Thick Sperm

Thick Sperm


Thick Sperm


What Are Some Characteristics of Unhealthy Semen?

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If you're wondering, "Why is my sperm so thick?”, then hold on - you may be asking the wrong question. Here's the thing - your sperm can never be thick (in fact, you can't even see them without a microscope); it's the texture of your semen that matters.
Semen texture can vary from person to person, and thick semen (not thick sperm) can also be attributed to a number of conditions such as hormonal imbalance, dehydration, or even habits like smoking.
There will always be a change in the consistency of semen, and it usually depends on what you eat, how active you are, and how often you have sexual intercourse with your partner. Here are some other reasons why you may have thick sperm:
If your semen looks thicker than normal, you may be suffering from dehydration. It is important to understand that drinking coffee and soda will also have dehydrating effects on your body, and this will lead to thicker-than-normal sperm. It is, however, a temporary condition only and resolves on its own.
Why is my sperm thick? The answer could be related to your overall health. The thickness may vary if you have an infection. This is usually the case when you have thick semen with discolored ejaculatory fluids. You may even notice a green or yellow tinge in your semen. It is more likely to be an infection if you also see a foul-smelling discharge from your penis.
The thickness of your semen may also vary due to hormonal imbalance. If your testosterone levels go down, you may notice your semen becoming thick. It is, however, a bit tricky to determine if hormonal imbalance is the underlying cause or if there is something else going on in your case. Only a visit to your doctor will provide the answer.
Several medications such as tricyclic antidepressants, calcium-channel blockers, anti-androgens, and others can affect your sexual functions and even contribute to conditions like having unusually thick and sticky semen.
The semen of a normal person will have a distinctive look, smell, and taste. If you notice some anomalies like we're about to discuss, it may be time to see your doctor.
Normal semen will have a chlorine-like smell, somewhat similar to your store-bought cleanser (or a swimming pool). However, if you notice a fishy or foul smell, it could be indicative of poor reproductive health.
If your semen is healthy, it will have a cloudy white or sometimes grayish appearance. After ejaculation, it is more likely to look like a jelly-like consistency, and it becomes runny after half an hour. Now, if this turns more than a little yellowish, red-tinged, brownish, green, it may be indicative of an infection.
The average volume of sperm produced after ejaculation is around 2 to 5 ml, so anything lower than 1.5 ml can be considered unhealthy.
Around 39,000,000 sperm in your semen after ejaculation is the lowest you can go in terms of sperm count. Low sperm count (or even absolute absence of sperm) can be indicative of unhealthy sperm as well as issues in your reproductive system.
You can do a number of things to ensure that you ejaculate healthy sperm. For instance:
Drinking plenty of water on a daily basis (no less than eight glasses a day) will help improve your sexual as well as your overall health.
You need to include healthy foods in your diet. Make sure to eat food that is high in protein and low in fat. Add more whole grains and vegetables to your diet for healthier sperm. Eating plenty of eggs, fish, walnuts, peanuts, sunflower, cashews, and pumpkin seeds will also go a long way in increasing your sperm count.
Exercise releases testosterone that in turn triggers sperm production. Be sure to opt for compound exercises, and ensure that you don't train the same muscles on consecutive days. Give your muscles time to rest to produce testosterone.
Your sperm count is more likely to go down if you smoke cigarettes. It also affects the shape and movement of your sperm. Regular drinking will affect the quantity and quality of your sperm, so avoid it.
If you're experiencing some other symptoms with thick sperm, such as pain, fever, itching, burning, clotted sperm, and uncomfortable urination, you should get tested for STDs. You're more likely to have a sexually transmitted disease if you also notice blisters or bumps on your penis.
If you're asking, "Why is my sperm thick?", and you're still not getting a clear answer, it is time to see your doctor. Your doctor may suggest a sperm analysis to identify the real issue. You may also opt for a sperm analysis if you cannot get your wife pregnant. The test will help confirm if the man is infertile or there is another issue. The test also tells a lot about sperm dysfunction and low sperm count.
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If you are experiencing fertility issues, you’re not alone. Infertility is more common than you might think. Click here to learn how to make sperm thicker and stronger!

