The private sector is the answer to America’s huge transportation infrastructure problem

The private sector is the answer to America’s huge transportation infrastructure problem

Timothy Aveni, the former Facebook employee who quit over CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s handling of President Donald Trump’s posts, gave his first interview to CNN this week and warned “we’re in danger.” In an interview that aired on “New Day” Friday, Aveni explained, “I’ve seen a couple times now that Mark doesn’t uphold his principles. Zuck has told us over and over that calls to violence would not be tolerated on the platform, even if they were from the President of the United States, but on Friday he decided to do nothing in regards to the president’s post.” During a question-and-answer session with employees on Tuesday, Zuckerberg defended the company’s decision to not censor or label Trump’s recent posts — a decision Twitter took the opposite stance on. According to a recording of the meeting obtained by The New York Times , he said Facebook’s approach to free speech shows “that the right action where we are right now is to leave this up.” He was referring to Facebook’s decision to not censor the president’s post from last Friday where he wrote “when the looting starts, the shooting starts.” Facebook employees staged a virtual walkout in protest of the move on Monday. “Right now, it’s really important that we take a stand for what we know is harming the world and if Mark keeps moving that goalpost, moving his threshold for when someone has crossed that line — especially as powerful as the President of the United States — we’re in danger.” Watch Timothy Aveni’s interview below: This Facebook employee quit due to CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s inaction on Trump’s posts. “If Mark keeps moving that goalpost… for when someone has crossed the line, especially someone as powerful as the president of the United States, we’re in danger.” — New Day (@NewDay) June 5, 2020 Read original story Facebook Employee Who Quit Over Zuckerberg’s Inaction on Trump Posts Warns ‘We’re in Danger’ (Video) At TheWrap View comments
Apple's Electric Car Aspirations Come to a Sudden Halt
Apple's dreams of entering the electric car market have hit a major roadblock, raising questions about the future of the industry and competition.

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