The urge to offer advice

The urge to offer advice

But there are other times when my memories ambush me. Out of nowhere, they stop me in my tracks and leave me wondering whether I’d made the most of the days when my children were a daily presence. It’s during those times that I want to make sure parents with young children truly understand how important it is to cherish every moment with their kids when they’re young.

The urge to offer advice

There are endless messages I want to scream at the top of my lungs, like:

Be patient.

The laundry and the dishes can wait.

If you think that ridiculously mismatched outfit is inappropriate for school, bite your tongue.

If your kids want to watch that Disney movie for the umpteenth time, what’s the harm?

If they want breakfast for dinner, make pancakes—with chocolate chips.

If they they want to paint your fingernails, sit still.

If you can help it, don’t miss one moment of it. Not one soccer game…one holiday concert…one bedtime story. There will be plenty of opportunity for “me time” when your kids have left the nest.

Trace Adkins, one of my favorite country singers, says it best:

“You’re gonna miss this. You’re gonna want this back. You’re gonna wish these days, hadn’t gone by so fast!”

The resistance to heed the advice of others

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