There is a popular misconception that all successful, powerful men are 'bad boys.' This couldn't be further from the truth!

There is a popular misconception that all successful, powerful men are 'bad boys.' This couldn't be further from the truth!


There is a popular misconception that all successful, powerful men are 'bad boys.' This couldn't be further from the truth! There is a big difference between an alpha male and a bad boy, and successful women know how to spot the difference. Here are 10 ways to tell the difference:

1. An alpha male is confident without being cocky. He knows his worth and doesn't feel the need to prove it to anyone. A bad boy, on the other hand, is often overflowing with bravado and machismo.

2. An alpha male is a natural leader. He is calm and decisive in a crisis and people are drawn to his confidence. A bad boy, on the other hand, is often impulsive and hot-headed.

3. An alpha male is a good listener. He is interested in what others have to say and takes the time to really understand their point of view. A bad boy, on the other hand, often interrupts and doesn't listen with the same attentiveness.

4. An alpha male is assertive. He knows what he wants and goes after it. A bad boy, on the other hand, is often pushy and aggressive.

5. An alpha male is humble. He doesn't need to brag about his accomplishments or put others down to feel good about himself. A bad boy, on the other hand, is often arrogant and boastful.

6. An alpha male is independent. He is comfortable being alone and doesn't feel the need to be in a relationship to feel complete. A bad boy, on the other hand, often uses relationships as a crutch and is afraid of being alone.

7. An alpha male is respectful. He treats others with kindness and consideration. A bad boy, on the other hand, often belittles and demeans others.

8. An alpha male is generous. He is always willing to help out and give back to others. A bad boy, on the other hand, is often selfish and only looks out for himself.

9. An alpha male is reliable. He follows through on his commitments and can be counted on to do what he says he will do. A bad boy, on the other hand, often makes promises he can't or won't keep.

10. An alpha male is a gentleman. He knows how to treat a lady with respect and care. A bad boy, on the other hand, often uses women for his own purposes and doesn't hesitate to take advantage of them.

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