Do you plan on having a child but are concerned about your sperm's strength and thickness when trying to conceive? That's okay; it's nothing to be embarrassed about.
According to Gary from ChivMen , a healthy baby depends on the well-being of both parents, the quality of sperm, and the quality of the egg from the mother.
A successful conception depends on many factors, and the most significant aspect concerning men is the quality and quantity of sperm. According to recent data, it appears that the quality of sperm, in general, has deteriorated by almost 50-60% in the last 40 years.
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In this article, you will find a brief description of what to do if you are in this situation and how to make sperm thicker and stronger.
Infertility is the failure to conceive even after regular unprotected coitus for one or more years. Globally, infertility has affected 8-12% of all couples. Among those couples, 30%–40% suffer because of male infertility, 40%–55% suffer from female infertility, and about 10% experience both infertility issues. In the remaining 10%, the cause is unclear.
Male infertility is when a man fails to make his female partner pregnant despite unprotected sexual intercourse. Men may experience infertility for many reasons, but the most common factor is an abnormality in the semen.
The semen is a fluid ejaculated from the male reproductive system that contains the sperm cells, which interact with the female egg to produce the progeny. In fact, according to research studies, abnormal semen is responsible for up to 90% of all male infertility cases.
Some of the causes of male infertility that affect sperm health are:
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While the primary cause of male infertility is low sperm quality, there are a number of things you can do to make your sperm quality better, thicker, and stronger.
So here is a healthy lifestyle and diet that you should follow if you’re wondering how to make sperm thicker and stronger:
There are several reasons why sperm is watery and of poor quality; however, the most common is a sedentary lifestyle.
As per studies, westernized diets, high-fat diets, and obesity caused by sedentary lifestyles can double the risk of sperm DNA damage, resulting in diminished sperm quality.
Therefore, to develop healthy sperm and have healthy offspring, you need to avoid a sedentary lifestyle .
Lack of exercise is one of the major causes of many diseases. Besides being beneficial to immunity, mental health, cardiovascular health, and respiratory health, regular exercise also benefits sperm quality.
According to a study, regular exercise boosts testosterone levels , leading to better sperm quality . If you want to know how to make sperm thicker and stronger, you should start exercising regularly.
Smoking has several adverse effects on the body, including the respiratory system, the cardiac system, the nervous system, etc. Smoking hinders the functions of all bodily systems.
It has already been stated that smoking increases DNA damage and can lead to abnormalities in sperm , which in turn affects the quality of sperm.
Thus, if you are a smoker and want to have thicker and stronger sperm, now is the time to quit smoking .
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Vitamin C is a well-known nutrient to enhance the immune system, but this vitamin also plays a key role in improving male fertility .
As per studies, oxidative stress contributes to male infertility . Vitamin C prevents this and may also improve sperm concentration and motility .
Therefore, it is best to include Vitamin C-rich foods in your diet and ensure you take a vitamin supplement under your doctor’s guidance.
Vitamin D deficiency is a common problem affecting all your body's systems, and recent research shows that it also affects the male reproductive system.
As per studies , an adequate amount of Vitamin D with its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action helps in improving oxidative damage and protecting the sperm cells , resulting in improved sperm motility and quality.
Therefore, including Vitamin D is one of the best solutions of how to make sperm thicker and stronger.
The impact of psychological stress is always bad for health, not only for mental well-being but also for physical health.
Perhaps you are under stress at work or preparing for a family, in which case your stress level may increase. This will negatively impact the quality of your sperm.
Though the exact reason for this occurring is unclear, it is believed that stress can affect hormonal levels, which in turn affect the quality of sperm.
Therefore, you should indulge yourself in stress relief regimes, meditation, and yoga to reduce stress and, thus, get a solution on how to make sperm thicker and stronger.
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Zinc is a hormonal balancer that helps the functioning of the male hormone testosterone, the prostate gland, and other sexual health functions. It also acts as an antibacterial agent and helps to prevent bacterial infections.
In fact, zinc has been scientifically proven to be a source of nutrients essential for sperm health with several positive outcomes for preventing and managing male infertility.
Every medication is not appropriate for every part of the body. Some have certain side effects that eventually hamper body functions.
Consequently, some medicines can adversely affect testosterone levels, affect the sperm structure, decrease their motility, and reduce their number.
Studies show that Diet always plays an essential role in health. Eating processed foods, fatty dairy products, coffee, sugary drinks, sweets, potatoes, or an inadequate amount of fiber , vegetables, and fruits — all of it contributes to poorer quality sperm and low fertility.
