


Front Squat

How To Do Front Squat? The back squat is a classic lower body lift. It packs muscle on your glutes, quads, and hamstrings, as well as recruits your abs and lower back, working harder to stabilize your torso as you raise and lower the bar. It’s also an effective strength-building move, which is why it’s so popular with elite athletes from 100-meter sprinters to UFC fighters to swimmers to American footballers.

But if you’re serious about adding muscle size and strength to your lower body there’s one more move you should add to your leg-building workout: the front squat.

It’s an often neglected lift, but one that deserves your attention. Similar to the back squat, it has one key difference: You hold the bar in front of your shoulders at the top of your chest, behind your neck.

This important adjustment forces your quads, the muscle group at the front of your thighs, to manage and move more load, as well as your core muscles to keep your torso straight and your upper body balanced.

And there is a bonus too. Unlike the back squat, where it’s common for your form to suffer at the end of each set, the position you’re in for the front squat forces you to stay upright and maintain perfect form, which means you can sit somewhere more securely. Here’s everything you need to know.

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Close Grip Bench Press

Close Grip Bench Press is a great exercise to build big triceps. This gives you the freedom to do more oppression on the triceps. Of all the free weight exercises of the triceps, you can put the heaviest weight in the close grip bench press.  

Although the effect of this exercise is also on the chest, it is limited, the maximum pressure goes to the triceps. This exercise is to increase the size. The slight problem with this exercise is that here your angle changed and the pressure of the weight went on the chest and shoulder.

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Hack Squat

Surely you’ve been working the quadriceps during leg day and they put you in the routine of the hack squat. This is a guided machine exercise that favors the development of the quadriceps because keeping the body more stable, you can focus on moving more weight. 

This is a variant of the normal squat that helps you optimize work on the knee extensor muscles. However, if the technique is not performed well, it can lead to injury.

In this article, we are going to tell you everything you need to know about the hack squat so that you can perform it correctly and reap its benefits.

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Floor Press

The floor press isn’t just a simplified version of the bench press that you can use when you don’t have access to a bench. It’s an exercise with a few crucial changes from its more well-known counterpart that you should consider, especially if you have a shoulder issue.

Because the range of motion in the exercise ends at the floor, the floor press puts less strain on your shoulders than the bench press. Because you don’t get the same assistance from your legs as you do with the bench press, lying on the floor puts additional strain on your upper body.

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Preacher Curl

Preacher Curl: It is everyone’s dream to build strong and big biceps. Youngsters or gym freaks also work hard to build biceps. Everyone becomes a fan of the body that looks like wearing a T-shirt after heavy biceps. 

There are many exercises to tone the biceps. One of those exercises is named Preacher Curl exercise.

This is a very good exercise, which creates tension on the biceps. This is the muscle that gives roundness to the biceps.

Today I will give you what is the Preacher Curl Workout, how to do it, the right way, and all the information, after knowing that you will also include this exercise in your workout plan.

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Shoulders And Arms Workout

Shoulders and Arms Workout: Strong shoulders shape your upper body. At the same time, when it comes to any responsibility, the matter of burden on the shoulders definitely comes to mind. That’s why it is said that taking someone’s responsibility on one’s shoulder is a big deal.

This is a matter of proverbs, but if we talk about real life, then…

Yes, strong shoulders enhance the personality of every man. Only with their help can you lift heavyweights. Many people go to the gym and do hard work and exercise for this, but still, they are not able to give the right shape to their shoulders.

So today your wait is over because in this article I am telling you some Shoulders and Arms Workout, which are very effective.

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Sumo Deadlift

Sumo Deadlift: The deadlift is one of the most important exercises for any serious gym locker, but it’s also one that can be difficult to hold, especially when you’re relatively new to the weight room. Small flaws in your technique can potentially lead to major injuries, especially to the lower back, and so it’s definitely a move you should be careful about until you know your form.  

So if you’re concerned about the load on your lower back, the sumo deadlift is a great option to try. This is a simple variation in which you adjust the width of your feet, a change that moves your upper body closer to the ground and therefore reduces how far you have to lean to pull the weight.

By changing your stance, you focus the exercise of your hamstrings on the glutes and hips. Doing this type of deadlift variety hits the major muscles at a different angle from the standard move, so you may find that the sumo deadlift ultimately improves your performance in the deadlift. This means that even if you’re definitely on your deadlift form, it’s worth adding sumo variations to your gym routine.

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How To Lose Arm Fat

How To Lose Arm Fat? When a person is a victim of obesity, then all parts of his body are affected by it. Along with the stomach, the fat also starts increasing in the arm area. In such a situation, it is necessary to reduce the fat of the hands along with the whole body. This article by think-how can help reduce arm fat. In this article, we are telling the reasons for the accumulation of fat in the hands.  

Along with this, we will also give information about exercises to lose arm fat.

Below is the complete information about Exercises To Lose Arm Fat:

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How To Lose Shoulder Fat

How to lose shoulder fat? Everyone’s body is different and has a different perception of fitness. Some have to reduce their stomach, some have problems with their hips, some have to tone their legs and some have more fat on their arms. 

If you are also one of those who have a problem with the fat in the arms and want to tone them quickly, then we are going to share with you a morning shoulder exercise routine that will melt the fat in the hands. If you do this for 10 minutes everyday in the morning for a week, then it will tone your arms quickly.

In the morning routine, we are going to talk about 9 easy exercises that have been given which have to be done for 30 seconds to 2 minutes.  Keep in mind that this routine has to be followed daily and you will not need any machine for this. Here we are going to tell you how to lose shoulder fat:

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Biceps Workout

Biceps Workout: Most of the people in the gym are seen to exercise only biceps and triceps, they want to increase the size of their biceps, they want to look attractive and muscular.

That’s why they go to the gym and work hard, but they fail to gain muscle even after going to the gym. They leave the gym in despair.

Fitness experts and trainers say that if you exercise well and follow a clean diet, then you can increase your biceps by one and a half inches in 2 months.

Given this, today, through this article, we will tell you the right way to apply Biceps Workout, exercises to increase size, and the right day to apply exercises. So that’s why you read our article completely.

Decide The Day For The Biceps Workout….. 

Often people are seen to pay more attention to biceps workouts, they keep doing biceps workouts every day.

But by exercising the biceps daily, the growth of the muscles stops, due to which the plates come in the muscles and they do not see the results.

People keep asking me on which day to do biceps exercise so that they get quick results, but it is not like that, you do not get quick results on a certain day. This is a long-term result that you can get by exercising daily.

Biceps are small muscles in our body, train it only once or twice a week. You can choose any day according to you and apply biceps exercise.

Before knowing the exercise of biceps, let us understand the anatomy of biceps.

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Triceps Workout With Dumbbells

Many people have been seen to not pay attention to Triceps Workout With Dumbbells. He is mostly engrossed in exercising the biceps. He thinks that exercising the triceps does not increase the size of his hands, so he mostly exercises the biceps.

But it is not so, people do not know that the triceps is the biggest muscle of our hands. It is 1/3 of our hands.

The muscles of our triceps are necessary for the growth of the overall hands, without this the shape of the hands remains incomplete. Be sure to include it in your workout routine.

Do you guys think about how to increase the size of the hands?

So I want to tell you that for the growth of any muscle, first, the muscles have to be broken through exercise, then for the growth of the muscles, a healthy diet has to be eaten.

To increase the size of the triceps, we will tell you 5 such exercises for the best Triceps Workout With Dumbbells, which will definitely increase the size of your hands.

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