This Is My Mom And Dad

This Is My Mom And Dad



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[Grammar] This is my mom and dad

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What is the difference between 'This is my mom and dad.' and 'They are my mom and dad.'
Can we use 'this' with plural nouns?

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What is the difference between "This is my mom and dad" and "They are my mom and dad"?

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These two sentences have been used by somebody pointing to the photos of a man and a woman.

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You know these two sentences have been used by somebody pointing to the photos of a man and a woman.
Remember - if you don't use correct capitalisation, punctuation and spacing, anything you write will be incorrect.

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These two sentences have been used by somebody pointing to the photos of a man and a woman.

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English Teacher
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British English
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What is the difference between 'This is my mom and dad.' and 'They are my mom and dad.'
Can we use 'this' with plural nouns?

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So given the situation, we can use both these two structures for introducing somebody. But if it is a plural noun which does not make any units we must use just 'they'.

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Can we start any sentence with 'you know'?

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American English
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United States
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United States

Can we start any sentence with 'you know'?
I'm not a teacher, but I write for a living. Please don't ask me about 2nd conditionals, but I'm a safe bet for what reads well in (American) English.

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English Teacher
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British English
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In case anyone is confused by post #4, please note that after I quoted post #3 starting with "You know", post #3 was edited to remove "You know". I don't know when it happened (there is no "Edited by" note at the bottom.)

Remember - if you don't use correct capitalisation, punctuation and spacing, anything you write will be incorrect.

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Correct please the phrases and explain please grammar:
Meet my parents. This is / These are my mom and dad.
(plural after "this is" in new sentence)
My work is hard. It's swimming, running, shooting and jumping every day. (plural after "it's" in new sentence)
The reasoning behind that is you are saying " This is my mom and this is my dad", not " These people are both my mom and dad."
The second sentence is syntactically correct, but is semantically wrong. It is weird to say that your work is "swimming, running, shooting and jumping every day" (since those are actions rather than "work"), but you should rather say:
My work is hard. It consists of swimming, running, shooting and jumping every day.
A less harsh alternative that you can use in verbal communication is:
My work is hard. I have to swim, run, shoot and jump every day.

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