Threesome Tumblr

Threesome Tumblr


Threesome Tumblr

I marked this with HORRID in my list. So, you have been warned.

just started her job at an insurance company and he hates it, but hey
it’s money. So she’s delighted when she finds a Valentine’s
card on her desk a few days before the holiday. She quickly figures
it could be Mark, a handsome, smart and funny co-worker, because Mark
asks her out to lunch that day.

But oh
no, the next day there is another card and candy, when she thanks
Mark for it he is surprised and then James asks her out. Who is also
handsome, smart and funny.

decided that Carina can have a date with each of them and then
decided who her Valentine’s date will be. On her date with James
she brings up threesomes and James to his own surprise doesn’t hate
the idea of having one with her and handsome, smart and funny Mark.

Mark is
bisexual, so he’s all for that. Anyhow, before they get to the
threesomes, there are dates to have and guys to have sex with. But no
full penetration that would be disrespectful to her other date… I
just can’t with this logic.

forward and they have sex and then more sex in the office… And then
a co-worker who has the hots for Carina and isn’t handsome, funny
and smart, asks her out and she declines. So there is some revenge BS
and they cool their relationship until James who always worked in
insurance but somehow has the skills to develop a security
app/program that is revolutionary in his free time sells his idea and
they can all quit their jobs and get married. The end.

I hated
this book. James constant monologues about how he always thought of
himself as straight, but he guesses he can try to be bi for Mark and
let Mark fuck him made me want to quit this book.

Carina is
boring as fuck and mostly there to make it happen between Mark and
James. Telling James how handsome Mark is and how she would love to
have a threesome. This whole set-up with the not handsome, pudgy and
also mean and petty co-worker read like a 13 year old wrote it.
Because of course ugly people can’t be graceful, smart or funny.

there is the writing, which is bad. Just bad. The tenses are all
messed up, sometimes even in the same sentence. The sex scenes are
boring. The characters too. Editing? Are you kidding me? It’s non

thing has only 75 pages and I tempted to skip some…
I closed my eyes and gave in
to the pleasure, and once I’d settled in and relaxed, I realized it
was an absolutely magical feeling having two cocks in me at the same
time. For James, this was a new experience for him, too, and he was
completely absorbed in the situation. My tits were dangling
erotically right in front of his face, and he was unable to stop
touching, fondling and kissing them. The only sounds in the room were
the men grunting in pleasure as their cocks disappeared inside and
out of me. I was moaning slightly, too, taking in the immense
pleasure, realizing the porn that I had been watching had not done
sufficient work in preparing me for the actual experience. The
fantasy was nothing compared to the reality. If anyone had ever told
me that I would be celebrating a Valentine’s Day with two men, let
alone in this manner, I would never have believed them. I always
considered myself to be a good person and I always tried to justify
that with my actions. However, since moving to New York, all my
inhibitions had dropped and I was more willing to trying new things,
indulging in my wildest dreams.

And this felt like more than a
dream come true, two studs bringing me more pleasure than I ever
could have imagined. Mark was now thrusting faster and deeper into
me. It felt incredible to have him so deep inside me from behind and
his panting and groaning made me realize that he was struggling to
contain his pleasure. James was simply content with me riding him, my
tits dangling in front of his face. I felt his cock rock hard inside
my pussy and he held my hips as Mark continued thrusting inside me
faster and faster. The intensity in that moment was almost
overwhelming, and I let out a howl as the climax started to tear
through me. James’ eyes seemed to gloss over from the intense
pleasure and Mark let out a sharp, strangled groan. I felt a surge of
heat as Mark gripped my hips and drove in hard, and I felt a shudder
of ecstasy run through his body.

He slowly let go of me and
slid his cock from my ass. He was panting hard as he took a seat on
an armchair on the other side of the room and peeled the used condom
from his dick. He wore an expression of mixed exhaustion and
delirium. James seemed motivated to fuck me harder after watching
Mark cum. He drove up into me again and again, faster and faster,
holding my hips in place and controlling me from below. He was
staring right into my eyes, enjoying the slightly desperate look on
my face. Then I saw his eyes start to change and heard the low groan
that rumbled out of his chest.

This is a heterosexual menage
story and mostly porn, so I’m going to call it erotica with a
romance subplot.

Erik and Keegan had been
friends for years and built a multi million dollar business together.
They live next to each other and like to share women. After an
accident in the lab leaves Erik scarred, Keegan is the only one who
doesn’t Erik push him away.

Erik thinks of himself as a
monster, because he used to be handsome, rich and easy going, now he
hardly ever leaves the house, so Keegan has to go to those parties
and gatherings to promote the company, which he hates. At one of
these parties at the company Erik (who is a creep and watches these
things on livestream… ) sees Julianne. And he wants her, but knows
she won’t give him the time of day, because of his scars. So he
asks Keegan to offer her half a million dollars and fuck er while he
watches from the shadows. I mean… honestly, I’m here for this.

