The right way to Be In The top 10 With Open Arts

The right way to Be In The top 10 With Open Arts


Museums around the world hold tremendous troves of public domain

artworks. In digitized form, they can be powerful tools for research and learning,

As well as building blocks in the hands of pupils, teachers, scholars, developers

And creative people. By opening up their digitized assets for reuse, museums have

A exceptional opportunity to expand the reach of their public mission to function and

Educate the public on 21st-century media terms. What could be controversial

about that? Art museums have a long heritage of restricting access to high-quality

Images of artworks so as to secure them from improper use, and also to be in a position to

Secure revenue from image sales. Nonetheless, in the age of easy and ubiquitous online

Image sharing, prohibitive licensing is seriously contested both as a way to control

Usage of graphics and also as a sustainable business model.

Key words:

Domain name, copyright, Creative Commons, reuse, the social internet business

Models, OpenGLAM.






"If they want to have a Vermeer in their toilet paper,

I would rather have a very high-quality image of Vermeer

On toilet paper than a very bad reproduction."


Tops, and street vendor merchandise,

Rijksmuseum is just one among a small but

Growing number of art museums which stand

Out and take another stand to the

Challenges inflicted on the cultural heritage

Business by electronic technologies.

As part of this Europeana Network

Research is spent in researching the

Conditions for museum practices in the digital

collections. open images are confronting radical

Changes caused by the rapid technological

Development and the changing behavior

Patterns it entails.

Social and internet media, audiences have

Become users that are not satisfied with only

Passively receiving information and content;

They're used to engaging actively

Themselves, making their own understanding,

Opinions, and imagination.

As more people enjoy and be used to

Participatory entertainment and learning experiences,

They would like to do more than just'attend' cultural events

And institutions. The societal Web has ushered in a

Dizzying collection of tools and layout patterns that make


Anticipate the capacity to respond and be taken seriously.

They expect the ability to talk, share, and remix

What they consume (Simon 2010:Simon ).

What does such participation, however, imply

For museums should they empower its users to


Electronic artworks? Primarily, it

Suggests allowing individuals to download images

And discuss them on social media like blogs,

Facebook, and Flickr, enabling them to

Discuss and comment images independently

Of a memorial frame. Second,

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