There's something to be said for the lost art of courtship

There's something to be said for the lost art of courtship


There's something to be said for the lost art of courtship. In an age where we can order our meals, our clothes and our significant others with the swipe of a finger, it's easy to forget that relationships require effort, communication and, most importantly, a personal connection.

Sure, there's something to be said for convenience, but when it comes to finding a lasting love, nothing can replace the old-fashioned way of getting to know someone. After all, how can you truly know someone if you've never even had a conversation with them?

There's no denying that the way we operate as a society has changed dramatically in recent years, but that doesn't mean that we can't change with it. If we're attracte to traditionalism, then let's bring back some of the etiquette that made dating so special.

Remember when you had to actually call someone on the phone to ask them out? Or when you had to show up at their door to pick them up for a date? Those may seem like small things, but they made a big difference in the way we connected with each other.

We need to get back to a place where communication and talking to each other is valued more highly than simply looking at a picture or reading a profile. We need to bring back courting.

In the early days of the internet and chatrooms, we talked to each other before sending a picture or meeting in person. We wanted to know each other first and foremost, not just what we looked like. And I think we all need to go back to this.

We may not be able to turn back the clock, but we can certainly change the way we date in the present. If we're attracted to traditionalism, let's bring back some of the lost etiquette of courting. It might just make a world of difference in our search for love.

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