automatically closes every time we swallow something, even saliva. At the time of breathing, the epiglottis lies vertically and automatically adjusts itself into a horizontal placement at the time of swallowing so as to prevent the liquid and food items from entering the trachea. Hence, the position of the epiglottis keeps changing between the larynx and the pharynx depending on whether you are swallowing or breathing.
Since the epiglottis folds itself across the trachea at the time of swallowing, the contents are directly passed on to the esophagus. However, in some cases, it may fail to do so thereby allowing the contents to move down a different lane. When this happens, the person experiences choking, thereby developing a red face and an unpleasant sensation. In some cases, the epiglottis may also get inflamed thereby leading to the blockage of the trachea and breathing issues.
The uvula is a very small section of the throat made up of tissues. It extends from the rear part of the throat or the soft palate. The uvula appears oval in shape and resembles a teardrop. It is known as Uvula namely because its shape forms an outline of the alphabet U. The function of the Uvula is the same as that of the epiglottis that is to prevent the food and fluids from entering the Uvula and instead of sending them down the esophagus. This is made possible mainly because of a muscle known as the musculus uvulae which allows it to change its shape during different functions. At the time of swallowing, these muscles become rigid and seal the opening that leads to the trachea. The Uvula also has a key role in musical performances. It is the main part of the Throat anatomy that allows singers to produce a wavy sound technically known as the vibrato. With the help of uvula, the singers are able to modulate the scale of the vibrato. The uvula is also responsible for various other types of sounds that are produced while talking and breathing.
Some of the common problems affecting this part of the Throat Anatomy are:
The larynx is located above the trachea and is also known as the voice box. It is made up of cartilage and soft tissues. The larynx appears in the Throat anatomy front view as a projection which is also known as Adam’s apple and is clearly visible with the eye. The larynx is also the part of the Throat anatomy that connects the pharynx and the trachea. The two main functions of the larynx are to prevent the food from entering the lungs through the trachea and to help in sound production by creating specific vibrations. The larynx comprises mainly if three parts – the glottis, the subglottis and the supraglottis. The glottis is the middle portion of the larynx. It is where the vocal cords are located. The upper part of the larynx made up of tissues is known as the supraglottis while subglottis refers to the tissues at the bottom that connect the trachea and the larynx. The larynx is made up of a total of nine different types of cartilages. Some of these are paired cartilages while others are not. These cartilages offer support to the larynx and also help in retaining the shape of the skeleton in the area. Some support is also offered by the vagus nerve that lies alongside the larynx. Some of the common issues associated with the larynx are polyps, nodules, ulcers, and laryngitis. People who are used to frequent smoking and drinking alcohol may also suffer from throat cancer.
The pharynx is located at the top of the air passage in the posterior part of the nasal passages and the mouth. Starting from there, it runs all the way down to the beginning of the esophagus. The pharynx is often mistaken for the larynx. However, it is a different part located above the esophagus, trachea and the larynx. It forms a part of both the digestive as well as the respiratory systems. Pharynx also has a role in the production of sound while speaking and singing.
The Throat anatomy diagram divides the pharynx into three parts – the nasopharynx, the oropharynx and the laryngopharynx. The nasopharynx is the uppermost part of the pharynx and extends down from the base of the skull to the nasal passages, hence the name. The Eustachian tubes, which have a role in controlling the air pressure within the ear also open up to the nasopharynx. The oropharynx is that part which is located in the rear part of the mouth and comprises of the epiglottis, uvula and the tonsils. The laryngopharynx is that part which is located towards the bottom of the oropharynx and extends from the larynx up to the epiglottis.
The most common problem arising with the pharynx is pharyngitis, which is a condition in which Parts of the throat and mouth get infected. Dysphagia is also another one of the common problems with the pharynx. Sometimes it is a problem on its own, and in other cases, it arises as an indication of another underlying disease.
The vocal cords comprise of two membranous folds that are stretched over the larynx. The opening and closing of these membranes are controlled by the air pressure. The vocal cords are made of white bands of tissue and lie in the posterior part of the Throat anatomy attached through the cartilage fibers. The Anatomy of the throat and neck show that the inner portion of the vocal cords are empty while the outer portions are attached through several parts to the larynx that helps in regulating its shape and size.