Julianne is ten years younger than the guys, she’s in massive
debt due to her mother’s illness. She also wants to open her own
restaurant and get out of town that judges her for liking sex with
men. So she says yes.
figures out pretty fast that someone else is there and coaxes Erik
out of the shadows. So the three of them fuck.

And form a
connection, so after some drama they go out and then fuck some more.
Then more drama, more fucking. So much sex in this books. Honestly.

feelings about this one. I liked the characters but they could have
been fleshed out more. I liked the friendship between the guys (also
a must in a heterosexual menage romance), the sex scenes were well

But. BUT:
the editing is bad. The spelling and grammar are issues as well. Guys
are called by the other’s name, shoes that have been red when she
gets dressed are suddenly black when they’re about to fuck. And then
there is the fact that there is barely any story and that Julianne’s
character is basically always horny. I mean the author tells me that
she has aspirations and friends and is clever…but honestly what I
see is her being always wet and always ready to get naked with them –
together or separately. Anywhere even at work while she’s
waitressing an event. And I’m not shaming anyone who wants to fuck
for three days straight but from a romance I want more well, romance.
This book is roughly 70% sex scenes.

And the
ending is kinda meh…it has this damsel in distress aftertaste.

Anyhow 360
pages. (and more books in the series, but not sure I’ll read/review

She lost
all sense of shame when she was with these men because they made her
feel as if nothing she did was wrong. Or bad. She wanted to strip
them, as well. Keegan’s physical perfection made her want to
lick him from head to toe. Even Erik’s scars held their own dark
attraction. Or maybe it was just the fact that he’d survived. She
sucked in a sharp breath as Erik’s hand slid over her mound
then arrowed straight between her legs.
you’re wet.”
His fingers slid over her clit and through her
slick pussy lips, teasing, rubbing. Making her wetter.
She was
already so close…
Moaning, she arched her back and rubbed her
ass against his cock.
“Make me come, Erik. While he
She opened her eyes now, looking right at Keegan.
His jaw so tight, it looked ready to crack. But his gaze stayed on
“Shove the pants down, babe.” Erik spoke directly into
her ear, the words felt more than heard. “Let him look.” She
obeyed without hesitation, hooking her thumbs in the waistband and
pushing down. The material fell without much help and, in seconds,
she stood there naked.
Now Keegan’s gaze dropped and didn’t
rise. The burning ache between her legs intensified because she knew
he was watching Erik play between her legs. Erik’s fingers stroked
along her labia as his thumb pressed against her clit. Without
entering her, he worked her body closer to orgasm. She felt
coiling inside, tighter with each stroke. Her hips began to
move in rhythm with his hand, seeking more.
She hadn’t
realized her eyes had closed until she felt Keegan step close enough
that she felt his heat searing her. When she opened her eyes, her
first view was of Keegan’s chest.
Broad, strong. She leaned
forward and put her mouth on him, right over his heart. She swore she
felt it pounding against her lips. Sucking in a breath, she filled
her lungs with his scent until it mingled with Erik’s and her own
Erik chose that second to release her and she let out
an unhappy moan as she reached behind her.
Keegan chose that
moment to replace Erik’s hand with his own. He took a second to wet
his fingers in her juices before he parted her sensitive lower lips
and began to fuck her with his fingers. Long, slow strokes, in and
out. Stretching her, filling her. Giving her friction. Just not
enough. Erik’s arms wrapped around her again, his hands molding to
her breasts. Her back arched, her pelvis tilting toward Keegan,
inviting him deeper.
He didn’t take her invitation. He
withdrew and she gasped, wanting him to return. But Erik was there,
wisting her head so he could take her lips. Overloading her senses.
Vaguely, she heard the sound of a zipper releasing but Erik’s kiss
engaged her mind and body, hot and drugging.
I swear my goal in life is to write a really hot, really dirty, but really sweet poly romance for you to review on this blog and rave about
Please do, send a link once you published it, so I can buy it. Don’t skim on editing. And if the heroine isn’t a sweet, submissive virgin I’m automatically gonna like it more. :)
If one of you has a book out there that fits my criteria (3 people poly romance/erotica) let me know.
I love promoting less known authors!

This is a
direct sequel to Polished, and you should read that one first, as I
liked it. But in a pinch you could read this one as a
standalone with an established triad.

