The return of Old School Internet

The return of Old School Internet


There is a growing trend of people rejecting social media and instead returning to older forms of the internet, such as BBS, IC, and instant messengers. This is likely due to the growing concerns over privacy and data security, as well as the general feeling that social media is simply a time-waster.

There are many advantages to returning to the old-school internet. For one, it is far more private and secure. There is no need to worry about someone hacking into your account or stealing your data. Additionally, it can actually be quite productive, as you are not wasting time scrolling through useless information.

Of course, there are also some downsides. Old-school internet can be quite isolating, as you are not connected to a large network of people. Additionally, it can be quite difficult to find others who are using the same older forms of the internet.

Overall, it seems that the pros outweigh the cons when it comes to rejecting social media and returning to the old-school internet. For those who are concerned about privacy and security, or who simply feel that social media is a waste of time, this trend is definitely worth considering.

A lot of people seem to be fed up with social media these days. They’re tired of the constant drama, the fake news, the trolls, and the general sense of unrest that comes with using platforms like Facebook and Twitter. So, it’s no surprise that there’s a growing movement of people who are rejecting social media and returning to the old school internet.

BBS, ICQ, and other chat services were hugely popular in the early days of the internet. They allowed people to connect with each other in real-time and actually have conversations. That was before social media came along and ruined everything.

Now, it seems like people are finally starting to realize that social media isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. It’s not a bad thing to want to connect with other people online, but there are better ways to do it than through Facebook or Twitter.

So, if you’re tired of the social media madness, consider giving some of the old school internet a try. It might just be the breath of fresh air you’ve been looking for.

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