The myth of plan OST

The myth of plan OST

Tryzub Magazine


(machine translation. Original article author Nikolai Petrov)

The overwhelming majority of our contemporaries are firmly convinced that the plans of "inhuman fascism" included the extermination of millions of Slavs. This conviction is so strong that it has actually become an unquestionable truth. At the same time, there is no full-fledged evidence of the existence of such aspirations at the top of the National Socialist state.

The appearance of the statement about the plans of extermination of the majority of the population of the European part of the USSR by the Nazis dates back to the time of the infamous Nuremberg process. Of course, even before Nuremberg, i.e. during the war, the Allied "aces of information struggle" periodically repeated the idea of the "fascists'" desire to exterminate millions of people, but then it was just propaganda, often very clever.

The manipulators chose several "documents" as proof of the thesis about the liquidation of the Slavs. The main one is the so-called "General Plan Ost". It is indicative that the text of the plan has not been found so far. Nevertheless, during the Nuremberg trial this "document" appeared, however, in the form of some "Notes and Proposals on the Ost Master Plan". The author of the notes was the head of one of the departments of the Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories, E. Wetzel. Wetzel's notes (they are pencil sketches in a notebook) were never published in full. In their most complete form they are presented in the Military History Journal (No. 1, 1960, pp. 87-98)1.

The published source consists of four sections: 1.General remarks on the general plan "Ost"; 2. General remarks on the question of Germanization; 3. Toward a solution of the Polish question; 4. Toward the future treatment of the Russian population.

In the first section, Wetzel deals with the question of the resettlement of Germans in the eastern territories. Their number should amount to 4,550,000 at first. "Racially undesirable locals" are to be resettled in Western Siberia. "5-6 million Jews are to be liquidated even before the resettlement is carried out." Wetzel further notes the need to take into account data on the racial composition of the peoples of the East.

In the second section, the official considers measures for the so-called "Germanization" (the inclusion in the orbit of the Reich of "local residents of non-German origin who possess the characteristics of the Nordic race." By the way, famous Soviet pseudohistorians "Hitlerologists" D. Melnikov and L. Chernaya in their "works" propose to understand "Germanization" as physical destruction2. That is, according to these talented Jewish publicists, the Nazis planned to exterminate the Nordic race... An interesting discovery!

In the third section, Wetzel calls Poles "the most dangerous people". At the same time, he notes that "the Polish question cannot be solved by liquidating the Poles" because "such a solution would burden the conscience of the German people for eternity and deprive us of the sympathy of all."

In the fourth section the author of the notes praises the racial type of the Russians and criticizes the position of a certain Abel, who proposes the liquidation of the Russian people.

The body of the document is riddled with obvious factual errors. For example, in the last section, Wetzel writes about the "Imperial Commissariat for Russian Affairs" that never existed. It is difficult to assume that this official was not familiar with the structure of his own ministry. Here he also mentions the Gorky and Tula General Commissariats, although Wetzel could not have been unaware that these territorial units were called districts in official papers (not even general districts, like Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Belarus).

There are also a lot of absolutely ridiculous suggestions in the "remarks". For example, Wetzel suggests that some Poles should be resettled "in South America, especially in Brazil". This is very reminiscent of the famous "duck" about plans to settle Jews on the island of Madagascar.

Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that Wetzel's pencil sketches were either falsified from beginning to end (which is a very common practice of the Allies), or were subjected to "some editing" by "experts". In any case, we are dealing with an extremely dubious document that cannot withstand serious scrutiny for authenticity and, by all means, should be removed from the list of reliable historical sources once and for all. By the way, many Western researchers did it long ago.

It is indicative that even when working with such a controversial document, some equilibrists from history manage to "reveal the monstrous secrets of fascism", showing wonders of unprofessionalism. The mentioned Melnikov and Chernaya, for example, in their book "Criminal No. 1" write: "In one place in the plan it is proposed, in particular, to settle Russians in South America and Africa "3. As we remember, Wetzel proposed to send some Poles to South America, not Russians at all. There is not a word about Africa in the "remarks". In addition, the leading "Hitlerologists" also showed themselves to be great experts in the field of philology, stating that physical extermination should be implied not only by the word "Germanize", but also by the words "deport" and "resettle".

In their attempts to find confirmation of the thesis about plans to exterminate the Slavs, Soviet propagandists did not hesitate to use other, equally dubious sources. For example, in the collection "Criminal ends - criminal means" published "Political testament" of Private Gustav Hildebrandt4. It is clear that the value of such a "crucial document" raises big questions.

