Throat Raped

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Ronald Crosby Jr. and Heavell Basley
La Crosse County Sheriff's Dept.

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gang rape

sexual assaults




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Two Wisconsin teens are being charged as adults in the alleged gang rape of two girls inside a garage, where one victim said she was forced to perform oral sex until her throat bled.
A 16-year-old victim told police that she and a 15-year-old who had just run away from a nearby Family & Children’s Center were inside suspect Heavell Basley’s garage late Oct. 29 or early Oct. 30 with about 15 other people, according to a criminal complaint obtained by the La Crosse Tribune .
The 16-year-old girl said Basley and another teen, Ronald Crosby Jr., 17, proceeded to rape and hit the 15-year-old victim before she intervened. The 16-year-old girl was then forced to perform oral sex on “a lot” of offenders until her throat bled. Several unidentified teens then raped and hit her, according to the complaint.
The 15-year-old girl said she lost consciousness after she ingested a drug while being forced to perform oral sex before a “whole bunch of guys” raped her, according to the complaint.
Basley, 18, also allegedly assaulted one girl three times, hitting and choking her, before calling her a derogatory name for “having sex with all those other guys,” the criminal complaint reads.
Police later found a twin mattress, used condoms and buckets filled with urine inside the garage.
Basley initially told police he was “being a nice guy” by providing a home for the 15-year-old girl. He claimed he saw other males inside the garage assaulting her before admitting he had as well, according to the complaint. He also said the younger girl forced herself on him and that the 16-year-old girl was not assaulted, according to police.
One of the victims said as many as 11 males were involved in the assault, but Crosby and Basley are the only defendants charged as adults in La Crosse County Circuit Court. Prosecutors charged Crosby with sexual assault of a child younger than 16 and first-degree sexual assault, among other lesser charges. Basley was charged with four counts of sexual assault of a child younger than 16 and strangulation.
Crosby and Basley were jailed on $10,000 and $5,000 bond, respectively.

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Published: 21:50 BST, 10 January 2014 | Updated: 01:10 BST, 12 January 2014
A 16-year-old girl was allegedly beaten by other girls before being held down to be raped in a horrifying attack that was filmed on a cellphone, it was revealed today. 
Patricia Montes, 15, and 16-year-old Erica Avery are accused of punching, kicking and pepper-spraying the girl before holding her down to be raped by Jayvon Woolfork, 19, police said. 
The barbaric attack was filmed on a cell phone by Lanel Singleton, 18, and shows the girl writhing half naked and weeping in the yard of a home in Hollywood, Florida while her attackers leer over her.
Erica Avery, 16, (pictured left) and 15-year-old Patricia Montes (right) have been charged in the sexual assault on November 1 in Hollywood, Florida
An earlier cellphone video shows the victim asking to leave the home but being blocked by one of her alleged attackers
Jayvon Woolfork, 19, allegedly raped the 16-year-old girl while she was being held down
Along with 17-year-old Dwight Henry, the alleged rape gang have all been charged in the attack on November 1 last year.
The sickening clips, shown by CBS Miami for the first time today, shows the girls viciously beating the girl while the men watch.
One male voice can be heard saying: 'They don't like this girl.'
One girl responds: 'I told you we were gonna f*** somebody up'.
As the victim begs to be freed, another girl says they should 'let this girl go home' but the attack continues.
Inside the home, the alleged attackers dragged the victim into a room and pinned her down while Woolfork assaulted her.
The victim is later allowed to leave but not before one of her female attackers spits on her. She managed to flag down a car and make it to her home where she fell unconscious and was taken to hospital. She spent several days in hospital with broken bones in her face, swelling and being unable to see.
The victim told police that she was attacked after smoking marijuana and drinking beer with people she believed to be her friends, including one girl who had been her best friend since kindergarten.
Patricia Montes, 15, and Erica Avery, 16, are charged with two counts each of felony armed sexual assault and kidnapping. Both have been charged as adults.
Dwight Henry and Lanel Singleton (right) have also been charged in the alleged assault which took place in November in Hollywood, Florida
In the barbaric video filmed on a cellphone, the 16-year-old girl is beaten by two teen girls and then raped in Florida
Henry, 17, of Hollywood; Lanel Singleton, 18, of North Miami; and Woolfork, 19, all face charges of capital felony sexual assault and kidnapping.
All have pleaded not guilty and are being held on bond with the exception of Montes.
Singleton, who is believed to have recorded the clips, was expected to appear in court today.
At a bail hearing in November, prosecutor Maria Schneider described the video of the crime, detailing how the victim pleaded with the alleged attackers to stop as she held her arms over her face to protect herself from their unrelenting blows.
‘The cruelty shown on this video . . . this was repeated over and over again . . . The girls are trying to remove her bra. You saw the victim sitting on the toilet crying, her face blown up and swollen from injuries, and then they beat her,’ Ms Schneider said.
During parts of the three-hour bail hearing, Avery grinned and rolled her eyes and had to be admonished by her lawyer to remain composed. Montes, who was the victim’s best friend, appeared stoic for most of the proceeding.
The victim claims that she was kicked, thrown down stairs and had her face smashed on concrete, breaking bones near both her eyes.
The judge said: 'This 16-year-old woman, both of her eyes were closed from being beaten, she had blood coming from one of her ears.'
The videos, consisting of 11 snippets, show the victim being beaten, but they do not depict sexual activity.
Erica Avery, 16, and Patricia Montes, 15. Like the three other defendants, Avery and Montes are charged with two counts each of armed sexual battery and kidnapping stemming from the Nov. 1 assault
Scene: The house in Hollywood, Florida, where the alleged attack took place on November 1
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