Third Wave Feminism

Third Wave Feminism


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Third wave feminism has numerous definitions, but perhaps is best described in the most general terms as the feminism of a younger generation of women who acknowledge the legacy of second wave feminism, but also identify what they see as its limitations.
What does it mean to be a third wave feminist?
What does it mean to be a third wave feminist?
For third-wavers, feminism requires not a particular set of choices, but rather acting with a “feminist consciousness,” defined as “knowledge of what one is doing and why one is doing it.”…
Who is a living symbol of second wave feminism?
Who is a living symbol of second wave feminism?
Walker is in many ways a living symbol of the way that second-wave feminism has historically failed to incorporate the voices of many young women, non-heterosexual women, and women of color.…
Why was the second wave of feminism split?
Why was the second wave of feminism split?
Women's relationship to their own socially constructed desires has long been a challenge for feminism. In fact, the second-wave of the American feminist movement split over issues related to sexuality.…
Who was the founder of the third wave?
Who was the founder of the third wave?
Third Wave Direct Action Corporation (organized in 1992) became in 1997 the Third Wave Foundation, dedicated to supporting “groups and individuals working towards gender, racial, economic, and social justice”; both were founded by (among others) Rebecca Walker, the daughter of the novelist and second-waver Alice Walker.…
Третья волна феминизма — термин, с которым отождествляются несколько разновидностей феминистской деятельности и исследований, точные исторические рамки которых являются предметом споров, однако обычно указывается период с начала 1990-х до начала 2010-х годов. Термин «феминизм третьей волны» ввела Ребекка Уолкер в эссе 1992 года.
Third-wave feminism is an iteration of the feminist movement. It began in the United States in the early 1990s and continued until the rise of the fourth wave in the 2010s. Born in the 1960s and 1970s as members of Generation X and grounded in the civil-rights advances of the second wave, third-wave feminists embraced individualism in women and diversity and sought to redefine what it meant to be a feminist. The third wave saw the emergence of new feminist currents and theories, such as intersectionality, sex positivity, vegeta…
Third-wave feminism is an iteration of the feminist movement. It began in the United States in the early 1990s and continued until the rise of the fourth wave in the 2010s. Born in the 1960s and 1970s as members of Generation X and grounded in the civil-rights advances of the second wave, third-wave feminists embraced individualism in women and diversity and sought to redefine what it meant to be a feminist. The third wave saw the emergence of new feminist currents and theories, such as intersectionality, sex positivity, vegetarian ecofeminism, transfeminism, and postmodern feminism. According to feminist scholar Elizabeth Evans, the "confusion surrounding what constitutes third-wave feminism is in some respects its defining feature."

The third wave is traced to the emergence of the riot grrrl feminist punk subculture in Olympia, Washington, in the early 1990s, and to Anita Hill's televised testimony in 1991—to an all-male, all-white Senate Judiciary Committee—that African-American judge Clarence Thomas, nominated for and eventually confirmed to the Supreme Court of the United States, had sexually harassed her. The term third wave is credited to Rebecca Walker, who responded to Thomas's appointment to the Supreme Court with an article in Ms. magazine, "Becoming the Third Wave" (1992). She wrote:

So I write this as a plea to all women, especially women of my generation: Let Thomas' confirmation serve to remind you, as it did me, that the fight is far from over. Let this dismissal of a woman's experience move you to anger. Turn that outrage into political power. Do not vote for them unless they work for us. Do not have sex with them, do not break bread with them, do not nurture them if they don't prioritize our freedom to control our bodies and our lives. I am not a post-feminism feminist. I am the Third Wave.

Walker sought to establish that third-wave feminism was not just a reaction, but a movement in itself, because the feminist cause had more work ahead. The term intersectionality—to describe the idea that women experience "layers of oppression" caused, for example, by gender, race and class—had been introduced by Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw in 1989, and it was during the third wave that the concept flourished. As feminists came online in the late 1990s and early 2000s and reached a global audience with blogs and e-zines, they broadened their goals, focusing on abolishing gender-role stereotypes and expanding feminism to include women with diverse racial and cultural identities.
Перевести · 28.07.2021 · Feminism - Feminism - The third wave of feminism: The third wave of feminism emerged in the mid-1990s. It was led by so-called Generation Xers who, born in the 1960s and ’70s in the developed world, came of age in a media-saturated and culturally and economically diverse milieu.
"Third Wave Feminism," Rebecca Walker, March 15th, 2008
YouTube › Triton Talks Lecture Series at Edmonds College
Lily Kitten: Thoughts - "Third Wave Feminism"
First, Second, and Third Wave Feminism
The Second Wave
Rebecca Walker and The Origins of Third-Wave Feminism
Women of Color
Lesbians and Bisexual Women
Low-Income Women
Women in The Global South
A Generational Movement
The second wave of feminism emerged in the wake of World War II, during which many women entered the workforce, and would have arguably ended with the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), had it been ratified. The central focus of the second wave was on total gender eq…
Перевести · 29.10.2017 · Third wave feminism has numerous definitions, but perhaps is best described in the most general terms as the feminism of a younger generation of women who acknowledge the legacy of second wave feminism, …
Перевести · The third-wave feminists believed women had already achieved equal (political) rights and therefore were free to achieve whatever success they wanted. Because of this they were not able to realize …
Перевести · 26.04.2018 · The Third Wave of feminism was greatly focused on reproductive rights for women. Feminists advocated for a woman’s right to make her own choices about her body and stated that it was a basic right to have access to birth control and abortion.
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РекламаФеминизм (feminism) — от латинского femina (женщина) — это общественное движение
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Third-wave feminism - Wikipedia
An Overview of Third-Wave Feminism - ThoughtCo
Third Wave Feminism – Literary Theory and Criticism
Third Wave Feminism – Gender & Media
Third Wave Feminism

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