Right above the vocal cords lie the vestibular folds that are also known as the false vocal folds. These thick layers of skin help in protecting the vocal cords and help in producing deeper vocal tones like that hear during chanting. The vocal cords are located just above the trachea, below the epiglottis. The difference in the size of vocal cords of the males and females is what gives rise to different pitches of voices. In females, the vocal cords can measure anywhere in between 12 and 17 mm while in males it can vary from 17 to 25 mm.
Vocal cords may be affected by problems such as nodules, sores, strain and vocal polyps. Other problems such as laryngitis, Reinke’s edema and vocal cord paralysis may also affect the vocal cords. Sometimes, the issues are caused due to an overuse of the vocal cords including frequent and intense coughing, continuous shouting and talking. Singers are also prone to strain their vocal cords thereby leading to the development of a polyp or a nodule. Staying in smoking environments for long hours at a stretch may also give rise to issues. Vocal cord problems can also arise from smoking as it tends to give rise to inflammation, leading to dry, aggravated and swollen vocal cords.
The trachea, also known as the windpipe looks very much like a bony tube. The Throat anatomy front view shows the trachea extending from the larynx up to the lungs. The ending portion of the trachea lies just posterior to the sternum or the breastbone. The trachea branches off into the left and right bronchi and finally into the alveoli. To better understand the Throat anatomy of this portion, think of the trachea as a tree trunk that has been turned upside down. The trachea is made up of C shaped rings that are made up of muscles and cartilage. This allows the Parts of the throat and neck around the trachea to stay upright and keeps the windpipe from collapsing even as the neck gets involved in a wide range of movements.
The trachea also allows the swallowed food and fluids to move down the esophagus without any obstruction. The cells present in the inner lining of the windpipe have very minute fringes that look almost like hair. There are also other cells that secrete a slippery and sticky substance. With the help of these cells, the trachea traps all the foreign particles that enter the body through the oral and nasal passages. Furthermore, the tiny fringes keep on pulsating in order to keep the throat devoid of mucus. Hence, the trachea is responsible for passing clean air down to the lungs and is an important part of the respiration system.
Tracheitis is the most common issue that arises with the trachea. Since it is caused by the bacteria present in the windpipe, this condition affects the children more as compared to the adults. During tracheitis, the entire trachea gets inflamed giving rise to a lot of pain. The person may also experience fever and extreme discomfort. Taking antibiotics can help in resolving the issue. However, if the condition gets serious, it is advisable to visit a doctor. Other conditions that can affect the trachea include infection of the upper respiratory tract, narrowing of the windpipe and weakened cartilage in the trachea.
To understand the structure of the throat, it becomes necessary to go for a complete study of the Anatomy of the throat and mouth instead of studying only the throat in an isolated manner. The oral cavity starts from just behind the lips and extends till the pharynx. The oral cavity contains the tongue, teeth as well as a number of salivary glands that have their own unique roles in the process of digestion. The main salivary glands are present under the tongue and on the cheeks. Apart from the main glands, there are also a number of other salivary glands whose main purpose is to keep the inner lining of the oral cavity moist and lubricated at all times.
The Throat anatomy tonsils are located over clefts of tissues in the rear part of the throat. The tonsils are comprised of lymphoid tissue and have a huge role in the body’s immune system, especially during the early years of life. Lymphoid tissues of the same type are also found in the upper part of the pharynx as well as around the base of the tongue. They surround the opening to the gullet and the air passages and form a ring. These tissues are positioned in such a manner so as to offer them maximum exposure to the substances that have either been ingested or inhaled. Furthermore, they have deep crevices which increase their surface area. Due to a large surface area, they are capable of secreting a sufficient amount of antibodies that help in fighting off the virus, bacteria as well as other foreign pathogenic agents.
Next to the pharynx lies the larynx, also known as the voice box. It serves as an air passage and also offers protection to the lungs at the time of swallowing. Below the larynx are the vocal cords which is a pair of muscular bands. The vocal cords are covered by a thin membrane that keeps oscillating. It is the opening and closing of the vocal cord muscles that breaks up the flow of the air passing out of the lungs and produces different kinds of sound. It is also responsible for changing th
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