The peculiarities in texts of business documents - Иностранные языки и языкознание дипломная работа

The peculiarities in texts of business documents - Иностранные языки и языкознание дипломная работа


Иностранные языки и языкознание
The peculiarities in texts of business documents

The peculiarities in texts of business documents, problems of their translation, interpretation and analysis of essential clauses. The main features of formal English as the language of business papers: stylistic, grammatical and lexical peculiarities.

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Actuality: Nowadays due to the development of international business partnership the interpreters are faced with the necessity of translating official business papers from English into Ukrainian because English is considered to be the language of world business relationships. In comparison with literary texts the texts of official documents are highly standardized: it concerns both the structure of the whole text and the arrangement of special paragraphs.
The analysis of researches is devoted to the linguistic peculiarities of official business papers. And it shows that theory of writing business documents, on the one hand, reflects highly subjective approaches. On the other hand, such approaches are not unified in accordance with existing rules of formal English. Such influence really exists, but there are no accepted criteria for changes that should be taken into consideration. Thus, the main problems of people who write business papers are: how should they write it to sound correctly in the foreign language? How formal should they be in the content of documents, if even English-speaking people meet difficulties drawing a line between formal and informal English?
The language of documents is characterized by specific terms and expressions and also by those grammatical and syntactical patterns where translation can cause some difficulties. That is why we should know sufficient knowledge of grammatical, stylistic and lexical peculiarities of business papers to translate them correctly.
The object of the research is official business papers.
Its subject comprises investigation of linguistic peculiarities of official business papers and the specific character of translation.
The theoretical basis for the investigation is founded on the researches of well-known linguists: Arnold, Galperin, Gordon.
The Purpose of the research is to analyze peculiarities in texts of business documents, problems of their translation. It is performed through comprehension, interpretation and analysis of essential clauses.
to point out main features of formal English as the language of business papers;
to describe the peculiarities of official business papers' translation.
to expose stylistic, grammatical and lexical peculiarities of business papers.
In order to solve these tasks have been used the methods of studying and analysis of theoretical literature and practical manuals.
In fact, the linguistic peculiarities of the structure and function of contracts in the world of business have not been given a clear understanding of the subject. The main factors of the theoretical significance of the research is to state the connection between all types of business papers while describing and analyzing distinctive features of the content of documents.
The practical significance of the research is to underline the main rules of writing business correspondence for those who are concerned about drawing up the official documents. It also can be interesting for people studying problems of functional usage of formal and informal styles in English. The results of the research can be taken into consideration by students who are involved in studying English and English stylistics. As well it can be used for special courses of business English for students of Linguistics, Business and Economics.
business document paper peculiarity
1 . General characteristics of official documents
1.1 The distinctive features of English language in official documents
It is quite obvious that any business deal cannot be done without documents. A document, in its any appearance, has always been an important part of business doing. Business contracts are impossible without correspondence all over the world. It does not matter, whether you communicate with your partner using the phone (orally) or telexes (in writing). All decisions and terms must be confirmed by documents.
Such business papers as correspondence (letters), telexes, enquiries, offers, claims (complaints) and contracts (agreements) are of legal importance. And as a result, business documents, written in accordance with some officially accepted forms, are the same for everybody.
As it has been noted, the official business language differs from other kinds of the English language, mostly because of the specific character of its functional usage that can be illustrated in classical terms of style, its predestination, and main features.
The style of official documents is the most conservative one. It preserves the structural forms and the use of syntactical constructions. Archaic words are not observed anywhere else but here. Addressing documents and official letters, signing them, expressing the reasons and considerations leading to the subject of the document letter are regulated as lexically as syntactically. All emotiveness and subjective modality are completely banned out of this style. It is represented by the following sub-styles or variants: the language of business documents, legal documents, diplomacy, and military documents. Like other styles of language, this style has a definite communicative aim and, accordingly, has its own system of interrelated language and stylistic means. The main aim of this type of communication is to state the conditions binding two parties in an undertaking and to reach agreement between two contracting parties.
Every subdivision of this style has its own peculiar terms, phrases and expressions, which differ from the terms of correspondence, phrases and expressions of other variants of this style.
The peculiar features common for all stylistic varieties of official documents are the following:
- the use of abbreviations, conventional symbols and contractions;
the use of words in their logical dictionary meaning;
general syntactical mode of combining several pronouncement into one sentence.
