This Profile Is Private

This Profile Is Private


This Profile Is Private
Why did they set this to default? so annoying that you can’t see what people prefer to play so you can choose your comp regards to that.
Please change so public is default and that you manually have to select hide profile if you like this strange idea.
There are 362 replies with an estimated read time of 67 minutes .
I agree. A lot of players don’t even know they are on private and probably say to others “hey why do you changed to private?” while having it private themselves.
i say this stuff will manually even out to who wants their stuff privated and not.
The feature no one asked for and no one seems to like made it in. Fantastic.
I kind of like it, because with 900+ hours on Lucio I get all kind of stupid comments… Every other game there is comments about it… Now I can hide my profile and get rid of those comments… I am not sure I will though, because I still want people to see what I am playing…
A second thing I like about it, is that you wont get false reported for 1 tricking… No more: “hey you only play torb, I report you”, even before the game starts… Now you will only be able to report on his/her gameplay…
I think you’ll find that it has been requested a lot over the last 2 years to be able to hide your profile.
If only there was a way to communicate in this game…
Had no idea default was private until I read this.
“feature no one asked for and no one liked it”
no, thats Dva’s rockets.
This private Profile stuff is 100% beneficial and honestly is not harmful.
But waht I do want is a PINGING ability.
so i can ping locations and stuff
Torb will still get reported. But not for onetricking.
It’s annoying that I can’t see people’s ratings in LfG though. I don’t care about the rest. I don’t care if you’re 1tricking or not.
Torb will still get reported. But not for onetricking.
It’s annoying that I can’t see people’s ratings in LfG though. I don’t care about the rest. I don’t care if you’re 1tricking or not.
Well many is getting banned for 1 tricking, so someone cares… thats my point…
But I agree that it should show your current rank and maybe season high to see if they are around your rating, and to see if they are throwing to get to lower tiers…
Yup. Onetricking doesn’t get You banned. It’s allowed. Not a good idea but allowed.
If you onetrick and you’re good nobody is gonna report you.
Yup. Onetricking doesn’t get You banned. It’s allowed. Not a good idea but allowed.
If you onetrick and you’re good nobody is gonna report you.
So you DO care after all?.. Lol… The problem is when people just look at you profile and see if you are 1 tricking and reporting you even before the game starts… He/She might be good at given hero, but never gets a chance to prove it before getting reported…
I agree that its bit lame that profile is private by default…
I don’t think this is actually happening. Especially with lfg now.
But again I don’t care if it’s hidden… as long as I can see ratings.
It’s not hidden in wow either.
Also nice to see main heros on highest rating. So I know he can play a tracer too or Moira only. I don’t care if you only play torb If you’re on my rating with torb. It means you’re as good with him than I’m with ana tracer and any of the heroes
Although. If you’re onetricking and still on the same rating than others with full hero selection… It pretty much means you need the same time to master one hero than others in your team need to master 28. That means you probably arent going to improve ratings QUICK. And you’re 28 times slower/less versatile than your teammates.
Kinda unfair to match me with someone who needs 28x more time to adjust than me.
But then again, I don’t care about this that much. Just my 2cents.
They prefer to play what they pick if they do not pick they probably filling, you could always ask them also in voice, communication is a good thing.
The feature no one asked for and no one seems to like made it in. Fantastic.
Except I asked for it and I like it. Fantastic!
And you like it THE WAY it is ?
As i like it too, but in the current form of it, its not good for the game. Its causing more issues than solving imo.
What do you like in it ? Which part ? i’m really curious to see whats the big plus in it for people.
That people cant see your ratings?
That they cant see your mains ?
That they cant see that youre onetricking?
That they cannot see ANYTHING ?
I like the idea, but as i suggested in the another topic, in LFG, there should be an option for “Public profiles only” - so at least i can see who i’m trying to team up with. Its SUPER good in QP/ SOloque.
Its about finding like minded people, can’t decide if you’re likeminded if your profile is hidden. And everyone elses too(by default its hidden now)
well, the filling part is much harder now when you can’t see which heroes ppl play. you only got 1 minute to figure out what everyone play and voice is not a thing for everyone, especially not in my rank (low diamond). I think this change is making it harder to select a good comp on the fly. I usually like solider for example but If I see 4 other main dps with hours played on only dps heroes I insta lock tank or healer so they can select dps with comfort.
The thing that annoys me the most is that public isn’t default. Many wont even know this or dont care to change. but they might not know it affect other peoples picks. Wouldn’t you agree that selecting "hide profile " manually would be better for the ones that prefer this?
communicating with 6 ppl in 1 minute what everyone plays is a bit hectic. I also watched a few high ranked twitch streams yesterday and they thought this was awefull as well even though they communicate more then diamond.
That’s a very valid thing to bring up, as I think the system could definitely be improved.
That they cant see that youre onetricking?
These are the main reasons why I want to hide my profile. I am a Mercy “one trick”, even though I’m not. I’ll try to explain.
My stats show that I have a huge percentage of play time on Mercy, but that’s not necessarily because I can’t play any other hero. The reason I have that play time is because I find the heroes mechanics extremely enjoyable, I’m effective with her and in 99.9% of games, a Mercy is always needed and a valuable addition to the team. Therefor I have no reason to “flex” most of the time.
So, that’s the reality of the situation HOWEVER…
A good proportion of the player base look at a Mercy players profile and will straight up begin insulting her for being “boosted”, “one trick”, “no skill” ectect. It’s a horrible thing to be subjected to just for playing the hero you enjoy.
So basically it comes down to parts of the community being utterly vile. I think that Jeff had a very idealistic expectation of how this games community would develop but he underestimated how scummy players can be. I don’t blame him for being naive and I am glad that he’s finally seen the light on this issue but I will blame him for taking this long to sort it out.
So, how do we fix this? There are probably many answers to this question but the first thing I would do is to change it so that it only shows everyone what a players most preferred hero is, without showing play time on the heroes. That way people will look at me and think, “Oh, it’s a Mercy player” instead of “Oh, it’s a filthy boosted Mercy one trick, I better start harassing and abusing this person” …

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