Thickest Dick Ever

Thickest Dick Ever


Thickest Dick Ever

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What is the biggest girth gain you have ever heard of in PE . Either first hand second hand etc…………?
And also, wonder what the biggest girth every reported and verified?
Was supposedly of a guy who went by the nick “Ulistretch” back on the old ezboard forum. Back when I first started PE and went by the name Wantmore. You can find his archived post in the archives on the main page here. Was from Australia I believe. He claimed something like a 8” girth with a over 9” “meatus” or glans. Still not sure if I totally believe it…but, then again you never know! I’ve seen pics here and elsewhere of men with natural (the rarest) and PE ’d girths of 7-8”. My goals’ 6 3/4”. I may end up wanting an even 7” girth just so I can say my length and girth match. or maybe it’s Anyway dont know if the place still exists but, thats the club of a former client of Big Al’s who went from my former size (6x5) to something like 9x6.75…although he claims to have 10x7….I remember reading a post where he confessed that he “rounds up” his measurements rather than have “odd measurements” like 9.75x6.75 or whatever. LOL anyway, I know what MY goals are do you?
I was always very suspicious of Uli’s girth claims. No one in several surveys of penis size had a girth like that. And I think no (human) woman would enjoy that.
a guy named mako from the penile fitness site was supossed to have 12x8 and he started at 7.5-by around 6 girth
There is another guy on penilefitness whose girth was about 9”. He said that he couldnt get his hand around it. Infact, this guy was so thick that his length stopped at 7.75” and he coulnt get it going again. Permanent plateau. His girth routine was very similar to uli. I think that this is possible. Infact, the owners of pf was trying to help him get his length going again with no success. So I diagree with you guys who dont believe mr uli. Ive tried his routine and gained 0.5” girth at a very quick pace, so imagine doing it for 2 years. Very possible.
ULI was thick to begin with. I believe his 8” midshaft girth. He had one of those large heads and measured around the edge of the mateus, as the poster said.
According to Kinsey, M&J, and countless other scientific surveys, less than one tenth of one percent of men have a girth 6.5 or more. Over seven is almost zero. Remember, girth measurement doesn’t suffer from variances due to placement of ruler and bone pressing, etc. It is what it is, usually mid shaft.
I saw a pic of a guy in Sweden who looked to be over nine around, maybe more. The biggest “non-computer-enchanced” natural girth I have ever seen. I got it off an old swinger board. It was just unbelievable, but not fake either. I could send the pic but I don’t send pics for security reasons, sorry. You see a lot of huge thick ones on the net but they are “enchancements”, believe me.
The statisical distribution of girth is almost symmetrically normal, unlike the skewed length distribution. Like I said, there is some measurement variation in length that is not a problem with girth, so you guys over six thick are at the 99th percentile. Of course, this is a sort of mid shaft measurement, so you must check data for where the string was attached.
I don’t know, tt. Maybe we just got exhausted considering all those girth stats. :-) I’ve been working my unit for months trying to get to my goal of 6.5 at which point I’ve sworn to myself that I’ll quit, but I can’t seem to squeeze another millimeter into it more than I’ve got.
However, I have taken a lot of solace in phat9’s comment that anything over 6 girth is in the 99th percentile. 6.50 is maybe a pipedream and I’ll keep doing Horses, etc. in search of that maybe mythical stat.
But shit, man, you should see my forearms after a year and a half of this!
Your last comment sounds like a joke, but when I used to jelq, I would usually stop on a given day when my hands or wrists hurt.

