The reality of the 5th dimension

The reality of the 5th dimension

Team Volksnetzwerk International - Category: Terra Nova

We are very grateful that our soul led us to the "LEV" articles on the Disclosure News (DNI) website. from a "higher sphere" his expertise allows us a more precise perspective not only on our current affairs. Thanks!

As early as May 28, 2021, the Galactic Committee, with the help of the "25D Siriusian Fleet", began raising the Earth into a new 5D vibrational path in order to bring the planet into a sphere (frequency level) of 5th dimensional physical reality.

Since many people still do not understand exactly what this change from 3D to 5D will look like, we want to take up this topic again.

Here are some typical questions:

  • Well, let's say I got the right frequency - what happens then?
  • How does it work? I sleep here in my apartment and then wake up in my own body without dying, in a completely different place?
  • Are Siriusians flying in to take me to another world, or are there other options?
  • Everything I have read so far is about body transformations and journeying solely in the subtle body, with the physical lying peacefully in bed right where it was left. How is that supposed to work?

In all publications on this subject, DNI writes about the "intersection of worlds".

IN BRIEF: We will not jump ANYWHERE or ANYWAY to a completely different place and neither Siriusians nor Pleiadians will transport us to 4D.

The "frequency range" of the 5th dimension itself literally comes "DOWN ON US" right where we are right now, in our homes, towns, and villages. A new cycle has begun on our planet, so we no longer need to die, disappear or even ascend to heaven.

Heaven itself is formally manifesting right here on Earth, but only for those who have chosen to ride this "wave of ascension".

Those who do not want to take advantage of the opportunity now will have to wait another 25,000 years for the next cosmic ascension cycle. However, on a different 3D planet and local universe with the same difficulties we have faced for so long.

By December 2020, the Siriusian fleet had already physically placed Earth in a 4th dimensional envelope. This created the overlay of realities.

Overlay of Realities

The sphere of the new 4D earth has covered the sphere of the 3D earth. The "Galactic Committee" and the "Higher Hierarchy of Light" did not immediately open the veil between the dimensions. They waited for the moment when the "transitioned ascenders" form new physical bodies. This process is already accelerating and since December 2020 and people have started to decode their dormant DNA.

Previously only 2 strands of DNA were activated in our body. The remaining 10 strands, known to science as "junk DNA" are now being activated.

A refined 4D space with high vibrational frequencies very dynamically activates the DNA of its new residents and rebuilds their bodies.

The first group entered the transition in early summer 2021 and successfully went through all the physical change procedures. At the beginning some of the "transitioners" saw the new 4D space for a few seconds in the lateral field of vision.

On May 28th, 2020, the 25D Siriusians encased the Earth in another sphere of 5th dimensional physical reality. Compared to 3D and 4D, it is even thinner and more energy intensive.

With the support of the 5D sphere, the Siriusians cater to those willing to actively work with fifth dimensional energies to cleanse their subtle and physical bodies of old programs.

Recipients of this super high frequency often feel physically, emotionally and mentally challenged. But this is the only way to eradicate disease and aging programs bit by bit. (List of possible ascension symptoms as download at the end of the article)

Since December 2020 the decisive phase of the transition - the formatting of the people of the 6th RACE - has begun. In order to combine multi-dimensional parts into a single fractal, the bodies are built using the most advanced techniques.

Multidimensional body

Our subtle human bodies of this new "6th RACE" are composed very differently than our third dimensional bodies. Humans of the new formation are carriers of advanced evolutionary programs that are being activated in their "thin/subtle bodies". His main feature is his ability to transform his dense physical state quickly and effectively.

Those who have entered the transition are practically creating other matter that lives according to new physical and chemical laws. They develop a fundamentally different body that is healthy and harmonious and can live much longer.

