Thoughts on Male Feminization

Thoughts on Male Feminization



All of my thoughts that are written here have not been vetted, tested or proven -- they are just my thoughts. What you find are patchy pieces of unreliable evidence, memes, self-reported studies that resemble memes, my opinions and ideas taken out of my ass. Don't mistake this for a well thought out piece. It's NOT based on research nor it claims to have a grip on truth. If anyone would use my thoughts, or slim pieces of evidence as they are to catch my ass, and start poking holes in my argument, you're welcome! (yes, I'm speaking about you)

Let's start with stating the position:

it seems that more and more males tend to feminize themselves.

Potential explanations that won't be discussed:

  1. The amount of such males hasn't changed, society has just shone a light on it. Their media and social network presence got bigger, because societal norms have changed, we're more accepting and less angry now.
  2. Number of people who would've wanted to do this 30 years ago hasn't changed but the ratio of people who're actively pursuing it has increased because it's more acceptable now.
  3. Male hormones levels are changing, some other explanation based in biology.

Fact #1:

5 years ago an interesting poll was released. Showing that 56 percent of all female registered voters associate themselves with Democratic party. While only 44 percent of males do so. College graduates also tend to vote Democratic.

College graduated female millennials tend to vote Democratic, whereas significantly fewer men do so

Data is not that reliable, my interpretation of it is even less so, but let's state it as a first fact. (Future me, review this assumptions as a short way to disprove the whole argument, time usually makes it easier)

Fact #2:

2 years ago Aella's article saw light -- Political Compass Fetishes. This is REALLY UNRELIABLE PIECE OF EVIDENCE, it's self-reported, correlations are small, people tend to portray themselves in a better light with better words, plotting and normalizing techniques probably also were not perfect, yada-yada, no good, bad piece of data, only worthy of entertaining the thought. No, really, this is not a reliable study, don't use it as a proof for anything, it was mainly made for being meme-worthy. Even the correlation between political beliefs and sexual preferences, though it might sound reasonable, it's neither guaranteed nor proven. Amount of data and rigor you would need to prove it, is insurmountable.s

But it did what haven't been done before, hats off to Aella for doing the Lord's work. We can see an interesting set of female fetishes among the women who identify as LibLeft. I'm going to employ a tactic that is called cherry-picking, to work with this information, we will take what supports the theory and dismiss the rest. A neat little trick, isn't it. I bet it's used all the time in nutritional studies.

  1. Males submitting
  2. Male use of sex toys
  3. Pegging
  4. Females dominating
  5. A lot of power dynamics fetishes

Fact #2 is stated.

Male fetishes for completeness

Further limitations of the study and other plots ibid.

My stupid theory:

We have a strong imbalance between millennial males and females who identify as LibLeft with matching fetishes.

Which is probably how it is supposed to be, but not given, it begs the questions: "can we generally expect that mating males and females have matching fetishes?". True, that would be nice, but is it always like that in society?)
  1. I think it's plausible that at least LibLeft males may be more inclined to feminize themselves. Because of already present fetishes (the reasons for which we're not examining) and it helps them to communicate better with the girls they are trying to appeal to. Especially if you're already in such circles, probably, you will develop tendencies described above by osmosis.
  2. Maybe, JUST MAYBE, the fact that we have less females in AuthRight and generally circles that are associated with GOP can have something to do with it also. Potentially if the amount of girls is significantly lower, it can lead to a severe competition for girls. So severe, that some naturally more feminine guys might at some point start posing in anime girl dresses with guns and be more like girls themselves. Even though Left people tend to be more gayish in general.
  3. We have some market forces, and potentially if some amount of guys will decide to try to reach LibLeft girls land (because there is less males, hence less competition), they will probably experience change of their sexual preferences and demonstrated behavior.

So I will state it like this, the main reason for observing increase in male feminization is just changing sexual preferences and fetishes in society and not about personal identity. I always thought that for most of the MtF people out there, it's not a question of body image (though undeniably for some it is), it's a fetish. They find the idea of being a girl, sexually arousing for them. I would even put it harsher: "they don't want to become a women, they want to become a slut".

All of this is a complete bullshit and nothing but my own thoughts laid out on the paper. It's ridden with huge logical leaps and unacknowledged assumptions. The main probably is overgeneralization.

I plan to reread it later, because it's always nice to reexamine some of your thoughts and to see GLARING INCONSISTENCIES.


While writing I encounter funny thought: maybe political divide in US has more to do with gender than political values. Perhaps we'll soon witness a civil war between Blue-Haired-Lesbian communist-guerillas and Gay-Furry corporate-assassins. In that case we know who would win, right.

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