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Eroic male circumcision for the satisfcation of dominant females. Consenting adults only. Anti-RIC. Reblogs, stuff from the web, and original content. For more see: .
“Good morning ladies. Welcome to the Domestics Auction House! My name is Miss Caroline and I’m your auctioneer for today. Please feel free to come up close to inspect the merchandise, test the muscles, check the teeth.” As we advertised, all the merchandise will be modified for domestic service during the auction, if you do not wish your purchase to be modified, please indicate which Lot numbers you’re interested in and we’ll hold off the modification until the ownership’s been established.” She glanced around, but, in particular in the direction of Mrs. Nathan. Janet Nathan had a reputation for always doing it herself; she used pinking shears because she favored that zigzag look.
“That’s fine. Miss Jessica, hold off modifying number four until after the Lot’s been sold. Please shout out your bids in a loud, clear voice and hold up your buyer’s registration card. We pride ourselves on our efficiency, it’s just on eleven o’clock so let’s start the auction.” While Miss Caroline spoke, Jessica surveyed the waiting slaves. Fear and apprehension was written across all their faces. It was painted there, not simply from the prospect of being the possession of a cruel mistress, there was the more immediate prospect of their public circumcision.
“We’ll begin with Lot three. Who’ll bid five hundred?” There was no response. “Four? Three then, he’s gotta be a bargain at that price!” A few cards shot up. “Who’ll bid three fifty? Thank you, four hundred? Three ninety then? Thank you. Sold to bidder 174.”
Meanwhile, Miss Lindy had grabbed Lot 8, pinned his arms in a ju-jitsu lock and stood him in front of Miss Jessica, who was already kneeling down on the plastic-covered cushion supplied for her comfort. (She would have preferred velvet, of course, but it was easier to wash blood off plastic.) He struggled, obviously, and shook his head, shouting: “No! No!” - they all would. Well, it was only to be expected - Jessica was about to butcher his cock - slice into the most sensitive flesh on his body. In short, she was going to make him circumcised. She followed the procedure she’d learned on the course. First, she curled her hand around his flaccid, floppy penis and began to masturbate it. She drew the foreskin back and forth over the glans. It was the last time that he would ever experience that sensation. The guy just couldn’t help himself. None of them could! Despite the trembling fear, festering in their brains, anticipating the searing pain about to be inflicted on their precious sex flesh, female fingers couldn’t fail to bring them up to a full, throbbing erection. When Lot 8 was hard enough for her purposes, Jessica drew his foreskin fully forward again, gripped it firmly between the thumb and forefinger of her left hand and yanked on it. She pulled hard until it would stretch no further. Lot 8 yelled. He thought his cock skin was going to rip away from his groin. “Hush there young fellah,” Miss Lindy whispered, contemptuously, in his ear, “Save your cries for later - you ain’t felt nothin’ yet!”
When she was content that the skin would stretch no further, Miss Jessica took up the knife in her right hand and made a number of short, shallow nicks in the strained flesh, all around his cock, following just behind the line of the head. The nicks were clearly visible from the small trickle of blood which rose to the surface. She let the skin spring back. The red, dotted line now rested halfway along his penile shaft marking the point where she would cut him.
Jessica replaced the knife in the small, steel bath of antiseptic, and stood up to pour herself a glass from the Thermos of chilled lemonade that had been provided as refreshment - it might be a long, hot morning. She sipped slowly.
The knife itself was purpose designed. It had a small, black nylon handle specially shaped to take a firm grip, but also be maneuverable. The surgical-steel blade was about five inches long and it was slightly rounded. If you didn’t know better, you’d mistake it for the sort of knife a cook might use to fillet a flounder. Jessica could have used scissors - the curved type, like nail scissors, that Medics used to circumcise those foreskins that had developed beyond the rudimentary, infant state. That was o.k. for paying customers, Jessica thought, those lucky guys who got an anesthetic. But, for slaves, the traditional blade seemed more appropriate. There was no question of anesthetic for them, of course. It wasn’t to be cruel (though there was no harm in letting these guys know that ‘pain’ was going to be a feature of their lives from now on - if they displeased their mistress that was.) No, it was simply a question of economics; why waste the cost of a shot of Novocain on a mere Domestic? Miss Jessica put down the glass, she was ready to continue.
