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Third Crisis Gallery Porn


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Third Crisis is an adult tactical-RPG that follows the adventurer and hero known as Vibe. After a mission gone wrong, she’s forced to adjust to her new way of life in the lust-ridden town of Carceburg. Whether she gives in to the bliss of submission or uses her sexual appeal to her advantage on the battlefield is all up to you!

As you delve deeper into Carceburg’s mysteries, you’ll come to uncover the secrets surrounding the crisis that saw humanity defeated and enslaved by the sinister organization Peitho.
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I'm on the mission "A Night To Remember" and I can't seem to find Jewel, Idk if i just am not looking in the right place or what? Pretty sure its part of the new patch
I've been reading about people having a similiar issue,
I am playing on an Android 11 device and the game is running incredibly instable with constant crashes.
The experience before has been very pleasant tho
The game has been working great for me until the most recent update. Now frequently when I go through doors the game crashes on Android. Haven't had this problem till now.
Does this game just have a long loading time, or am I experiencing some sort of glitch (I'm playing on android)
On some android devices, the startup might take over a minute.
I don't know if you've already been told this but there is a minor visual bug with the missions in the bar. They're nowhere near game-breaking but they are something I thought I might as well mention just in case. All they are is just that they usually are all stuck with the eliminate title even if they're not that mission and they don't show the rewards of said missions.
Hi Anduo, im loving this game a lot, its very fun, but i am stuck, probably because i missed a detail. I have no idea how to get into the storehouse, ive tried searching online but can't find anything, so my last resort is asking. But yeah. Thank you Anduo!
Hi! Just wondering, are you guys cool with people making fanfics about Third Crisis? I'm kinda drafting/thinking up a little fluff piece with Jenna and Karen (plus I have some other smut fanfic ideas with Jenna I might get around to writing) and just wanna make sure you guys are cool with it! Ik that some devs/creators aren't comfortable with fanfics/art using their work and characters, and unfort I haven't found any fanfics about Third Crisis anywhere, so I don't have anything to use a sign of whether or not they're okay. 
Completely fine if you guys don't feel comfortable with fanfics about TC, just wanna make sure first and not post a fanfic without your guys' knowledge/approval! 
go for it as long as you don't sell it :)
Wow, you've been working... v32 and still kicking.
"I... I... Request permission to follow you Senpai!!!"
 Just jking. But Seriously, now that's a dedicated development team worth at the very least, following. Keep up the good work! Hope it get's finished before the dev team gets too burnt out... Not that I'm entitled to a reply back. I'm no patron after all, but, if I may ask, how is the team holding up? Is there any need for concern? Honestly, I'm just genuinely curious. The "fans" like to know these things from time to time. After all, the development team is human too. At least, I would like to think so... not really big on well oiled machines but "to each their own..."
We're doing great! We're slowly reaching the end of planned development for TC, so 1.0. For that, there's still a lot to do, but it's on the horizon.
Of course after years of development, we're itching for something new, but we're making sure to take time off to keep it fresh.
That's good news. Thanks for sharing. Yeah, I'm not afraid to speak my mind. Even if it's weird... Was hoping you'd get a good laugh out of it anyway. Everyone could use a good laugh every now and again. Nothing wrong with being happy. Keep up the... lewd work lol ^_^ As far as feedback goes, uhh, I think it's really cool that the bugs are kept to a minimal and that they are getting fixed as soon as content gets released for the most part instead of the alternative. I can only imagine that fixing bugs as they surface is keeping the rest of the game from getting worse as more is added to it. It has quite a long story and a lot to it from what I've seen. It just seems to make sense. Ingenious I would say even. Kind of like when one bulb goes out on a light strip, the rest of the strip goes out from the point of the blown light bulb. I'm just only guessing though. I really actually don't know anything about that. Wonder if the logic is sound. But anyway if that's the case, all the more power to you & good on ya. Other than that, can't really think of anything new for you anyway. Can't think of anything that the teams probably already thought of or already put in the game or is even already working on & on the way...  Who knows, maybe I'll think of something. And if I do I'll be sure to send the idea your way. It's the least I can do. ;) Suppose that's that for now then, see ya around. And stay happy. It beats boredom, which tends to put people to sleep :/ and then you wake up, usually unpleasantly or unexpectedly... weird things happen when you fall asleep around others... especially at parties... yeah... it's not fun being left vulnerable like that... where was I?. oh yeah, I believe in you, you got this! ^_^
when i first started playing this i was having doubts. But I continued to play and i got really really into it. 10 out of 10 from me
If I buy the Steam version, the game will keep updating for free?
yes, just one version behind patreon.
No complaints, issues or problems whatsoever. Just wanted to drop in to say Third Crisis is genuinely fucking awesome. The porn/NSFW aspect of it is really enjoyable and fun, and it's great that you guys/gals thought of different things that the player might do and implemented them for a more dynamic experience (i.e., Jenna will only willingly take off her clothes after a certain perversion score, dialogue changes with townsfolk if Jenna has her top open vs. if she doesn't, taking off her panties and/or bra actually reflects her appearance and changes her look on the character sheet across all different outfits, not just the vibrosuit, etc.). Even the non-porn aspects of the game are fun to play around with, like the combat system and the ability for enemies to degrade Jenna and her allies' armor in battle, making each fight more than just a mindless hack and slash. Without a doubt, Third Crisis is among the highest quality NSFW games to be found on the internet, period. 
Plus, ya'll over at Anduo Games are genuinely fucking awesome. I've already gushed about how Third Crisis is a high quality game (both for porn and frankly just in general) in artwork, writing, mechanics, and everything else I haven't mentioned. But not only is this a great (and ever improving) game, you guys/gals are active in the community, not snarky when people ask for help or are confused, and aren't the kind of developers who sets up a Patreon to collect money and then go MIA for months or even years at a time without a single word (which unfort is a common practice especially with NSFW games). 
Gaming community here is a hell of a lot better with Third Crisis and more importantly, you guys/gals at Anduo Games in it. So, thanks for sharing this masterpiece of a game with us here. 
Aww thanks! I've forwarded your comment to the team and they're very happy :D
I saw there's a command for Modmenu, is there any mods available or still a work in progress?
Mod support is experimental. It's uncertain whether it's getting finished or not.
can someone tell me how to Shape Leila into a Peitho Dump ?
You're in unfinished content. Load the last save from before the townhall basement to get back to the other content.
ok thx
but when will new content come ? just want to know XD 
Where are the current save game files? I came back to this game after a while and now the game no longer uses the saves here: Users/(Your Name)/AppData/LocalLow/Anduo Games/Third Crisis/Saves.
That's where they are saved. In the windows version, there's also a button in the load menu that opens the save folder for you
The "Open Folder" option in the menu doesn't work and when I tried creating a new save it was saved to an uknown location. I also tried deleting the folder in the .../LocalLow/ location then uninstalling and reinstalling the game, and it didn't recreate that folder in the above location. However the new save I created still showed up, so it's gotta be saved somewhere other than the game's main and secondary folders.
I just figured out a temporary solution to the issue. When I open the game with the itch launcher I don't see my main save games, however, when I directly launch the game (click on the game file) all my saves show up. Don't know what's wrong with itch, but there's some kind of the conflict between the launcher and game.
Weird.. Thanks for letting us know. Maybe it redirects file access to locallow to another folder? Sounds very weird though.
Normally the game closes itself but since you updated it and it stopped closing itself while its loading, it still freezes itself and makes it impossible for me to play the game.
Where can I find the soundtracks used for the game?
We don't wanna add yet another layer of complication to the development process. We'll look into translation when the game is finished content wise.
Is there a chance that you will include skip content for those wishing to go through the story without any perversion?
If needed i can help creating an italian translation of the game
Thanks, but we don't wanna add yet another layer of complication to the development process. We'll look into translation when the game is finished content wise.
Just wanted to say: Thanks for letting me work with you in writing the early bartender minigame text. It wasn't what you 100% were looking for but I enjoyed working with you, you were professional and you paid on time, amount as agreed and gifted me a patreon copy of the game on top, which I was not expecting. Rock on guys. I will always remember working with you.