Such a body possesses all abilities that have not existed in the history of mankind in the last five thousand years. For example, regeneration of organs, parts of the body. The people of the 6th RACE will still feel their transformed body as physical. But it will be much less dense and the frequency of its vibrations will increase significantly. The level of tissue of this body becomes so thin that it is similar to the astral worlds.

Multidimensional subtle lighter body

This process has already been described in ancient Chinese medicine. We will not lose anything in the "process of transforming our consciousness" and our physical body! we will fill it with more subtle vibrations and more intense light (liquid crystal, plasmoid).

All we're going to lose is a significant amount of unwanted density. Our body will be refined, beautiful, limitless, immortal, but it will feel just as physical as it does now. Apart from the fact that from now on we will not experience any restrictions.

When the cells of our body have a higher energy level, we can exist in other dimensions. Our whole being and everything that surrounds us will move to the next level of perfection, vastness and clarity. With a new perception, everything around us will adapt and change. We will regain divinity in our bodies.

All previous abilities that came to us by virtue of our divine birth are restored

Our divinity

To remind us of our lost "super powers", many extraordinary people have been born in recent years.

They have so far lived as isolated "specimens" and have not attempted to advertise themselves. However, the situation is changing dramatically. There will be more such "supermen" than ever before.

If we follow them, teleportation will become our usual practice. Technologies already exist on Earth to eliminate gravity from material bodies, only we are forbidden to use them.

Our renewed physical bodies will gain the ability to adjust gravity.

  • We will be able to hover and fly. Our children in particular will be happy about it.
  • Not only will we learn how to control time and travel at the speed of light, but also how to use this ability to save others.
  • We will not only be able to regulate the gravity of our body, but also that of foreign objects. For example, we could easily move a parked car with one hand. Or run our thinned body through walls…

For those of us in transition, inner work is very important right now. This is a fundamental and significant step to be taken in order to accelerate our development and pave the way for our homecoming, among others.

At the moment it is primarily about letting go of all attachments, old beliefs and structures. Not trusting our third dimensional mind so much anymore. Not worrying about how things were and how they should be. We must open to the new consciousness, trust our heart and the global transition to the next level of reality.

The planet has long been receiving gamma rays that will transform the physical, carbon-based body into light crystalline bodies. It will happen according to the law of similarity, which attracts similarity. The incoming gamma rays will only affect those of us who are ready for the transition.

To do this, another electron is added to the already existing electrons in the atoms of our carbon-based body. This increases the centrifugal speed of the electrons around the atom. With this connection our bodies are placed on a silicon-based basis and can then move from dimension to dimension.

The planet is also changing under the influence of gamma rays. A great transformation of all life on the planet is underway.

Now more and more young people have the task of laying the foundation for the new civilization. Their consciousness is unique and their subtle bodies are special.

Bodies consisting of subtle energies

But there are also many experienced people of the older generation who have already undergone serious training and transformation. Their task is to accompany with dignity the souls of the departing civilization, to open the way and to help them in the transition.

Both have a very strong etheric body. It withstands any tension and frequency, does not break through from the outside, as in ordinary people, in whom every quarrel and anger often downloads energy or deforms the etheric body.

QUESTION: Will the people remaining in 3D perceive the transition as a physical death?
ANSWER: Of course not. You live on. But with their limited 3D perception, all denizens of 5D will seem like "superhumans", beings with unlimited abilities.

  • QUESTION: When a person goes from 3D to 4D, does he just disappear and dissolve?
    ANSWER: In 4D (transition to 5D), the human being will be rejuvenated and healed, and logically this will not go unnoticed by those around him because he is visible in both spheres/frequency planes. Nobody will disappear. Unlike 3D humans who remain "blind", 4D humans will see two realities/worlds simultaneously and will be able to interact with both. 

But that's not the main thing:

The most important achievement is a new physical body with new qualities and a completely new consciousness. And lots of new things to do - Interesting and exciting things.

Life as gods

In order to resist all energetic influences and to cross the Rubicon (boundary river), we must clear our consciousness (stop the third dimensional mind), believe in our original divinity and try to live as higher beings of light now.