To maintain overall health, your diet should include:
The above foods will boost the sperm's health, making it stronger and thicker, as food provides sperm with essential nutrients.
Adversely, inadequate nutrition affects the quality of sperm, its movement, its fusion with the female egg, and male fertility.
So, a change in lifestyle, especially regarding diet, is essential to tackle male infertility caused by poor semen quality.
^Image Caption: Want to know how to make sperm thicker and stronger ? Book a FREE doctor consult online with our Experts to understand how you can make sperm thicker and stronger from the comfort of your home! It's 100% confidential.
The problem of thin, watery sperm is quite common; however, if you wish to know how to make sperm thicker and stronger with a medical approach, here are some medical options your doctor may recommend:
Firstly, they identify the cause of the bad quality of sperm and then treat it accordingly. If the cause of your symptoms is an infection, you may consider antibiotics. But if it is due to a sexual problem, your doctor may also suggest counseling.
If your infertility is due to a low level of certain hormones or problems with the way your body uses hormones, your doctor may recommend hormonal treatment.
If the cause of poor quality sperm or male infertility is any blockage in the male reproductive system, then surgery is an option.
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Sperm quality varies to a degree between people, but the quality is necessary for a successful conception. A healthy lifestyle is a must to increase sperm strength and thickness.
Taking care of your reproductive health is of the utmost importance. If your problem is not resolved through lifestyle adjustments, you should seek a proper medical consultation.
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How to Make Sperm Thicker and Stronger Home » Health Blog » Health » Family & Community Health » How to Make Sperm Thicker and Stronger
Semen , also called seminal fluid, is fluid that is emitted from the male reproductive tract which contains sperm cells, which are capable of fertilizing the female’s eggs. Semen also contains liquids that combine to form seminal plasma, which helps keep the sperm cells viable.
According to a study conducted and published in the Journal of Clinical Practice, there is a high rate of abnormal semen quality of male partners of infertile couple . Male sperm is normally thick and white in color. Watery semen can be a sign of low sperm count, indicating possible fertility problems.
The following are signs that you have healthy sperm:
Thick sperm texture. The primary characteristic of healthy sperm can be indicated by its thickness. If the sperm is thick and sticky, it means that you are in good health. Normal sperm have oval heads and long tails, which work together to propel them. While not as important a factor as sperm quantity or movement, the more sperm you have with a normal shape and structure, the more likely you are to be fertile.
White or yellowish sperm. When ejaculating, try to look at the color of the sperm. If it is white or yellowish, it means you have healthy sperm.
Quantity of the sperm. The number of sperm released during ejaculation is also a determining factor if the sperm is healthy. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines low sperm count, or oligospermia, as producing fewer than 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen. Having a low sperm count can make it more difficult for a person to conceive but does not necessarily mean that a person is infertile.
Smell and Motility . Another characteristic of healthy sperm is that your sperm smells like acacia trees. To reach and fertilize an egg, sperm must move wriggling and swim through a woman’s cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes. This is known as motility. You’re most likely to be fertile if at least 40% of your sperm are moving.
What are the causes of a watery sperm?
Watery semen is a case when there is very little to no sperms. It can be caused by the following:
Low Sperm Count. A condition called ‘Oligozoospermia’ where there is less than 15 million sperms per ml of semen. This is one of the most common conditions in men who are infertile.
Varicocele. A condition where the veins in the scrotum swell. A treatable medical condition that is surely treatable by a good andrologist. Varicocele can cause infertility.
Infection. Few sexually transmitted infections such as Gonorrhea can infect the male genitals and cause inflammation of the reproductive organs (Epididymitis) resulting in the non-production of enough sperms.
Tumors. Non-cancerous or cancerous tumors in testicles affect the production of sperms.
Imbalance in hormones . Hormones produced by the pituitary gland and hormones produced in testicles are responsible for the production of sperms. Changes in hormone levels cause changes in sperm production.
Retrograde Ejaculation. A condition where the sperm is released into the bladder instead of ejaculating out of the penis.
Injury to the sperm and semen-carrying tubes can also lead to watery semen.
How To Make Sperm Thicker And Stronger
The consistency of semen varies from person to person. It can also change over time or even from one ejaculation to another.
There are several simple steps you can take to increase your chances of producing healthy, thicker, and stronger sperm, they include:
Avoid a sedentary lifestyle. Moderate physical activity can increase levels of powerful antioxidant enzymes, which can help protect sperm. Studies show that men who exercise regularly have higher testosteron
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