Throat Ripping

Throat Ripping


Throat Ripping
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I hope whoever reads this is doing well today. So I have been fully vaccinated (Pfizer vaccine) and I got the delta variant of COVID-19 about two weeks ago. I know I got the delta variant because I got Covid in July 2020 and was asymptomatic. This time however, I had a fever for 3 days, sore throat, and clammy skin. I’m now recovered from covid but now I’m having an issue where when I’m trying to go to sleep at night I will randomly feel like there is a seed coming up my throat and then it explodes in my throat and then It feels like my throat is burning insanely from taking a big hit from a bong. I haven’t smoked in over a year and this is not super fun so if anyone has had a similar experience post Covid please comment below, it would mean a ton!
Are you sure you’re not having some type of acid reflux ? Have you tried antacids?
No this definitely isn’t acid reflux this feeling feel like pellets exploding in my throat and lighting it on fire lol
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Sounds horrible. I'm ready to move off the grid for a few years and see how this all works itself out. I'm not trying to get sick every year with new long haul symptoms.

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Kitty is a registered nurse. She uses what she has learned on the job to inspire and encourage others to take control of their health.
Have you ever felt like there was a lump in the back of your throat?
You know that feeling when you're really nervous and you just can't seem to swallow? Some people experience this feeling on a more chronic basis and do not understand why. There is more than one cause for having a strange feeling in the back of your throat. Perhaps it doesn't feel like a lump—but it feels scratchy or tickly. Maybe your throat just feels stranger than it normally does.
Find out some potential causes, related symptoms, treatments, and self-help regimens to unravel the mystery of the "lump in the throat" phenomenon.
To understand the potential causes of a tickly, scratchy, or lump sensation in the back of your throat you'll have to first understand the anatomy of your throat. The throat is the tube connecting your mouth to your stomach via the esophagus or to your lungs via the trachea. The two essential parts are called the pharynx and larynx. The epiglottis is a flap that literally separates your trachea (windpipe) from your esophagus (food pipe). All of these anatomical parts are in very close relation to one another in the throat, so you can imagine if one part is affected the others might very well be affected too.
In addition to the pharyngeal muscles, trachea, and esophagus, the throat is also highly vascularized (filled with many blood vessels).
So before you start imagining what casket your family is going to pick out for your funeral, let's look at some of the potential causes for a weird feeling in the throat that aren't cancerous.
You may be surprised to learn that the most common cause of a lump in the throat or a feeling like there's something stuck in your throat is acid reflux. The ENT doctor that I have seen said that the most common complaint of acid reflux is the feeling of having a "foreign body stuck in your throat." The stomach has a valve that is supposed to shut when you're done eating, but sometimes that valve will open and allow the acid from your stomach to back up into your esophagus (throat). The presence of the acid rising up into your throat will give you the illusion that something is stuck inside of your throat. Have you been feeling any heartburn or indigestion lately? This could very well be the cause for the strange feeling in your throat.
Another common cause of strange feelings in the throat is the presence of some sort of bacterial or viral infection. Usually, infections will present with a feeling of soreness, hoarseness, or a scratchy feeling in the throat, but sometimes it may feel like something is stuck in your throat (it all depends on how you are experiencing the infection). If it is a bacterial infection such as Strep Throat, simple antibiotics will clear it up in a week or less. If it is a viral infection, you will have to wait it out as there are no antibiotics for viral infections of the throat. You may have other symptoms along with infections such as these, including fever, chills, and headache. If you've had any of these other symptoms along with the strange feeling in your throat, it is probably an infection.
This is a somewhat new term to the medical community, though it is something that is actually quite common. It was once referred to as "globus hystericus" but has recently been updated with a more fitting name. This term applies to the feeling of a "lump in the throat" sensation that can be caused by a couple of different things—GERD (as mentioned previously), cricopharyngeal spasm, and even anxiety.
Now that you've read over some of the most common causes of weird feelings in the throat, do you still think you have cancer? It is most likely nothing life-threatening; however, if you feel that you are having any difficulty swallowing or breathing you must get to a doctor or ER immediately. If you feel a sense of impending doom or are having any chest pain along with it, get to a doctor or emergency room right away. You don't want to wait on an issue that could be something worse than what it is.
If you're not having difficulty swallowing or breathing and you don't hear any high-pitched noises while breathing, then you're probably not in a life-threatening condition... so don't fear. Set up an appointment with an Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) doctor to get it checked out.
I had been having a lump in the throat sensation for a couple of weeks, and I decided to go to the ENT doctor to check it out. He stuck a scope down my nose into my throat (which was uncomfortable but not painful), and he was able to see that there were no tumors or closures within my throat. Just inflamed vocal chords caused by GERD.
If your lump in the throat feeling is caused by GERD, here are some ways you can relieve your discomfort:
This content is for informational purposes only and does not substitute for formal and individualized diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed medical professional. Do not stop or alter your current course of treatment. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency.
Ann810 from Sunny Cali on August 10, 2016:
Hi, teenagers get lymph nodes due to an itchy sore throat, it's a good idea to gargle salt water before going to be at night. I see you mentioned herbal tea for helping to prevent throat inflammation. Useful article, thank you,
Kitty Fields (author) from Summerland on January 28, 2013:
Thanks, everyone! I'm all better now...just thought I'd share my experiences and tips with those who might be going through the same deal. Blessings!
Kathi Mirto from Fennville on January 24, 2013:
I have that feeling sometimes too Kitty, and was very interested in the causes, so thanks for sharing. I recognize a couple things I can do such as drink less coffee for one and its just another good reason to meditate! Take care, Kathi
Mackenzie Sage Wright on January 24, 2013:
Great info. I've always had such problems in the throat area, I have a lot of allergies that hit me in the throat. Cleansing the throat chakra regularly has helped reduce occurrences of infections & inflammations. Great article.
Nellieanna Hay from TEXAS on January 24, 2013:
Anxiety and tension cause or agitate physical symptoms so often. Best medicine for those is learning to relax and change things that cause them or to take things in stride and know that 'this too shall pass' - it always does if we let go! :-) Hope you're onto full recovery! Hugs..
Eiddwen from Wales on January 24, 2013:
Very interesting Kitty and I hope you will be better very soon.
Kitty Fields (author) from Summerland on January 24, 2013:
Nellieanna - Thanks so much! It has, actually. Mostly it was due to acid reflux and a bit of anxiety. I'm good now. :)
Nellieanna Hay from TEXAS on January 23, 2013:
Good information, Kitty. Hope your throat lump clears up completely.