Since December 2020, the Great Quantum Transition has entered a very active phase. More and more portals are opening to the "Greater Cosmos".

Mega currents of high frequency source energy are coming to earth. The saturation of these energies increases. the Schumann frequency, has long exceeded the norms not only of the fourth but also of the fifth dimension.

To survive we simply need to resonate with these currents to raise the vibrational frequency of all our bodies, including the physical, through positive thinking and feeling.

Figuratively speaking, we must transform into a new, less dense body. This cross-dressing scares us mostly because we don't believe in it.

Don't trust your third dimensional mind! It is very paradoxical: On the one hand he is looking for miracles, but on the other hand he refuses to accept them.

Unchanged for centuries and millennia, he suggests that there is usually something very unexpectedly liberating about these "miracles"! Something where we don't have to suffer and torment ourselves and that shouldn't be.

There is a beautiful Indian simile about dragonfly larvae living at the bottom of a pond. They are constantly tormented by a riddle:

What happens to them when they rise to the surface of the pond, cross it and disappear forever?

Only the frog tells the larvae that in the other world they turn into amazing creatures with wings sparkling in the sunlight. But the larvae don't believe it and live in fear, a fear that poisons their life in the pond and prevents them from preparing for their new life in the sun.

Under normal conditions, very few people on earth would be able to reach a high level of development. But now everything is changing at a rapid pace. The global processes are accelerating.

Soon more and more people will begin to open their minds to the realities of the multidimensional world.


At 6. June 2021 at 05:37 CET, Siriusian Fleet Command reported the following information and details:

The ships continue to move the earth into a new fifth dimensional vibrational orbit. In this room they passed the level of the first node of the fourth cascade level of eight.

  • Meanwhile, people should pay attention to their well-being. Barometric pressure changes are ongoing, which is bad for overall health.
  • Solar flares will increase the impact on Earth's inhabitants. The star Oryx with its emanations adapts the space of the planet to the future location of the earth in the vibrating orbit of 5D.
  • It is advisable to tune in to incoming streams and track personal psycho-emotional state. The human psyche reacts very mobile to the reaction of incoming radiation streams.

!!! Try to be an observer. Everyone must understand that the difficult moments that are happening now are related to the purification of the bodies. Anything improper comes out once and for all.

Each person is worked with individually according to their level of consciousness. Upon receiving light codes to the subconscious, the brain unpacks the codes to bring matter and consciousness to a new vibrational level.

Previously, people could not experience transmutation/transformation, so many new things will open up to them. Under the direction of the "co-creator", the programs of each individual are adapted.

The surrounding world shows many unusual things, both phenomena in the atmosphere and the manifestation of the inhabitants in the fourth dimension.

NO FEAR! It is what has always existed on the planet. The merging of dimensions, the opening of portals, contributes to the transmission to a new, higher level of radiation frequency.

Earthlings are already changing, and so is the world around them. It remains only to adapt the senses, thereby enabling a new area of "radiation vision".

This phase of preparation is in full swing. The vacuum that many have felt around you is the result of working with your consciousness. It already feels the sphere of the new 5D reality around it.


In order to fully transfer consciousness into a new reality, it is necessary to do a lot of work on purification, re-coding of matter and above all reaching a higher level of consciousness.

ADDITIONAL KNOWLEDGE - Understanding connections better:

Notes:  Our team tries to research all contributions with great care and to put them together harmoniously from different sources. Should errors occur nevertheless,we apologize. We are a group of people who want to network our new country and provide it with up-to-date, but above all truthful information. Given the big lies we've all been sold as truth, it's often not that easy. We want to connect amongst the heart center of the people and help each other in mutual trust with respect and love. So if our posts help you and it "feels" right for you, we look forward to your subscription. Thank you, your Team VOLKSNETZWERK (people's network)

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