The news didn't cover it like that at all

The news didn't cover it like that at all


In 2010, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wrote an email to her daughter, Chelsea, that was released by WikiLeaks. 'Two officers were shot in Seattle last night,' Clinton wrote. 'The news covered it like it was the death of a president.'

The news didn't cover it like that at all. In fact, the news coverage of the shooting of the two policemen in Seattle was pretty subdued.

But that didn't stop Clinton from using the incident to try to score political points.

'The coverage would have been very different if they had been black or Latino,' Clinton continued. 'As you know, the vast majority of police shootings are of young black men.'

No, actually, the vast majority of police shootings are of white men. But that didn't stop Clinton from trying to use the incident to further her own political agenda.

The email was just one of many released by WikiLeaks that showed Clinton and her allies in the media trying to manipulate the news to their own benefit.

But it's not just Clinton. The released emails and instant messages also show that the media was in cahoots with the Clinton campaign, and that the media was trying to help Clinton win the election.

The most damning evidence comes from an email exchange between then-CNN contributor Donna Brazile and Clinton campaign manager John Podesta.

'One of the questions was aboutrace,' Brazile wrote to Podesta. 'What should I ask her?'

Podesta responded, 'Idk, but let me think about it.'

Brazile then forwarded Podesta's email to another Clinton staffer, asking, 'What should I do?'

The staffer responded, 'We have a script for this.'

The script, it turns out, was for a question about whether Clinton believed that all lives matter, or just black lives.

This email exchange shows that the Clinton campaign was scripting questions for Brazile, who was then working as a contributor for CNN. Brazile has since denied that she ever gave Clinton advance notice of questions, but the email exchange shows that she was at the very least coordinating with the Clinton campaign.

But it's not just the Clinton campaign that was caught manipulating the news. The released footage of the protests and riots in Ferguson, Missouri, also shows that the government was lying about what was happening on the ground.

The footage, which was released by the website Project Veritas, shows government officials discussing how to best spin the riots and protests to make them look more violent than they actually were.

'We're just trying to make sure that we're playing this thing so that we don't inflame things any more than they already are,' one government official says in the footage.

Another government official can be heard saying that the goal is to 'create an narratives so that we can control the spun message that's out there.'

And yet another government official says that the media is 'complicit' in the government's efforts to manipulate the news.

The government officials in the footage also discussing using the National Guard to quell the riots, and using the media to portray the protesters in a negative light.

'If we can put together a unified command so the Guard is there with the police, and we have the story right, so that it doesn't look like we're just militarizing the situation, then I think that's the best of all possible worlds,' one government official says.

In other words, the government was planning to use the National Guard to quell the riots, but only if they could make it look like it wasn't a big deal.

The government was also caught red-handed lying about the level of violence at the protests. In one particularly damning exchange, a government officials can be heard discussing how to make it look like the protesters were throwing Molotov cocktails, when in reality they were just throwing water bottles.

'If we say that they're throwing Molotov cocktails, then that makes it so much more serious, so much more newsworthy,' the government official says.

The footage also shows government officials discussing how to make the protesters look like they're the ones who are violent, even though the footage shows that the police are the ones who are using violence against the protesters.

'If we can show some burning cars and some rocks being thrown, and make it really look like these guys are, you know, they're getting out of control, then that puts a different spin on it,' one government official says.

In other words, the government was trying to use the media to make it look like the protesters were the ones who were being violent, even though the footage shows that the police were the ones who were using violence against the protesters.

This is just a small sampling of the evidence that has been released that shows that the media, the government, and the us government agencies are the main manipulators of the news. With the release of this information, it's now up to the people to decide what to believe.

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