It also should be noted that the syntactical construction of this style is as important as the vocabulary.
The syntactical pattern of business correspondence style is made up from compositional patterns of variants of this style which have their own designs. The form of a document itself is informative, because it tells something about the matter dealt with. From the point of view on its stylistic structure, the whole document is one sentence. It looks like separate shaped clauses often divided by commas or semicolons, and not by full stops, often numbered. Every predicative construction begins with a capital letter in participle form or infinitive construction. For example:
any claim concerning the quality of the goods must be presented within two months from the date of delivery;
no one claim can be considered by Sellers after expiration of the above period;
This example while illustrating structurally illogical way of combining definite ideas has its sense. It serves to show the equality of the items and similar dependence of participle and infinitive constructions or predicative constructions.
One of the most striking features of this style is usage of words in their logical dictionary meaning.
Every type of business documents has its own set phrases and cliches, e.g. invoice, book value, currency clause, promissory note, assets, etc.
Indeed, there are many differences in the vocabulary between formal and informal business correspondence. The main part of vocabulary of formal English is of French, Latin and Greek origin. Often it can be translated into informal language by replacing words or phrases of the Anglo-Saxon origin. For example:
Let us compare examples where these words are used in different styles.
e.g. Th e meeting concluded with signing the contract (Formal style).
The meeting ended with signing the contract (Informal style).
Informal style is characterized by using phrasal and prepositional verbs. That is why they are not used in business correspondence. Their formal equivalents are used in official texts instead.
Such expressions on informal style cannot be used in written business English, both logically and stylistically. They are logically excluded because they convey a little amount of information. Business documents, on the contrary, convey a lot of information almost in any word. Thus, a person should be aware of these factors and not mix up colloquial and business English drawing up a document.
Informal terms have emotive qualities that are not present in formal language. Formal language often insists on a greater deal of preciseness. But the problem is that not always can be found the proper equivalents in formal and informal English. The informal word job , for instance, has no formal equivalent. Instead of it, we have to look for more restricted in usage and more precise term, according to the context, among possible variants: employment, post, position, appointment, vocation etc.
As a rule, business English is formal. We mean using it in business correspondence, official reports and regulations. Actually, it is always written. Exceptionally it is used in speech, for example, in formal public speeches. There are various degrees of formality. For example:
After his father's death, he had to change his job. (Informal style)
On the disease of his father, he was obliged to seek for alternative employment. (Formal style)
These sentences mean roughly the same idea but would occur in different situations. The first sentence is fairly neutral (common core) style, while the second one is very formal, in fact stilted, and would only occur in a written business report.
In general grammar rules of spoken sentences are rather simple and less constructed than grammar of written sentences especially in agreements. It is more difficult to divide a spoken conversation into separate sentences. The connections between one clause and the other become less clear because the speaker relies more on the hearer's understanding of the context and situation as well as on his ability to interrupt if he fails to understand. The speaker is able to rely on features of intonation which tells us a great deal that cannot be reflected in written punctuation.
The grammar use in business correspondence is also differ because of the pronouns who and whom , and the place of prepositions. For example:
She wanted a partner for her business in whom she could confide. (Formal style) She longed for a partner (who) she could confide in. (Informal style)
In what country was he born? (Formal style)
What country was he born in ? (Informal style)
Formal written language is often used like impersonal style. That means that one doesn't refer directly to himself/ herself or to his / her readers but avoids pronouns. Some of the common features of impersonal language are passive sentences beginning with the introductory word it and abstract nouns. The effect of the change into a passive construction is to reverse the focus from the subject to the object of speech.
The use of ` might ' characterize the business correspondence because it is more tentative way of expressing possibility than ` may '. Let us compare two sentences:
It may have been an error in a business deal.
It might have been an error in a business deal.
In the second sentence might presuppose a greater degree of uncertainty and sounds more tactful than may .
Texts of business documents are specific and aimed at a definite purpose. In order to make one's business work and work effectively, one should possess knowledge of language standards in business letters. Skilful application of this knowledge is, somehow, determined by standards of documents' writing. If a document is written in an accepted way, it will be assessed by specialists. A unified business text takes up less time and work to compile in comparison with private letters.
Since a writer of a business letter has a unified form in front of him / her this person follows a set pattern while doing it. All the writer's attention is focused on major information and data which represent the subject of the document. In this way an addressee can decode the subject-matter faster because a document is written in the standardized form.
