Thor Rule 34

Thor Rule 34


Thor Rule 34
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Supposedly originating and popularized by the 4chan Image Boards , this was the first near-universally agreed-upon Rule Of The Internet . It is so well founded and documented with irrefutable proof that even those with only a cursory awareness of the Internet are aware of this rule even if they don't know it has a name.

While the original architects of the Internet had grandiose goals of research and data sharing, the second it fell into the hands of Joe Everyman , it became a tool for one thing and one thing only: pornography ! Now, it's not that everyone online is just looking for pornography; it's just that it's very very easy to come across. Even if you're not looking for it! Don't believe us? Do a Google image search (filters off) of, well, pretty much anything. Sometimes even with the filters on .

The key reason the scope of it is so wide and bizarre lies in what some have come to call Rule 36 : "If you've thought of it, then there's somebody out there with a Fetish for it." (And incidentally, by "it" we mean "anything that exists in the world.")

There's also Rule 35 , basically a guarantee that Rule 34 will remain true : "If there is no porn of it, it will be made". This basically means that if you notice you can't find porn of something, and point it out, somebody will be happy to draw/write/find it for you in pretty short order.

Finally, there is the concept of quantum porn. "Referring to a type of previously non-existent porn will cause online porn of that type to come into being retroactively." Nobody takes this seriously, so far as is known.

You may wish to keep a bottle of Brain Bleach handy while proving Rule 34. See also Rule 63 , which gets mixed up with this. And if you do go hunting to prove this rule false, say good-bye to your childhood first...

Not to be confused with US federal courts' Rule 34 . Or Rule 34 of the Evil Overlord List (dealing with the trope Scaled Up ). Or The 34th Rule , a Star Trek: Deep Space Nine book (the 34th Rule of Acquisition reads " War is good for business "). Or Wolfram 's Rule 34. Or Charles Stross 's novel Rule 34 (although it is the origin of the Stross title).

Nobody's sure if it's a coincidence that Lyons Township High School 's rule book has #34: No Pornography; mostly because nobody's ever dared to ask.

No examples, please. This applies to everything (except for Discworld , illustrated on several websites, as well as fellow novel runs Leviathan and Mortal Engines), so the list would be as long as ... everything. [1] Also, we're not really interested in being the Net's "How To Find Rule 34 Stuff" — you will need to look elsewhere if you want to find that kind of thing.

For a list of creator reactions to the phenomenon that are definitely not examples, see here .

A place for all demigods and fans of Rick Riordan's books and media to celebrate and discuss the Riordanverse.
Is it weird that there isn't a single rule thirty four post in the entirety of reddit for pjo or hoo
Rule 2 of this subreddit: No NSFW content sexualizing underage characters or actors. Not judging but you are not going to find on this subreddit
Aren't most of the main cast semi immortal?
Since PJO has a big younger audience, most Riordan subs that I’ve seen ban NSFW stuff
If there is I haven’t found any apart from some really strange fanfics
I searched percy jackson in a rule 34 website NOT because I wanted to jerk off ( These characters were my childhood I'd never even think bout jerking off to them) but because i was curious? I guess.. And the result was not.... "noah get the boat" bad. Still bad tho. It was mainly Percy banging Annabeth, rachel or calypso
NOT because I wanted to jerk off ( These characters were my childhood I'd never even think bout jerking off to them)
I totally get what you mean by this. Once I was reading a Percabeth fanfic and about halfway through, there was some smut. I was just skimming through it to try and find the end but then my friend (who hasn't read PJO or HOO) just randomly grabbed my phone off me and started reading it. Now she constantly teases me about it and I'm like 'wtf? these people were what got me through my childhood, why the hell would I want to jerk off to them?'
Beyond subreddit rules, literally all of the main characters are under 18, so theres some nasty implications about r34 there. Not that that's ever stopped anyone

Tonight, Marvel finally unleashes the climactic Avengers: Endgame upon the world. Spoiler alert: it’s really, really good . Endgame is the culmination of a story over a decade in the making, one that has irrevocably altered the cinematic landscape and created a passionate fanbase. And one thing those fans love to do more than almost anything is imagine their favorite Avengers having gay sex.
Fanfiction is the cornerstone of any fandom, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe is no different. On popular fanwork website Archive of Our Own (AO3), there are currently 269,849 works in the MCU tag, most of which center on queer relationships between male characters. These stories range from porny one-shots that take place between canon scenes to sprawling, novel-length (and quality) epics that set characters in alternate universes.
But who are the most popular pairings in Marvel slash fanfiction? In honor of Avengers: Endgame, I did some digging — and yes, I may have stopped to read a little porn during my research.
Captain America and the Winter Soldier have a friendship that dates back to pre-WWII, one chronicled in Captain America: The First Avenger and expanded in the gayest Marvel movie (besides Endgame ), Captain America: The Winter Soldier , which is literally a movie about Steve Rogers trying to get his brainwashed ex-boyfriend back. Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes have proved time and again in canon that they will do anything for each other, and fanfiction authors have simply taken that bond to its obvious conclusion. Of the 37,326 Steve/Bucky stories on Ao3, many take place in canon, imagining Steve and Bucky falling in love before the war and finding each other again in the present, post-superpowers. The most pressing question of this ship is: who is the bottom? My money is on Cap.
When Captain America and Iron Man first met in The Avengers , sparks flew. These two did not like each other, and fans immediately decided that friction would inevitably lead to … a different kind of friction. Steve/Tony stories, of which there are currently 22, 390, tend to be more sexy than romantic, although Captain America: Civil War , in which the former teammates became enemies, gave authors some juicy scorned lover drama to work with.
Hawkeye and SHIELD’s Agent Coulson first appeared together in Thor , and their few interactions were apparently full of enough chemistry that fans decided they were boning on the sly. This one is honestly kind of baffling to me considering Barton and Coulson are two of the most interesting characters in any given Marvel movie, but no shade! With 9,600 works on AO3, stans clearly don’t share my skepticism.
Why wouldn’t an alien sorcerer god and a billionaire playboy genius fall in love after becoming bitter enemies during an attempt at world domination? Iron Man and Loki share a similar snarky, pessimistic attitude, cunning wit, and ferocious intelligence, making them the perfect fanfiction fuck buddies, according to 7,653 works on AO3.
If you haven’t seen Spider-Man: Homecoming , you may not understand the powerful daddy/twink energy Peter Parker and his mentor share — after we’d both seen Endgame , fellow Out staff writer Mathew Rodriguez gushed about all the “Family Dick moments with Tony and Peter,” which really says it all. But the Peter/Tony ship isn’t just about May/December superhero sex. Thanks to Spider-Man’s emotional disintegration in Infinity War (“Mr. Stark … I don’t feel so good…”), this pairing now has some serious emotional resonance for fans … who want to imagine Tony Stark’s goatee getting very familiar with Peter’s parts at least 7,314 ways.
Thor is the most obviously Game of Thrones -adjacent of the Avengers, so it makes sense that his most popular love interest in fanfiction would be his adoptive brother, the half Frost Giant sorcerer Loki. In the MCU, Thor and Loki were raised as brothers for literally thousands of years before the events of Thor , in which Loki discovers that Odin found him as a baby and raised him as his own son. So, technically Thor and Loki aren’t related, making the 6,152 stories about them less cringey than they could be … but fanfiction writers sure do love having them call each other “brother” while they bone.

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