Things to Know When Buying Twin Platform Bed Mattress Size

Things to Know When Buying Twin Platform Bed Mattress Size


Of the four most popular mattress sizes, the twin platform bed mattress is the smallest size. Designed for a single sleeper, a standard size twin mattress is 39 inches wide by 75 inches long. a through back to the early days of mattress standardization, many people still refer to a twin size mattress as a single. Local colloquialisms aside, the twin size mattress is the most widely used mattress sizes. Whether used for children's beds, beds in college dormitories, camp beds, or day beds, the twin mattress fills the bill in many respects.

The process of choosing a quality twin mattress is no different than choosing any other size. Considerations like mattress construction, materials, and level of comfort do not change with the size of the mattress.

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Should a Twin Mattress be Firm or Soft

Whether to buy a soft or a firm mattress remains one of the longest debates in the mattress business. This is true regardless of whether you are buying a twin mattress or a larger size. The debate centers on what type of mattress is better for the back and has roots in the amount of time we spend in bed over our lifetime. Sleeping helps our body to recuperate and retool. Just as ill-fitting chairs or poor posture habits can adversely affect back health, sleeping on the wrong mattress can make a healthy back sore and a sore back worse.

The conventional wisdom has been that people with back problems should always sleep on a firm mattress. Some recent studies have turned conventional wisdom on its head. Some studies have concluded that the choice of a mattress might have more to do with what feels good for the individual rather than relying on an arbitrary standard. This thinking has changed the way many consumers choose a twin mattress.

The answer to the question of firmness can often be found during a test drive. That's right, just like a car, a mattress should be given a thorough test drive. This means spending enough time actually lying on the mattress, preferably in the position that you normally sleep in. Simply pushing on the mattress will not do.

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Twin Mattress Design

With the increased use of latex foam and other modern materials, mattress manufacturers now offer a greater variety of twin mattresses than ever before. Still, the innerspring mattress remains the most popular choice among consumers. Mattress designers use a combination of factors to control the feel and firmness of a twin mattress. The Bonnell coil spring is the most common spring design, though other spring shapes are also used. The number of coils or wraps in the spring combined with the thickness of the spring wire determines how stiff the spring will feel.

The spring count used to be the overriding consideration when choosing a twin mattress. All of that has changed with the increased use of foam materials. Hybrid mattress designs use a combination of coil springs and various foam densities to control the feel and firmness. The result is often a reduction in the number of coils. The thickness of the wire used to form the springs has a lot to do with how the mattress feels. Wire thickness is measured might seem confusing to some folks but it really quite simple. The thicker, or heavier the spring wire, the lower the number. For example, 14 gauge wire is thinner, or lighter, than spring wire than 13 gauge wire.

Further Reading: Best Twin Platform Bed with Storage

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