At the macro level an official document usually consists of a preamble, main text body and a finalizing part. Depending on the type of document the composition and content of its individual parts may slightly vary. In accordance with modern linguistics standard text structures intended for informational presentation at different language levels are called frames. The changeable elements within a text frame are called slots. Let us take a preamble to a commercial agreement as an example of a frame.
This Agreement is made this day of , 1999, by and between , [a corporation with its principal office at] or [an individual with an office and mailing address at _] ('Agent'), and [company name], a corporation organized and existing under the laws of , with its principal place of business at ().
Here, in the above frame of an agreement, the blank spaces represent the slots to be filled with slot fillers (by the date, company names, addresses etc. in this example).
But a text frame seldom has the form of a text with blank spaces. Often it can be a frame of a standard text with stable and changeable parts, for example:
by this Agreement does not grant to Agent any rights or license to
's trademarks, trade names or service marks. reserves all such rights to itself. Agent shall not utilize, without 's express, prior and - written consent, any trade or service marks on trade names, and will promptly report to any apparent unauthorized use by third parties in the Territory of 's trade or service marks or trade names.
Here the italicized text fragments are presumed to be changed depending on the subject and conditions of the Agreement, e. g. «prior and written consent» may be replaced by «oral consent», etc.
Written business English has got certain traits and problems of its usage not only for foreigners, but for English-speaking people.
A style of the language is a system of interrelated language means which serve a definite aim in communication. As has already been noticed, the style can be formal (business written English) and informal (spoken English). The difference of formal and informal English is a matter of style and attitude of people to each other. However, it is not an easy matter to draw an exact line between formal and informal English.
English of business correspondence possesses some important qualities, common for formal style of English as well.
The language of business correspondence is very bookish and remarkable for the usage of larger and more exact vocabulary in comparison with informal style of communication. Sentences in documents are longer and their clauses are grammatically fitted together more carefully that means a lot of practice for a person who draws up a document. Formal business correspondence should be more impersonal. It should not emphasize the individuality of the writer, taking into account the personal qualities of people who are going to make use of it. Thus, the speaker should not refer directly to himself or his readers, but avoid the pronouns /we, you/ and it can also bring some difficulties.
One more problem is that formal English lacks force and vividness. The fact that it is formal implies its great dependence on arbitrary conventions, rather than on natural speech habits. That is why it is so hard for non-business people to keep concentrating their attention on contents of documents all the time as their attention is diverted by intricate language use. Some of them will consider these long and complicated sentences rather confusing. Words of formal English must sound nice but their meaning is often hard to get through. Very often a person must read something all over again to make sure what it means.
Another chief problem concerning the business correspondence is that it is read by busy people who usually have no interest in either one's personality or his / her problems. Bearing in mind that one should not waste anybody's time and try to avoid unnecessary details. Common trait of any business document is to be as clear and brief as possible without sacrificing clarity.
These are some of the most frequent problems in the theory of business correspondence.
1.2 Types and peculiarities of business correspondence
Business correspondence is very significant in transactions. It includes all kinds of commercial letters such as enquiries, replies to enquiries, Letters of Credit, invoices, Bills of Lading, Bills of Exchange or drafts, letters of insurance, explanatory letters, orders, letters of packing, letters of shipment, letters of delivery, offers, letters of complaint, replies to those of mentioned above, etc.
Each type of correspondence has its own peculiar features. But they have much in common. Especially it concerns the style of business letters. Business correspondence often suffers from an old-fashioned, pompous style of English which complicates the message and gives the reader the feeling that he is reading a language he does not understand. At the same time the style of letter should not be so simple that it becomes discourteous. The tone of business letter should be neutral without pompous language on the one hand and informal or colloquial language on the other hand. The letter should be neither too long nor too short. The right length includes the right amount of information.
Here is an example of a letter that is so short and simple that it sounds rude:
1 have already written to you concerning your outstanding debt of Ј591. This should have been cleared three months ago. You don't seem to want to co-operate in paying us, and therefore we will sue you if your debt is not cleared within the next ten days.
A letter may be given the wrong tone by the use of inappropriate vocabulary, idioms, phrasal verbs and short forms. Here are some examples of each, together with a preferred alternative:
You've probably knows - You probably know
You'll get your money back - The loan will be repaid
To go into property - To invest in property
A couple of hundred quid - Two hundred pounds
Prices are at rock bottom - Prices are very low
Prices have gone through the roof - Prices have increased rapidly.
