Thesis How To Write a Discussion

Thesis How To Write a Discussion

Frankie Harrell
Thesis How To Write a Discussion

Writing a discussion for your thesis is a crucial part where you interpret your results, compare them with existing literature, and draw conclusions. Here's a general guide on how to write a discussion section for your thesis:

1. Start with a Restatement of Your Research Question or Hypothesis:

  • Begin by reminding the reader of the main question or hypothesis that your research aimed to address.

2. Summarize Your Findings:

  • Provide a concise summary of your main findings. You can use visuals like graphs or tables to highlight key results.

3. Interpretation of Results:

  • Interpret your results in the context of your research question. Discuss the implications of your findings and how they contribute to the existing body of knowledge.

4. Compare with Previous Research:

  • Compare your results with previous research in your field. Highlight similarities and differences and discuss potential reasons for any disparities.

5. Address Limitations:

  • Acknowledge any limitations in your study. This could include methodological issues, sample size, or other factors that might impact the generalizability of your results.

6. Suggest Future Research Directions:

  • Discuss avenues for future research based on the limitations or unanswered questions that arose during your study.

7. Relate to Theoretical Framework:

  • If applicable, relate your findings back to the theoretical framework you established in your literature review. Explain how your results support or challenge existing theories.

8. Discuss the Practical Implications:

  • Consider the practical implications of your findings. How might your research impact real-world situations or practices? Discuss any potential applications.

9. Consider Alternative Explanations:

  • Acknowledge and discuss alternative explanations for your results. This demonstrates a thorough understanding of your research and a consideration of other possible interpretations.

10. Synthesize and Summarize:

  • Provide a synthesis of the key points discussed in the section. Summarize the main implications of your research.

11. Conclusion:

  • Conclude the discussion by reiterating the significance of your research and how it contributes to the broader field. You may also highlight any unexpected findings and their importance.

General Tips:

  • Be Clear and Concise: Avoid unnecessary jargon and be clear in your explanations.

  • Stay Focused: Stick to the main points and avoid introducing new information that wasn't covered in earlier sections.

  • Use Subheadings: If your discussion is lengthy, consider using subheadings to organize different aspects of the discussion.

  • Be Objective: While it's appropriate to express excitement about your findings, maintain an objective tone in your discussion.

Remember that the structure and emphasis of your discussion may vary depending on your field and the specific requirements of your thesis. Always refer to your institution's guidelines and consult with your advisor for additional guidance.

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