The right office chair for daily computer work

The right office chair for daily computer work

A chair is an equally important part of the workplace for anyone who spends a lot of time working at a computer during the day.

We all work with a computer and sometimes we don't notice what we are sitting on.

What is the right chair?

I've never really thought about it.
My back told me to think about it today.

About the chair.

At work I have a "visitors' chair" with a back bent back on 4 legs and no adjustments - they use those in waiting rooms.

I'm lucky for those who are able to sit on the chair, but I can't work half-sitting on my back, practically reclining, for a long time. And if you sit on such a chair in the right position, my back remains unsupported.
After a day of work my back hurts. I note that I schedule breaks every 2 hours for 10 minutes of physical exercise - does not help.

A bad and uncomfortable chair has its perks

You have to get up from it to rest from its discomfort - thus interrupting the process of mass accumulation. But there are significant disadvantages of an uncomfortable chair: you have to invent uncomfortable postures, sit, bending over like a burnt match, which leads to scoliosis and osteochondrosis.

The spine suffers! And we subject it to this torture 5 days a week for more than 4 hours a day!

A good, comfortable ergonomic office chair consumer reports.

Gives you a chance to forget about your body and work your mind really effectively. Of course, there is a disadvantage: low mobility develops, but this is easily solved by forcing yourself to exercise and breaks. After all, it is much more pleasant to make a periodic physical effort than to constantly struggle with discomfort.

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