Things that can't be currently themed on Telegram for Mac OS

Things that can't be currently themed on Telegram for Mac OS


Here's a list of things that can't be currently themed on Telegram for Mac OS and could be made unreadable with themes.

Date color for medias

It's possible to change the color of the background for it, but text always stays white.

Color for number of unread messages

For both muted and not, it's not possible to change that color currently.

Text color for "Add stickers" button

If very bright color is picked as accent, this text will stay white and will be unreadable.

Highlight for comment reply

When you hold Cmd and press arrow up, you can select a message to reply to. This color can't be customized via themes.

Selected contact name while creating a group

Text is always white here, which makes it hard to read on bright colors.

Things that would be nice if were customizable

Separate color for text input field.

Separate color for toolbar and pinned message bar.

This would allow to create duo colored themes where sidebar is using different color from the rest of the chat window.

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