Spencer and Jack had been together for a year. And Jack had been
Rory’s and her fiancee’s Dom. The three of them are doing great,
that is until Jack’s business starts failing. Everywhere he looks
the door is shut in his face. He finds out why when the mafia
approaches him. Jack is on the verge of losing his business and the
unfinished home he’s building for his lovers. Maybe even the yacht
he bought just months ago.
not a man to be fucked with but the mafia makes it clear it’s either
them or no one, and they also threaten the only two people in the
world Jack would walk on glass for.
he reluctantly says yes and lands himself in bed with the Russian
course he wants to keep it a secret form his lovers and subs. But
both Rory and Spencer are very attuned to Jack’s moods. They don’t
want to push him, but Jack’s getting worse. He withdraws from his
Dom duties too. Without an explanation. Jack’s unwillingness to be a
Dom to them hits Rory harder than Spencer. They’re both his
submissive, but have different needs. Rory needs Jack’s discipline,
needs his spankings, needs him to keep her form falling apart when
the world demands too much from her. Spencer doesn’t need any of
that. He can cope with the pressure of the world, what he needs from
Jack is the freedom Jack gives him to submit to a man. To let 
man do whatever the hell he wants to Spencer.
fact that Rory and Spencer are getting married complicates things,
because Rory’s parents think Jack is just a phase for them and once
they’re married they’ll be a couple again and kick Jack out of their
relationship. Rory’s mom likes to be in her business, so she’s
basically planing her own dream wedding instead of Rory’s.
course things turn out okay for the three of them in the end and
after all they’ve been through in this book they deserve it.
liked this book a lot too. Especially because you hardly see a Dom
struggling to be a Dom. All of them are people with different needs,
but the outside world is demanding too and sometimes you just don’t
have the energy to be on for your sub. This book also shows how bad
things can get of people don’t communicate. And Jack is a rel piece
of work here. Refusing to open up.
book has more D/s scenes and they’re less playful than in the first.
This is the progression of their story after all, so both Rory and
Spencer accepted being Jack’s subs, so much so that they’re
collared. By the end of the book they’re all very open about it with
family and friends and some readers might find it too much.
book is well written, we get all three pov’s. Editing could be
better. The sex scenes are hot. It’s not hardcore S/M. It’s hardly
S/M to be honest, because neither of them are sadistic or
masochistic. Spanking, edging and orgasm delay/denial are the most
common forms of punishment in this one. Sometimes restraints too.
If that meant he would take on the
role of Dom until Jack got his shit together, then so be it, right?
He would do it for Rory. Only a blind man could ignore what she was
going through. D/s scenes with Jack were hot, but Spencer didn’t
need to play the way that Rory did. The gaping hole it had left in
her life was hard to miss. Spencer wasn’t an idiot. If Jack
couldn’t give her want she needed, then he sure as shit would
But where to start? Spencer hadn’t ever laid a finger on
Rory that wasn’t a caress. The spanking she longed for was going to
be hard to give. He knew himself well enough to be sure of that.
turned around in his seat. “We’ll drive all the way upstate
tonight. I’ll have you over my lap in our bed.” It was only right
to deliver on the promise he’d just made in the bed that that had
been theirs first. Before Jack.
He turned to the man driving who
had made promises of his own to them both. “You’re good with
that, Jack?”
“You think you’ve got to get my permission?
She’s your fiancée.”
Spencer heard Rory suck back a sob
behind him. “She’s your sub, dammit! You don’t just get to
decide you’re not up for giving her what she needs.” Spencer took
a breath and calmed his tone. “Not without explaining why.”
was quiet in response. His lack of words was deafening.
voice didn’t waver, though it came on a rush of breath. “Jack,
please. If you won’t talk to us, then how are we going to find our
way through this?”
Jack pressed his foot to the gas, and his
car lurched onto the on-ramp.
“I will,” he said finally.
“But not tonight.”
“Why don’t you stay in the city,
then,” Spencer said. “We’ll take my truck home.”
turned his head sharply toward Spencer for only a second.
waited for him to protest, to say that he wouldn’t stand for that.
He wanted to hear Jack say Spencer was crazy if he thought that he
would let them drive upstate tonight without him. He wanted Jack to
make the choice, to come clean about what was causing him to stop
being the Dom she counted on.
“Whatever, Spencer. I’m tired
Spencer swallowed hard on that response.
didn’t need another night second-guessing herself. If Jack couldn’t
give them any answers, then Spencer would focus on easing her
suffering himself. He knew what she needed. Tonight it wasn’t Jack,
not the way he’d been acting.

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.
Sounds perfect
Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Hotwives, Hotwomen and Lost Lust and Love

I'm a lusty hotwife who wants to form a slut club with women who share my desires -- to fuck any and all whom I find attractive. Boys, girls, men, women, geezesrs and grannies. I know love can be hard, and most men are looking for true love, but a hot fuck may be all you need right now. I'm ready, but stay hard if you want to fuck me hard. Big dicks, hot cunt lips, sperm shooting like a fountain. That is truly Heaven. Period. Oh, yes: NSFW and probably offensive to some and too tame for others, but you can go elsewhere to find more or less offensive posting. 


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