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You don't know RJ Berger just yet, but give it time, you will. A total nerd, a complete dweeb and you guessed it, an absolute dork, RJ is a high school student stuck firmly in the lower level of the social hierarchy. But he does have one thing going for him: a giant penis. (Yes, we meant to write that.) And after everyone finds out this fun fact, his life is changed forever. Like another RJ before him ( Ron Jeremy ), he uses his colossal crank to turn his life around in MTV's upcoming new series, " The Hard Times Of RJ Berger " (premieres June 6 at 11/10c).
So ... in honor of RJ and his giant member, we present a list of Hollywood's seven biggest boners. Enjoy!
You may know him as an accomplished actor of stage and screen, but the women who have shared a bed with Liam Neeson know him as an accomplished actor of stage and screen with a huge wiener. According to former fling Janice Dick inson , Neeson had "the biggest penis of any man alive. He unzipped his pants and an Evian bottle fell out." Good to know, Dick.
Some of Hollywood's largest wangs are also some of its most mysterious. That's because a large dong reputation is often rooted in rumor and hearsay. Not so with Ewan McGregor, who's flashed his bits in as many as three films so that just about everyone knows he's packing a light saber in his underwear.
Like McGregor, Colin Farrell hasn't been shy about whipping out his wang for the camera. But unlike McGregor, Farrell's penis keeps getting left on the cutting room floor. First there was his nude scene in the 2004 film "A Home at the End of the World," which was reportedly cut because it excited female viewers too much during test screenings. Later that same year the camera captured his dong for "Alexander," but again, the scene was deleted. It was a decision that Farrell said made sense : "It’s a beautiful, gentle moment, and a f**king large c**k with huge b**ls is just f**king jarring.”
Willem Dafoe is widely rumored to be the owner of Hollywood's largest package. And while shooting his latest film, "Antichrist," director Lars Von Trier found out for himself. The film called for Dafoe to hack off his own member, but when it came time to shoot the scene, Von Trier decided to use a dick double. Not because he wanted to keep ladies from getting too excited, but because Defoe's penis is so large "everybody got very confused when they saw it."
The evidence that James Woods has huge wood is slim, but it's a rumor that's so well known in Hollywood that it's taken as the undisputed truth. Plus, Woods has been known to often joke about the size of his member. His best was a response to a rumor that a former lover super-glued his penis to his leg. "Well, actually, it was to my ankle," he said .
It has been said that Jared Leto has "Hollywood's biggest" baguette. Corroboration of that rumor comes from someone who would know. Porn star Corina Taylor , who once dated Leto, has said , "I’ve been a porn actress for three years, and Jared was the most I ever had to work with. There’s definitely a second career available for him if he ever runs out of mainstream work."
He may be best known for his white linen suits and well-manicured stubble, but Don Johnson's, well, johnson might be his most prized asset. According to the book "Penis Size and Enlargement," the "Miami Vice" star is hung like a speedboat. And a website with the authoritative name "Bulge Report" says that Johnson is sporting the penis of a porn king, which might actually be a line of work he's moving into considering the name of his next film, " A Good Old Fashioned Orgy ."
Milton Berle may be dead, but the legend of Hollywood's most famous dong lives on. Over the course of his career, the late actor became as well known for his prodigious penis as he was for his comedy. Berle's wang was so large that comedian Phil Silvers once snuck a peek while taking a leak and said, "You'd better feed that thing, or it's liable to turn on you!" Even after Uncle Milte's 2002 passing, people were talking about his member. During a memorial service, a comedian friend of Berle's announced, "On May 1 and May 2, his penis will be buried."








Why am I not surprised the world's biggest dick lives in California?

because thats where all the money is?

Anderson Cooper from CNN did the measurement

That would far more be a nuisance than an asset

It'd be a major nuisance for an asset!

I feel bad for him. He's never been balls deep in his life.

I have seen some women who can take it. I would probably pay to see it.

Not unless he was raised on a farm.

I picture it as super thin . Like a straightened out coat hanger .

Maybe he should be looking for a girlfriend on this site since its filled with fat giant pussies.

How does he walk? For that matter, how does it get an erection without passing out from sudden blood loss from his brain?

That would make a great episode of Unsolved Mysteries. Someone call Robert Stack.

I love how ironic your name is for this question %uD83D%uDE02%uD83D%uDE02 %uD83D%uDE02%uD83D%uDE06

Yeah go snake the toilet, Moby

Yes, talk about a man' penis, okay, talk about a woman's boobs, your comment or post gets deleted.

You have to consider who the mods are here.

My whore senses are tingling. Maybe I just need antibiotics....








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A 28-year-old man from Hemet, California can finally take a sigh of relief after having his member measured by the world record authority earlier this week. Daniel, who has asked to have his identity withheld from the story, for reasons we have trouble believing, has taken the title of world's longest penis from the previous holder, Roberto Esquivel Cabrera, who set the record with a measurement of 18.9 inches (48.1 cm) back in 2015. 
Daniel's measurement came in at an astounding 19.1 inches when fully erect and was an achievement he never believed possible. Daniel was quoted by journalists saying, " in my younger days, I had a fairly average penis. It wasn’t particularly short, but it was definitely not as long as it is now.” He also went on to talk about his difficulty finding and keeping a girlfriend, which quite honestly we also find hard to believe. 
So in honor of the new world record holder, here are a few things that are as big as the world's biggest penis. 
Shaq's Shoe: Which only measures a measly 14 inches
Home Plate: Which only measures 17 inches wide
And if none of this has made you feel inadequate just wait, because there is a good chance that Daniel's member is 3x longer than yours is. 

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