The trilogy of CCP’s global domination: Big sprinkles of money, big trades and great manipulation

The trilogy of CCP’s global domination: Big sprinkles of money, big trades and great manipulation


(4 Apr) Edward Yau (the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development of HK) criticised a RTHK journalist’s question to a senior executive leadership member of WHO (note 1) for the ‘sin’ of breaching One Country Two Systems(note 2) Yau’s action was clear- to show his absolute loyalty to CCP, which is out of the same motive of Lam-Cheng’ policy of no border closure to PRC. (note 3) The competition to show political correctness of ‘loyalty’ to the Central government came from the Cultural Revolution era all the way to erode One Country Two System (note 4). Indeed, HK is more and more Mainlandised.

The world is aware that WHO is favourably biased towards CCP. WHO has misled the world since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. WHO covered up the severity of the virus for a long period of time to oppose imposition of travel bans and border closures to people from China. The Director General of WHO Ghebreyesus did not go to China to understand the actual situation of the outbreaks there. He just went to flatter Xi Jinping in exchange for $20 million payment to remain silent.

WHO has lost creditability. Western nations voiced out their criticism against WHO one after each. When the pandemic is over, WHO will face more nemesis from other countries. As for Taiwan’s membership issue, some Western nations have already started to show that they are happy to see Taiwan become an observing member again (note 5).

CCP does not sprinkle their money aimlessly. They understand where the money should be spent effectively. In the 1960s, PRC broke up with USSR while in cold war with the West. CCP was isolated in the world. Mao initiated the idea of the ‘Third world’. CCP spent a lot of money to woe African dictators who came and gone like meteors through economic inducements. The poor African countries become CCP’s important part of international united front policy.CCP has never changed the big money spins diplomacy in decades’ time.

All of the small poor countries have one equally weighted vote at UN. It is not hard for CCP to buy people’s hearts where people are constantly living in politically instability and poverty. Even a pitiful ‘grace’ gesture can sway people’s hearts there. CCP paid for the Tazara Railway in 1960s despite PRC was in difficult times. CCP rather starve their people (note 6) in order to push ahead the completion of the railway.

CCP builds up its own circle of friends through the money bait policies in the third world over decades of time. CCP plough deep and thoroughly at different international organisations on their united front lists. Money and favours are invested on where there are needs. The recipients are expected to pay back the debt of ‘grace’ at times on demand.Once the Americans hold the final says in the international organisations. Yet they are mesmerized by CCP. They are not alert of CCP’s invasive influences to international organisations like WHO, WTO, Interpol and the World Bank (note 7).CCP works to displace the integrity of these organisations that are formed and operating on a rule-based governance world order with their ways(note 8)The Americans are caught off guard when CCP suddenly overturns the table seeking to subdue USA in many big global issues.

These are known facts, and that’s why USA seek to bypass WTO to negotiate and sign unilateral trade agreements with other major industrial nations such as European countries, Japan and South Korea. What USA does is a de facto ditch of WTO. It seems like the same approach will be adopted by US against other international organisations to nullify CCP’s influences.

The trilogy of CCP’s foreign policies are sprinkle the money first, then exchange for favourable reciprocals and eventually manipulate the recipient countries. The trilogy comes to the end when more countries are aware of CCP’s ambitious traps. What after is how CCP will deal with its own predicament.

Edward Yau has been in the bureaucracy for many years but obviously he has limited political wisdom. He is eager to show loyalty but he does not understand people are rebellious by nature. People will talk more of what CCP doesn’t want people to bring it out: Taiwan. I do not agree with the independence of Taiwan because it is not good for people at both sides of the Strait if there is any war. However, CCP’s intimidating encirclement approach to suppress Taiwan makes me more sympathise with Taiwan.

In my mind, I don’t see why is it necessary for Taiwan to be independent? Taiwan is Republic of China. It has a longer history than the People’s Republic of China. Taiwan has its own government, a developed economy where people live in sufficiency.Taiwan is the name of Republic of China. Taiwan insists on taking an independent diplomatic approach to make friends with the world. They earn people’s hearts by acting on the righteous path. What can CCP do when all Chinese over the world recognise Taiwan is the orthodox government in the future?

Even I have such mentality; can you frighten the staff of RTHK? Can you force the young people in Hong Kong to obey? The journalist of RTHK just raised an interesting question to challenge the guest. The senior officer of WHO should had sufficient experience to deal with that kind of question. Regrettably, the interviewer was calm but the bureaucrat dashed away. Edward Yau pretended to be a bold WHO fan but he was just CCP’s barking dog. The more you don’t allow people to ask, the more the young people want to know. If they cannot get the answer from WHO, they will dig through the history to get the matters clear.

CCP always take reverse elimination to get rid of the competent people. What left behind is a bunch of incompetent lackeys who aggravate problems. Edward Yau’s dramatic play of loyalty achieved the opposite result as more Hongkongers will support and sympathise Taiwan. Probably Yau is too eager to be on the sanction list of HK Democracy and Human Rights Act. 

Note 1: Yvonne Tong asked Dr Bruce Alyward about Taiwan’s membership with WHO at RTHK’s English channel Current Affairs program the Impulse. Alyward avoided the question twice. Subsequently, WHO Director General condemned Taiwan government launched “systematic” ‘defamation’ and ‘racism’ attacks against him subsequently

Note 2:

Taiwan government never accepts that Taiwan is part of PRC’s One Country Two Systems. Taiwan government’s stance is two sides of the strait have their own respective narrations of ‘One China’ since post-Chiang era.

Note 3:

On the contrary, Macau- the ‘good obedient boy’- in the eyes of PRC, has been given a free hand approach in tackling the covid-19 pandemics. Macau closed the border to all people who are not permanent citizens.

Note 4:

The constitutional autonomy of Hong Kong that is promised by Beijing under One Country Two Systems

Note 5:

The then China KMT government was one of the founding members of WHO. They lost WHO membership as UN accepted PRC to represent China. Taiwan government was further demoted to be a non-state observation member. CCP exerts a lot of political pressure to elbow out Taiwan on the international stage since Tsai Ing-wen becomes Taiwan President. Taiwan lost her observation status with WHO.

Note 6:

Several millions of people in China perished during the great famine in China

Note 7:

FAO and latest UNHCR

Note 8:

Via corruption, favouritism, deception and propaganda

Source: Stand News

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