The peculiarities of translating idioms and stable expressions - Иностранные языки и языкознание курсовая работа

The peculiarities of translating idioms and stable expressions - Иностранные языки и языкознание курсовая работа


Иностранные языки и языкознание
The peculiarities of translating idioms and stable expressions

Idioms and stable Phrases in English Language. Idiomatic and stable expressions: meanings and definitions. Ways of forming phraseological units. Translation of idioms and stable phrases. Transformation of some idioms in the process of translating.

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It often happens that the target language has more than one semantically similar/analogous phraseological expression for one in the source language. The selection of the most fitting variant for the passage under translation should be based then not only on the semantic proximity of the idioms/phraseologisms but also on the similarity in their picturesqueness, expressiveness and possibly in their basic images. The bulk of this kind of phraseological expressions belong to the so-called phraseological unities. (Vinogradov). Here are some Ukrainian variants of the kind of English phraselogisms: either win the saddle or loose the horse або пан, або пропав; або перемогу здобути, або вдома не бути; many hands make work light це згода, там і вигода; гуртом і чорта побореш; гуртом і батька добре бити; громада - великий чоловік; a man can die but once від смерті не втечеш; раз мати народила, раз і вмирати; раз козі смерть; двом смертям не бути, а одної не минути; haste makes waste/the more haste, the less speed тихше їдеш - далі будеш, поспішиш - людей насмішиш, хто спішить - той людей смішить.
A number of phraseological units, due to their common source of origin, are characterized in English and Ukrainian by partial or complete identity of their syntactic structure, their componental images, picturesqueness and expressiveness (and consequently of their meaning). Such kind of idioms often preserve a similar or even identical word order in the source language and in the target language. Hence, they are understood and translated by our students without difficulties: to cast pearls before swine кидати перла перед свиньми; to be born under a lucky star народилася під щасливою зіркою; to cherish/warm a viper in one's bosom пригріти гадюку в пазусі; to be/ fall between Scilla and Charybdis бути між Сціллою і Харібдою/між двох вогнів.
One of the peculiar features of this type of idiomatic expressions is their international nature. Only few of them have phraseological synonyms of national flavour, being thus restricted to corresponding speech styles, whereas international idioms predominantly belong to the domain of higher stylistic level.
National/colloquial variants of international idiomatic substitutes, therefore, always differ considerably by their picturesqueness, expressiveness and their lexical meaning. They are only semantically analogous to genuine equivalents, which may sometimes lack absolute identity in the source language and in the target language (to cross the Styx канути в Лету; to drop from the clouds з неба впасти; neither fish nor flesh ні пава ні ґава).
As can be seen, some international idiomatic expressions slightly differ in English and Ukrainian either in their structural form and lexical/idiomatic meaning or in the images making up the idioms. Thus, the idiomatic expression to fish in troubled waters has in English the plural of waters whereas in its Ukrainian equivalent has a singular form, moreover, the component to fish is detalized and extended to ловити рибку (рибу) в каламутній воді; the Society of Jesus is орден єзуїтів (but not the Order of Jesus) and the Babel of tongues is вавілонське стовпотворіння and not Вавілон мов.
Slight divergences are also observed in several other English and Ukrainian international equivalents: the game is (not) worth the candle (singular) варта гра свічок (plural). The idiom a sound mind in a sound body, on the other hand, has a reverse position of its component parts: у здоровому тілі здоровий дух.
Therefore, each of the above-given idiomatic expressions has either a different form of a component/image, a different word order or a slightly different lexical meaning of a componental part. And yet despite the pointed out divergences such and the like idiomatic expressions/phraseological units do not cease to be absolute equivalents in either of the two languages.
