Things recruiters hate to read on a cover letter

Things recruiters hate to read on a cover letter


1. An impersonal approach to the cover letter

One of the first things a person realizes when seeing words for themselves is a sense of belonging and how concerned they are. This is one reason why there is a great need for personalization when writing emails, texts. Even I have to keep in mind that I have to be personal to anyone who wants to know the ways to improve a cover letter.

A cover letter is no different. Therefore, anyone who does so must be resolved to keep their cover letter to you, personally, and for their personal employee needs. It means no "to whom it may concern". Also, it should be borne in mind that it should not be written loosely without specific abilities. One of the best ways to keep it that way is to present your skills in a more quantifiable but compact way so that it becomes easier to understand while leaving the recruiter intrigued.

2. The cover letter is not an abbreviated CV!

Recruiters have already received your CV, why bother them with more of the same. A cover letter is a place to be a personalized and creative writer who loves yourself, not a resume writer looking for a job.

My recommendation here would be to write in order to attract the reader. This means to write after a great self-assessment and to be as personal as possible to the recruiter, the industry, and the company. It also doesn't give you the right to be a show-off with unfounded claims. In other words, be real to yourself and the recruiter.

3. KISS (Keep it simple, stupid.)

This is a suggestion I would like to share with the 22 year old me. A cover letter should be short and pleasing to the eye (in terms of colors and fonts). Keep something for maintenance.

A cover letter should be a prelude to your interview. As your CV will be devoted to your professional career, this letter is meant to be a document that does not waste the recruiter's time. Its content should be crystal clear, while keeping the recruiter intrigued for the interview.


You may have realized that a cover letter is not a very easy thing to write at this point. Without a defined format, it's a place to just be you while leaving a few questions the recruiter needs to ask. Keeping the other points as a rule of thumb, go ahead and write a cover letter worthy of praise in your industry and future place of work.

But, all this information loaded and no examples?!? Relax, I got you. Here's a great article written by itjobsnearme featuring pointers and examples for making a cover letter. You can also check out this great article from Zety on how to write a cover letter in 2021.

Just keep in mind that no one knows you better than yourself. Printing this mindset on paper can do wonders for your letter.

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