Taking up the knife again, she inserted it, sharp edge turned upwards, between his foreskin and the top of his glans. She pushed it in till the tip of the blade pierced through the pocket of skin behind the guy’s sulcus groove. Then she pushed some more and sliced upwards at the same time. The scream made even Miss Lindy jump: “I’d like to bid for him myself,” she thought, “Just so’s I could give him a dozen with the quirt for being such a wimp!” It was only a dorsal slit after all.
Both layers of his foreskin were now split open on its upper surface from the tip to the preputial root - quite sufficient for a normal circumcision, but this was no ordinary circumcision, it was a full, male, genital modification. It was not just his foreskin that was being cut off, all the redundant sex flesh would be sliced away as well. He was being modified for domestic service; he would almost certainly be put to work in the kitchen and kept naked while he was about his labors - no reason to squander money clothing a slave. Hygiene was paramount. There must be no surplus skin to bunch up behind the head, even when he was slam-dunk flaccid. Miss Jessica was going to prune him back hard like a rose bush in spring, so’s his cock head would be stripped bare for ever more. Never again would even his sulcus be covered to harbor that disgusting smegma. It might make masturbation harder for him, being stretched taut as a balloon, when erect, but what did that matter? Besides, if his mistress chose to use him for sex duties, that totally exposed glans would be perfected for the pleasuring of her vagina.
Miss Jessica, continued to split open the upper side of his shaft skin until she reached the red line where she was going to circumcise. But, Jessica liked to split it open further, cutting almost back to the root of the shaft at the pubis. She liked unfettered access to the genital flesh she was modifying. It was now time to release the inner layer of his foreskin from his sulcus groove. She took another sip from the glass beside her.
She lifted the penis up and held it flat against his belly, the slit prepuce fell open revealing the underside. Its frenum was attached quite high up on the glans at the very top of the two small lobes and extended for about an inch and a half along the mucus layer. It was not the usual string web, but was a thick strip like a piece of elastic band. It looked disgusting and Miss Jessica was especially satisfied that she was about to excise it for his new mistress. She wasted no time, running the tip of the knife up and down, along each side of the ligament. Hell how he screamed! Jessica didn’t care, in fact she was delighted. If it was that sensitive then it had to go. If he was used for bedroom services, and she knew he would be, he’d last that much longer. It was so obvious that evolution of the male genitalia lagged far behind that of the female. Miss Jessica was convinced of the fact.
That’s why women invented male circumcision in the first place. Oh, sure, men thought they‘d come up with it, but that was always the woman’s ploy. Suggest something to a man and then let him think it was his idea. She remembered the story of Zipporah, Moses’ wife, who circumcised their son with a flint knife to keep God happy. Good excuse Zippo - can’t argue with that! But the story did prove that women were circumcising their males as long ago as the stone age!..
Eroic male circumcision for the satisfcation of dominant females. Consenting adults only. Anti-RIC
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I was 12 years old when my mother caught me masturbating. She
had warned me several times about the evils of such behavior.
She had warned me many times that she would have me circumcised
if she ever caught me touching myself down there.
She was extremely angry and questioned me at length about how
often I did it and even made me tell her what I was thinking about
while I did it.
When she finished questioning me she called the doctor and made a
appointment for the next morning. I was terrified and begged her
not to do it. I sobbed and pleaded to deaf ears. The doctor
arrived at 10 the next morning. I was in my room and was shaking
like a leaf. I could hear them talking for quite some time and
then I almost fainted as I heard them coming up stairs. My mother
had made me take a bath and remain in my room naked so that is
how I was as they came in. I was so humiliated to be naked in
front of my mother and the doctor I could have died and I knew my
mother had told her what I had been doing. The doctor just came
in and sat down on a chair and told me to come and stand in front
of her. I am going to examine you she said and I want you to keep
your hands behind your back. I did as I was told and she started
to examine my genitals. She pulled my foreskin back and forth
several times and much to my horror I got an erection. This did
not seem to bother her and she remarked to my mother that I was
over sensitive and there was a lot of redness around my glans.
