The reasons I Chose these three words for the mission to find non-apostates in all denominations

The reasons I Chose these three words for the mission to find non-apostates in all denominations

The reasons I Chose these three words for the mission to find non-apostates in all denominations.
Primitive Christians, also known as the Early Church, follow the teachings of the apostles who preached immediately after Jesus’ resurrection. They believe that the teachings of the Early Church are the most accurate representation of Christianity, since they are closest to the source
Primitive Pentecostals are a denomination that places a strong emphasis on the Holy Spirit. They believe that the Holy Spirit is active in the world today and that Christians can experience His power in their daily lives.
Primitive Gnostic . Gnostic Christians believed that humans have the ability to commune with God directly, without the need for intermediaries like pastors or priests.

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