Thanks for having worked with us and for leaving a comment! We wish you all the best! c:
how does the dash work? i press 3 but there's no targeting squares or anything
Thanks, but we don't wanna add yet another layer of complication to the development process. We'll look into translation when the game is finished content wise.
Portuguese too, how we can help translate?
Thanks, but we don't wanna add yet another layer of complication to the development process. We'll look into translation when the game is finished content wise.
I downloaded it but I can't get past the logo. Pd: I'm using a Sansumg A11. I've also tried VMOS and just made it to the main menu. Guess I'll wait till next release
after third crisis would you be making a first and second crisis game?
This game looks like a lot of fun but it doesn't work on my android. It's a shame
Hello i have been crashing quite a bit on android but i could mostly keep going until the first rain event after leaving the old house am unable to move down past the gate the coffee guy was crashing right before it loads in.
Since am using a A70 could it be the video settings/gaming setting or because its in secure folder maybe?
What if you guys make a Kickstarter? To help more about this game
When was the Mac support dropped? :( That is lame. I have version 0.27.1, but I can't update.. :(
We never had native mac support. I'm assuming you're talking about the web version? There's a bug in unity's loader code that makes it so the latest macos doesn't work. We've got a fix and will put it in the next release.
OH, Yea. that is what I meant. That is what I was using.
really love the game, nice artwork!
Hi Anduo Games I have been playing this game on my HTC Butterfly j 3 and it was working fine but since I changed my phone to Moto Z Play the game isn't working at all it's saying Third Crisis has stopped please help
Oky.. And Hear That I Installed VMOS On my device and installed 5.1 Android and game did start for a little and then I changed the resolution of OS to 720x1280 and game started and work for a 5 min straight than crashed. And the game is working pretty good on low setting of game but still crash at some places.
The next patch should bring performance fixes for android that have made it work on fairly old android tablet, which had the same issue you described.
Where and how did you change the resolution on your phone
Hi Anduo Games and thanks a lot for your rare kind of adult game creation ! I'm doing letsplay video of hentai game and I would like to chekc with you if it's ok to publish videos on your game ? (and I'm making a bit of ads revenue from this just like any youtuber)
Go for it, tho I doubt youtube will leave your videos up because of adult content. Either way, feel free to also share the content in our discord!
I really like the game but sometimes when I press E to progress in dialogue, I get softlocked and cant move forward
fuck! i stuck in feitho training base how to get out ?
you get out using a save from before you were in
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