She remarked that I must be a compulsive masturbator.
She looked at me and said you know what we have to do to you so I
want you to do as you are told and it will be much easier for you. I
told her I would be good and would do as she asked. I was shaking
so much from fear I could hardly stand. I still had an erection
and I was aware that as scared as I was a part of me wanted this
punishment. She got up and told me to sit on the chair. I have to
restrain you so you can’t move she said. She put straps around my
knees and ankles and across my thighs stomach and chest. She had
to ask my mom for some cord to restrain my hands. He’s really
going to scream when I do this to him she said to my mom. Do you
want to wait downstairs or remain here? It won’t bother me she
said, I will watch you do it. The doctor got her instruments
ready and laid them on a stand next to me. She joked to my mother
saying that you would think he was looking forward to this by the
way it is standing up. They both laughed. My mother said she
thought the blade would cure that. When she picked up the scalpel
I almost fainted from fear and my body was shaking uncontrollably.
This is really going to hurt she said but if you hold still it
will be over quickly. My mother said that she should do it slowly
so I would remember it. O.K. she said stand behind him and hold
his head still. She then pulled my foreskin forward and started to
slice. She did it slowly like my mom had asked her and it took
about 5 strokes to sever it. Inhuman screams came from my throat
as my cock was being mutilated. She then stitched it and bandaged
it. Before she released me she stretched out my balls and said
that if I ever played with it again that she would have no choice
but to cut them off. You don’t want me to do that do you she said.
I had to do it to a few young boys and it hurts a lot more then
what I just did to you and your thing would never get hard again.
You might take some precautions and tie his hands to the bed at
night she said to my mom. This was done until I left home at 19.
Because of what happened to me I have fantasies all the time
about castration and will probably have it done someday.
I can only be satisfied now if that thing between my legs is
punished on a regular basis. My mom was right I have never
forgotten the torture I went through under the circumcision blade
but if I had to do it over again I would want the same thing to
happen. Someday I want the same fate to happen to my balls.
more stories at:
She stood over him with a small key in her hand, his wrists handcuffed to the bed he was laying on. Arms pulled above his head, secured to the bed-frame, he was completely naked save for the cage that held his now straining cock. Twirling the key around a finger, his mistress bent over and ran it down his torso, his clean shaven crotch and balls, even up to the small padlock the key fit. Straightening, she set the key on the nightstand and smiled at him, cruel and amused. “Perhaps in a bit,” she said, then reached down and gave his balls a slap, somewhere between playful and punishing.
He knew he was in store for something special tonight, because the evening was a special occasion. Tomorrow morning the two of them would drive across town to a nondescript medical campus, sign in for their 10:30 appointment, and only an hour or so later they would return home. His mistress of course would be exactly the same as when she left, but he would be leaving something with the doctor. His foreskin, that savage bit of flesh that had at turns fascinated and horrified him throughout his life, would finally be gone forever. Just the thought of it now made his restrained cock ache as his mistress caressed his balls, and then gave them a squeeze.
“So,” she said, looking directly at him, those beautiful eyes filled with excitement. “Your last night as an untamed boy. What shall we do to celebrate?” He stayed silent, knowing the question was rhetorical; he would have no say in how the night progressed. “Are you excited for your big day tomorrow?”
“Yes Mistress!” He exclaimed. How could he not be excited? The moment he’d been dreaming about, saving for, planning ever since he met the goddess who stood above him. The hours of research he’d put in to find a doctor who understood their unique perspective on the excitement of male circumcision, who’d counseled him on the particulars. Not willing to let Mistress observe the procedure, the doctor had spoken repeatedly about how being cut would change his life for the better, how much nicer his member would look, even fondling the uncut cock in his medical gloves while he and Mistress discussed incisions and lengths. He remembered how the doctor had flinched the moment his wild cock came into view, a natural recoil that briefly overcame professionalism.