These are the extreme examples but the general point is that one should be careful using idiomatic or colloquial language in letters. Moreover, there is a danger of being misunderstood or you may give an impression of over-familiarity.
No doubt it is very important to be clear. Confusion in correspondence often arises through a lack of thought and care, and there are a number of ways in which it can happen. Numerical expression can cause confusion. For example, the decimal point in British and US usage is a full point rather than a comma as it is used in most continental European countries, so that an English or American person would write 4.255 when a French person would write 4,255 (which to an English person would mean four thousand two hundred and fifty-five). That's it is better to write out the expression in both figures and words.
Very often abbreviations are used in business letters but both parties need to know what the abbreviations stand for; if they don't it can cause problems in obtaining the information. So if the author of a letter is not absolutely certain that abbreviation will be easily recognized he/she should not use it.
Special care should be taken while using prepositions. There is a big difference between / The price has been increased to Ј 15.00/ The price has been increased by Ј 15.00, and The price has been increased from Ј 15.00.
In business correspondence is very important to be tactful, in other words to avoid causing offence or distress. Sometimes it means disguising or covering up the truth. In such a case, the use of imperatives should be polite.
e.g. Would you like to stipulate details of the contract?
e.g. I suggest that we postponed signing of the contract till tomorrow. (Tactful).
Could I suggest that we postponed signing of the contract till tomorrow. (Tentative and more tactful).
Every business letter is known to consist of three parts: introduction, main part and closing. The first sentence or paragraph of a letter is an important one because it sets the tone of the letter. It usually contains thanks to the correspondent for his letter, subject of the letter, the purpose of the letter. For example:
Thank you for your letter of 19 August which I received today. We can certainly supply you with the industrial floor coverings you asked about, and enclosed you will find a catalogue illustrating our wide range of products which are used in factories and offices throughout the world.
Middle part is the main part of every letter and it concerns the points that need to be made, answers which correspondent wants to give, or question he wants to ask. This can vary widely with the type of letter.
In final paragraph is necessary to thank the person for writing, if letter is a reply and it has not been done at the beginning. One should encourage further enquiries or correspondence. It also possible to restate, very briefly, one or two of the most important points made in the main part of letter.
For example: We are sure that you have made the right choice in choosing this particular line as it is proving to be a leading seller. If there is any advice or further information you want we shall be happy to supply it, and look forward to hearing from you.
In our research we have tried to investigate peculiarities of such types of business correspondence as letters of enquiry, order and claim.
Enquiries can take the form of telephoned, telex or faxed requests for information. These forms can be used only for brief enquiry. A letter of enquiry begins with telling to correspondent the name of your firm: we are a co-operative wholesale society based in Zurich . Then one should write how he/she heard about the firm he/she is writing to: we were given your name by the Hoteliers ' Association in Paris . The content of enquiry varies depending on its purpose. For example while asking for catalogs, price-lists, prospectuses it is not necessary to give a lot of information about yourself. It would be helpful to point out briefly any particular items you are interested in.
e.g. Could you please send your current catalogue and price-list for exhibition stands? We are particularly interested in furniture display stands.
When asking for goods or services one should be specific and state exactly what he/she wants. Replying to an advertisement its better to mention the journal or newspaper, the date, and quote any box number or department number given.
Very often one asks in enquiry for samples and patterns before placing an order.
e.g. We would be also appreciated if you could send some samples of the material so that we can examine the texture and quality.
It is also possible to suggest terms, methods of payment, discounts in your enquiry.
e.g. We usually deal on a 30% trade discount basis with an additional quantity discount for orders over 1,000 units.
Sometimes wholesalers and retailers want to see how a line will sell before placing a firm order with the supplier. They may be able to do this by getting goods on approval or on a sale or return basis, one can ask about it in enquiry.
e.g. Your leaflet advertising your latest publications of History magazines interested us, and we should like to stock a selection of these. However, we should only consider placing an order provided it was on the usual basis of sale or return. If this is acceptable we shall send you our official order.
Usually a simple 'thank you' is sufficient to close an enquiry. It is possible to mention that a prompt reply would be appreciated and that certain terms or guarantees would be necessary.
e.g. Thank you for your attention. We hope to hear from you in the near future.
