Things That Should Be In Your Emergency Kit

Things That Should Be In Your Emergency Kit

It's possible for disasters to strike at any time therefore be prepared. The ability to have a "go bag" to quickly grab before evacuated instead of taking time to assemble the essentials can make the difference in emergency situations. What are the most important things you must have included in your "gobag" emergency kit? Check out this video, or read the article to learn more.

You should have the supplies and tools necessary to provide basic protection from elements, first aid, and signal to rescuers.

1. First Aid Kit

The first step is to have a survival kits, which can be used to treat injuries or stop infection , even if one doesn't have immediate access to a hospital.

You will need to have an emergency supply of band-aids for minor wounds gauze or medical bandages for more serious cuts, tweezers that can remove glass shards and foreign matter from wounds, small scissors and alcohol wipes.

Make sure you have at least three days of prescription medicines in your kit for emergencies.

2. Toiletries

An emergency kit must contain a supply of basic items like toothbrushes, personal hygiene products, toothpaste, survival food,soap and shampoo.

3. Container Of Water

In the case of emergency water supply, the rule of thumb is to have at most 1 gallon (3.875L) per person per day for at least three days.

The use of a water bottle that is portable can be extremely useful when water availability is not sufficient and water can only be available in the event of an evacuation.

4. Flashlight

It's not unusual to have no electricity in emergencies, so a flashlight is essential to navigate through an electrical blackout or beneath debris.

Although your smartphone is likely to come with a flashlight option however, you should have either a battery-powered one with a stronger beam or a rechargeable one.

5. Swiss Army Knife

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of a multi-tool that can be carried around inside your pockets. Its tools can are used for eating, opening canned products, cutting through clothes, etc.

6. Signal

The risk of getting trapped in debris is a real possibility during earthquakes or fires, so having a whistle to call rescuers' attention to your location could be the difference between life and death.

7. Blanket

A portable, lightweight blanket is ideal for humid and hot weather. This can be used as security during a typhoon flooding, fire, etc.

8. Case With Waterproof

This case can safeguard your cash and phone should you have to wade through floods or be exposed to the elements. It is also possible to use an waterproof bag to shield the bug out kit (or any other items) from elements.


There is a possibility for mobile sites to be shut down during emergencies. A radio will keep you informed about rescue and relief efforts.

10. Rope

Rope can be utilized in emergencies for a variety of purposes, such as a lifeline, rescue, construction of shelters, or for securing objects.

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