All these thoughts raced through his mind as his mistress unlocked his cage, barely needing to touch him before he sprang to attention. “I know I’ve been rather neglecting of your poor cock these last few months, but you know how I feel about touching it in its current state,” she said. She moved the foreskin down, revealing a swollen head and a growing bead of pre-cum, then back up. “Tonight however, because it is your last chance to see how an untrimmed cock feels, I will make an exception.” Sitting beside him on the bed, she stroked him gently, sliding the skin along his shaft, her thumb finding his frenulum and rubbing it gently. He moaned and stirred, he had not been unlocked in two weeks and was desperate for an orgasm. Running her other hand up his chest, she played with his nipples as she continued to stroke his cock, taking care not to bring him too close to the edge. Leaving his chest, her hand slid up her own leg to touch the growing wetness between her legs as she spoke again, staring at his cock.
“I am so proud of you for making this choice for my pleasure. You’re going to love your new cock, and you’re definitely going to love how it makes me feel! We’re going to give you such a wonderful trim. All
this horrible sagging will be gone, leaving me such a nice tight cock to play with! I’m even going to finally let you inside of me,” she said breathlessly, her hand moving a little faster between her legs.
He could feel himself starting to get closer to an orgasm as she continued to stroke him. Suddenly she stopped, and looked directly into his eyes. “Is this what you want? To be cut for me?” she asked.
“More than anything, Mistress,” he moaned.
“Before I touch this disgusting thing for the last time, tell me how much you want this cock trimmed, and how grateful you are that I pushed you to this.”
“I want it desperately!” he whimpered. “Please, Mistress, this is all I’ve ever wanted, I just didn’t know it until I met you. All those wasted years, selfishly choosing my own pleasure over service to others, without even knowing it was a choice… I’m so lucky to have you here, and I can’t wait to finally be a toy worthy of your attention.”
She smiled at him, a genuinely caring, passionate smile, and stroked him harder, bringing him to the edge. He began to thrust his hips towards her pumping hand, desperately bucking towards a climax, but suddenly she stopped again.
“On the other hand,” she said as the smile regained an edge of cruelty, “I know that I said you could cum one last time as an uncut boy, and I would never break my word, but your begging has made me so wet and needy, I would love to cum too. Obviously this thing isn’t going inside of me, not that you’d last long enough anyway before we deaden it, but maybe I could ride you with the strap-on like I usually do?”
She reached down, picking up the dildo and harness that had served as my only method of penetration since I’d known her, and set it on the bed. “Just this once, I’ll let you make the decision. Would boy like to cum from a loose hand-job for the last time in his life, or would he like to please his mistress?” As punctuation, she took the hand from between her legs and touched a finger to his lips, letting him taste her need.
He knew what the correct answer was, obviously, but what amazed him was that it was so easy. His balls were aching, his cock was straining and pulsing in her hand, and yet all he really wanted was to make her happy. The taste of his mistress was intoxicating, and he barely heard his own answer, much like he barely felt the cage snap shut around his cock. All he could focus on was how beautiful his mistress looked as she slowly lowered herself onto the dildo she’d secured to his body, the two toys becoming one as she moaned and closed her eyes.
His past; his wild and uncut cock meant nothing to him now, and as she rode him slowly at first, then gaining speed as he again thrust his hips, fucking her with the plastic cock that for one more night was far superior to his own. As he watched his mistress spasm and climax, both their thoughts fixed on one thing only: a beautifully cut, smooth, perfectly tamed cock and the future of pleasure that it would bring them both in her service. The feeling that washed over him in that moment was far better than any orgasm, no matter what his cock looked like.
Rubbing my cut cock while reading this delightful fetish story🖒
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