Apart from the kinds of idiomatic expressions singled out on the foregoing pages, there exists in each language a specific national layer of idiomatic/phraseological expressions comprising also proverbs and sayings, which are formed on the basis of componental images pertaining solely to a concrete national language. Such idioms are first of all distinguished by their picturesqueness, their expressiveness and lexical meaning of their own. Due to their national particularity, these idioms/ phraseologisms can not and do not have traditionally established literary variants in the target language. As a result, their structural form and wording in different translations may often lack absolute identity. In their rough/interlinear or word-for-word variants they mostly lose their aphoristic/idiomatic nature and thus are often subject to literary perfection: the moon is not seen when the sun shines місяця не видно, коли світить сонце/ місяця не помічають, коли світить сонце; it is a great victory that comes without blood велика та перемога, яку здобувають без пролиття крові or найбільша та перемога, яка здобувається без пролиття крові.
Similarly translated are some Ukrainian national phraseologisms into English: один дурень так зіпсує, що й десять розумних не направить what is spoiled by one fool can not be mended by ten wisemen; малі діти - малий клопіт, великі діти - великий клопіт small children - smaller troubles, grown-up children - grave troubles.
Isomorphic is also the existence in both the languages of a number of idiomatic expressions which are of regular sentence-type structure containing some common componental parts. Hence, their lexical meaning, nothing to say about their componental images, their picturesqueness and their expressiveness are identical as well. This is predetermined by their common source of origin in English and in Ukrainian: if you run after two hares, you will catch neither якщо побіжиш за двома зайцями, не впіймаєш жодного; a drowning man will catch (snatch) at a straw потопаючий хапається за соломинку (і за соломинку вхопиться, хто топиться); Bacchus has drowned more men than Neptune Бакх утопив більше людей, ніж Нептун (вино загубило більше людей, ніж море); he who spares the rod spoils the child хто жаліє різку, той збавляє дитину.
As can be noticed from these examples, some English and Ukrainian idiomatic expressions are far from uniform lexically, structurally, and by their componental images, picturesqueness and expressiveness. They do not always spring from the same source of origin either. Because of this a faithful translation of phraseological/idiomatic expressions depends upon some factors the main of which are as follows:
whether the idiomatic expression in the source language and in the target language is of the same/different source of origin;
whether the idiomatic expression has in the target language only one, more than one or all componental images in common;
whether the componental images, when translated, are perceived by the target language speakers;
whether the structural form of the idiomatic expressions can be retained in the target language without any transformations;
whether there exists an analogous/similar in sense idiomatic expression in the target language, etc.
All these and some other factors should not be neglected when translating idiomatic/phraseological expressions from and into English. In fact, here exists a regular interdependence between the lexical meaning, the origin, the picturesqueness and the expressiveness of idioms on the one hand and the method of their translating on the other.
1. Амосова Н.Н. Основы английской фразеологии. - Л., 1963
2. Квеселевич Д.І., Сасіна В.П. Практикум з лексикології сучасної англійської мови: Навч. посібник. - Вінниця: "Нова книга", 2001
3. Корунець І.В. Теорія та практика перекладу. - Вінниця. "Нова книга", 2003
4. Пономарів О.Д. Сучасна українська мова. - Київ: "Либідь”, 1991
5. Раєвська Н.М. English lexicology. - Київ: "Вища школа”, 1998
6. Удовиченко Г.М. Словник українських ідіом. - К.: Радянський письменник, 1986
7. Фразеологічний словник української мови/Уклад.: В.М. Білоноженко та ін. - К.: Наук. думка, 1999
8. Arnold I. V. The English Word. - М.: Высшая школа, 1973
9. Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms
10. Longman Pocket Idioms Dictionary. - Harlow, Pearson Education Limited, 2001
11. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. - Harlow, Pearson Education Limited, 2001
12. Oxford. Collocations. Dictionary for Students of English. - Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2002
13. http://www.dictionary. (Cambridge University Press, 2006)
15. (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary)
16. http://ogden.
17. (Dictionary Search, 1996)
18. (Quick Lookup Database: The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth edition, 2000)
Examples of idioms and stable phrases:
Translation of idioms and stable phrases:
вийти за рамки, сказитися, втратити контроль над собою;
to have great experience in something
підбадьорювати/морально підтримувати когось
Застереження, на які не звертають уваги, але які збуваються
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