Things to Consider when Hiring a Crane

Things to Consider when Hiring a Crane


From large engineering projects to manufacturing, construction, demolition, and land clearance, invariably there comes a time when the cost of crane hire services has to be factored into the job. What initially appears a straightforward task however, can become an expensive and time-consuming mistake if the wrong type or size of crane is booked from your local crane hire company. Before contacting any crane hire companies, there are a number of things that need to be considered.

What your crane needs to do?

Okay, so the short answer is to lift heavy objects. However, with so many types of cranes available, picking the wrong one can add large additional costs to the project, and more importantly, put fellow workers in danger. To ensure you get the crane you need, factor in the following elements.

Site access

While travelling back and fore to the site in your company car, consider whether a large mobile crane or low-loader can reach that city-centre location, or whether narrow country lanes and sharp turns can be navigated. There are various crane options available that can be transported and assembled on-site if required.

Maximum weight to be lifted

Always remember, when calculating the amount a crane can lift, the crane hire company will also need to know what is being lifted, the height the object/material has to be lifted to, and the distance from the platform. The higher or further the load has to be moved from the platform, the greater the crane lifting capacity needed. The material or objects being moved can also have a bearing on the types of cranes that can be used. For instance, building a tower block will probably require a tower crane.

Consider the terrain on your worksite

Other crane information your crane hire services company will require is about the terrain. Will your mobile crane be required to move objects from one area of the site to another? If yes, what are the site conditions? Solid, such as concrete or tarmacadam, or rough, soft, and uneven such as grass, clay or rubble. The site conditions will determine whether a wheeled mobile crane or a crawler (one fitted with tracks), or another type of crane, will be the safer and most cost-effective option.

Check for aerial and other onsite hazards

A high level of safety is required whenever cranes are deployed. Be sure to check all aspects of the site for possible hazards including overhead dangers such as power cables, telephone cables, gantries, or overhanging objects. Broken or damaged power cables especially, can not only put the lives of your staff at risk, but also that of the crane operator.

Hiring, buying, or leasing your crane

Many companies use crane hire services for a one-off specific job, such as unloading and placing heavy machinery or electrical equipment onto its new base. In these instances, an hourly or day hire option is the most cost-effective.

Others businesses require crane services from day one to completion of the project. In these cases you could consider new or refurbished crane purchase. Bear in mind, however, an employee will need to be fully trained and certificated as a crane operator. The machine will also have to be regularly serviced, maintained, and safety checked, all adding additional cost.

The other long term option is lease-hire. Crane hire services can offer long term lease contracts that include an operator, and all maintenance work and safety checks included in the monthly cost.

How much does crane hire cost?

Once you have collected all the crane information required by the crane hire services company, you can begin to enquire about the cost. How much does crane hire cost will depend on the type of crane needed, the length of time you require it, and whether you want a crane operator.

Crane hire is generally very flexible. Most crane hire services offer hourly, half or full day hire, weekly, or monthly and longer hire periods. Unless you have a fully qualified crane operator on your payroll, asking for an operator from your crane hire company is the safest and most cost-effective option. These guys are fully trained for each type of crane and will be able to undertake the work quickly, safely, and efficiently, compared to someone who hasn’t operated a crane for some considerable time.

Finally, if you have any concerns or reservations about the type of crane you require or the suitability of the site terrain, contact Altida Crane Hire Company. They will be pleased to discuss the problems with you. And if necessary, are happy to visit you on site, to ensure you get the right crane for the job. 

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