The letter of enquiry should make absolutely clear information. The tone of enquiry could be direct but still polite. It should leave no possibility of the recipient to write and ask for explanation or extension of any of its parts. It should be as brief as is in keeping with courtesy and clarity. Even when the matters of enquiry are of no interest to the recipient he should give the information as courteously and as fully as if it meant material profit to him. He should give not only complete information for every detail of the enquiry but also should give any additional information which the writer feels would make clearer the information desired.
In enquiries are often used passive constructions for soften a request.
Short sentences can create an abrupt effect, while a complex sentence can modify.
e.g. We are interested in your range of shirts is not as good as we are large wholesalers and are interested in your range of shirts.
Orders are usually written on a company's official order form which has a date and a reference number that should be quoted in any correspondence which refers to the order. Even if the order is telephoned, it must be confirmed in writing, and an order form should always be accompanied by either a compliment slip or a covering letter. A covering letter is preferable as it allows you the opportunity to make any necessary points and confirm the terms that have been agreed. This letter usually begins with explaining there is an order accompanying the letter. For example:
Please find enclosed our Order №B4 521 for 25 'Clearsound' transistor receivers.
- confirmation of the terms of payment
e.g. We should like to confirm that payment is to be made by irrevocable letter of credit which we have already applied to the bank for;
- confirmation of the agreed discounts
e.g. We should like to thank you for the 30% trade discount and 10% quantity discount you allowed us;
- confirmation of the delivery dates
e.g. delivery before February is a firm condition of this order, and we reserve the right to refuse goods delivered after that time;
e.g. We advice delivery by road to avoid constant handling of this fragile consignment;
e.g. Each piece of crockery is to be individually wrapped in thick paper, packed in straw, and shipped in wooden crates numbered 1 to 6.
The letter ordering goods should be made so clear that it could not possibly be misunderstood. It should be exact and complete in every detail as to quantity, quality, size, number, catalogue page and number, shape, style, colour, piece of each, or other item helping toward exact identification. If the buyer is to pay transportation charges, he/she should specify how the order must be shipped - mail, express, or fright - unless he/she leaves this matter to the one who ships. Each item must be written on a separate line beginning at the paragraph margin.
A letter of complaint or claim should always be courteous, dignified and fair. It should state exactly the cause for complaint and should outline clearly the reasonable expected adjustment. The complainant that imputes blame or becomes sarcastic or abusive only emphasizes the author's own lack of refinement and makes less probable the adjustment he/she seeks. Terms like 'disgusted', 'infuriated', 'enraged', 'amazed' have no place in claim. Dissatisfaction can be expressed in such a way:
Unless you can fulfill our orders efficiently in the future we will have to consider other sources of supply.
Also such expressions as 'you must correct your mistake as soon as possible', 'you made an error on the statement', 'you don't understand the terms of discount'. We told you to deduct discount from net prices, not c.i.f. prices' can't be used in claims.
It is better to be as impersonal as possible to make the letter more polite. This can be done by using the definite article.
e.g. the mistake must be corrected as soon as possible instead of your mistake.
It is better to use Passive voice and modifying imperatives:
e.g. to be cleared, instead of which you must clear.
Words like 'fault' or 'blame' can't be used that's why one should write
e.g. The mistake could not have originated here, and must be connected with the dispatch of the goods
It is not our fault, it is probably the fault of your dispatch department.
It should be taken into account that complaints are not accusations; they are requests to correct mistakes or faults, and should be written remembering that the supplier will want to put things right. Therefore one should write calmly, clearly presenting all the relevant information and making any suggestions that might help put the matter right.
1.3 Main characteristics of contract as a type of official document
Contract is known to be a business document presenting an agreement as for the delivery of goods, services, etc., approved and signed by both the Buyer and the Seller. Legal contracts are made in writing. When striking a deal, standard contracts are widely used. Standard contracts are not a must. Some articles can be altered and supplemented.
The following items are of the greatest importance in any contract:
names of the Sides which sign the contract;
requirements for packing and marking;
conditions of submission and acceptance of goods;
transport conditions; warranty conditions and sanctions;
signatures of the seller and the buyer.
all appendices form an integral part of a contract.
Contract must be drawn up in accordance with the established form, often on special printed forms filled in with basic information by one-time writing. Sometimes, when a transaction is small in volume, a contract may be concluded by telex.
Now the most significant clauses of contract should be regarded.
The subject-section names the product for sale or purchase. It also indicates the unit of measure employed in foreign trade for specific commodities.
The qu
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