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Patrick Swayze Didn't Pull Any Punches For Road House's Throat-Ripping Showdown


Patrick Swayze Didn't Pull Any Punches For Road House's Throat-Ripping Showdown

By Witney Seibold / April 19, 2022 2:02 pm EDT
If one will indulge the author: Films serve as delivery system for complex emotional interplay, tapping into ancestral collective memory, generating something like a psychic link between ourselves and others. There are concepts, loves, hatreds, images we all carry with us, with cinema serving as the connective tissue. "Road House," with its frank, unfettered depictions of Reagan-era sex, violence, and rock 'n' roll, may be the purest form of art. It is the thing we all recognize. It is the archetype by which all badass cinema must be measured. It is all wisdom condensed into 114 minutes. It is, to borrow common language out of the Hollywood advertising machine, a MAJOR motion picture. /Film's own Chris Evangelista described it as a perfect movie , and it's hard to argue that point. One can find flaws in Ozu. One can merely accept the barrage of "Road House." The film was a box office hit, making $3.5 trillion in its opening weekend alone, and it's the only film to achieve a 115% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes. 
In actuality, "Road House" was a modest box office hit, and it was lambasted by critics upon its release. Roger Ebert said very plainly "This is not a good movie" before admitting that it's also certainly not boring. "Road House" was nominated for five Razzies, but lost to "Star Trek V: The Final Frontier." It was featured on Rifftrax , the child of "Mystery Science Theater 3000" that lays down comedic audio commentaries over existing movies. "Road House" is often mentioned as a "good bad movie." If the effusive praise above wasn't evidence enough, this author considers it to be a good great movie. 
"Road House" is about an itinerant bouncer-cum-Zen master named Dalton (Patrick Swayze) who drives his expensive car into the roughest, toughest little town to ever be assembled in the Middle of Nowhere. He finds that the local rock 'n' roll bar, the Double Deuce, is desperately in need of his help; there are fights every night, people are assaulted regularly, and employees are stealing from the till. Dalton, legendarily known as the world's best bouncer, is hired by the bar's owner and he implements a new code of conduct that makes the Double Deuce safer and better. In so doing, Dalton attracts the ire of the local criminal lord (Ben Gazzara) and his army of thugs. By the film's end, Dalton — tortured by a past of violence — will have to face off against a fighter who is his equal. The film ends with Dalton ripping that guy's throat out.
The throat removal scene is one of the more notorious moments in a film full of them. The film's finale leads to a one-on-one fistfight between Dalton and a character named Jimmy (Marshall Teague), the right-hand bodyguard of the Gazzara character. It's a notable, brutal fight that Teague revealed, in an oral history with Mel Magazine , was as brutal to film as it was to watch. The actors, it turns out, literally did not pull their punches. Teague talked about the fight, and was careful to give credit to the stunt choreographers who built the scene:
In the same oral history, Picerni was modest enough to give credit back to Teague, and to credit the late Patrick Swayze for his dancing skill: 
Urquidez described Teague's fighting style as "military-esque. Hard and right to-the-point." He pointed out that both actors, after a while, began actually hitting one another: 
Was there animosity between the actors? Quite the opposite, in fact. Teague points out that he and Swayze were, to use modern parlance, vibing. They both became so involved in the action of the scene, they lost began to take a great deal of enjoyment from the glorious, fun violence. The did start hitting one another for real, getting lost in the physicality. Says Teague: 
"[Swayze] comes to me, offers his hand and says, 'You like this s***, don't you?' I say, 'No, I love this s***.'
"He says, 'What do you say, let's not cheat the audience for a change. Let's bring it. Try to leave the head and faces alone as much as possible because we still got a movie to shoot. What do you say let's just rock 'n' roll?'
"I say, 'You came to the right place. Let's rock 'n' roll.'"
The fights became so heated, in fact, that the film's crew began to assume they actors lost control and were actually trying to hurt one another. Urquidez recalls a moment when things started to look like violence was escalating:
And Teague points out that the fight was so heated, the crew had to interfere: 
Finally, Teague recalls that Swayze had to point out this was the way things were going to be for this extended fight sequence, and that there was indeed going to be blood. The crew were told to back off. In that moment, Swayze became Dalton. Teague again:
At the end of the fight, the actors both shared solidarity in the mutual pain they put one another through: 
"It wasn't until after, I'd be like, 'Wow, dang, man, that hurt,' and he'd be like, 'Yeah, well, that log didn't feel great either.' 'Well, okay, we even?' 'Yeah, we're even.
Swayze passed away in 2009 of pancreatic cancer, leaving behind a legacy of both gentleness and machismo. "Road House" is available to stream on Fubo , Roku , Tubi , Hoopla , and Spectrum on Deman d . 

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