With great eagerness, anti-fascist scholars quote speeches of a number of German leaders. SS Reichsführer G. Himmler is particularly popular. So, Chernaya in the book "Brown Dictators" writes that "on the eve of the attack on the Soviet Union Himmler said that one of the goals of the campaign to the East is the destruction of 30 million Slavs "5. This statement is completely false. It is borrowed from a propaganda article by I. Ehrenburg of the war times. By inventing such messages, the Jewish writer fulfilled a social order, inciting beastly hatred of everything German, and calling for the physical destruction of German women and children.

Now let us ask ourselves how the German leaders actually treated the Slavs.

It is no secret that the ideology of National Socialism was based on racial theory. Many researchers are trying to deny the scientific value of the doctrine of race, it is their business. What is important is that for the leaders of the Third Reich, issues of blood were of the utmost importance. Hitler wrote: "Sins against blood and race are the worst sins in this world. A nation which indulges in these sins is doomed "6.

In a number of monographs, sometimes very valuable from the factual point of view, the authors make the same mistake: the Nazis considered the Slavs "subhuman" and wanted to destroy them. For example, contemporary researcher Boris Kovalev, in his book on the Nazi occupation regime, notes: "After the Nazis came to power in Germany, eugenics - the 'science' of racial hygiene - began to enjoy official support." The purpose of eugenics, according to the author, was "to determine the optimal number of 'untermenschen'". The latter included Jews, Gypsies and Slavs "7.

In order to refute this amateurish statement, let us turn to one of the leading racial theorists of Nazi Germany, Hans Gunther. In his writings he clearly separates the concepts of people and race. Race, according to Gunther, "is a single group of people, distinguished from others by a special, inherent combination of physical features and mental properties, which always reproduces only its own kind "8.

Germans, like any European nation, consists of several races: "People of one race or, more correctly, one racial mixture can speak different languages, and peoples speaking the same language - differ from each other in racial terms. But most importantly, peoples are always racial mixtures and never races "9. The most "valuable", according to Gunther, is the Nordic race. It is present in different proportions in all European peoples. The percentage of Nordic blood in the Great Russians is quite significant and generally higher than in the Germans themselves. This opinion was shared by other German racialists. Fritz Lenz noted as early as 1915: "In racial terms, Muscovites are closer to the Germans "10.

It is clear that racial science in Germany was not at all an abstract scientific discipline. Its conclusions and recommendations were sensitively listened to by the leaders of the party and the state. The scientific findings of racialists were actively used in legislation. One of the most important laws of the Reich is the "Law on the Citizenship of the Empire and on the Protection of German Blood and German Honor" of September 15, 1935. Let us allow ourselves to quote a passage from this document: "German blood does not form its own race. The German people consists of representatives of different races. But it is peculiar to all these races that their blood is mutually compatible and the mixture of these bloods, unlike the blood which is not related to them, does not create obstacles and tensions. To the German blood can, without doubt, be equated the blood of those peoples whose racial composition is related to the German people. This applies to all peoples inhabiting the spaces of Europe. Blood akin to German blood is treated equally in all directions. Therefore, representatives of minorities living in Germany, such as Poles, Danes, etc., can become citizens of the Empire "11.

Thus, the Slavic peoples, and, of course, the Russian people were officially recognized in the Reich as racially related, fraternal ethnic groups. What sense to destroy their brothers - this is the simplest question, which we address to Kovalev, Chernaya and other conscious and unconscious falsifiers of history.

Our conclusions are confirmed by historical facts. The Slavic states - Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovakia - were faithful and steadfast allies of New Europe, taking part in the crusade against Bolshevism. Croatia and Slovakia, by the way, owed their independence to Hitler personally. Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Bulgarians, Czechs and Poles fought against communism in the ranks of the Wehrmacht and SS troops.

Why did Dr. Goebbels sincerely admire the bravery of the soldiers of the Russian Liberation Army? Why did Alfred Rosenberg wrote that "Russia is a country that has kept in its breast the true image of Christ "12? Why did Adolf Hitler donate hundreds of thousands of Reichsmarks to build the Berlin Orthodox Cathedral and to repair dozens of Russian churches, and called Russians "a great nation "13? Very simple. Because the Nazis never wanted to destroy the Slavs!

1 In a similarly reduced form, the Ost plan was published in the collection <Totally Secret! Only for the commanders! Strategy of Nazi Germany in the war against the USSR. - М., 1967. - pp.108-120.

2 See: Melnikov D.E., Chernaya L.B. Criminal No. 1. Nazi regime and its Fuhrer. - М., 1991. - p.374.

3 Ibid.

4 Criminal ends - criminal means. - М., 1968. - pp.81-82.

5 Chernaya L.B. Brown Dictators. - R/n/D., 1999. - p.255.

6 Hitler A. My Struggle. - T-OKO, 1992. - p.375.

7 Kovalev B.N. Nazi occupation regime and collaborationism in Russia. - Novgorod, 2001. - p.283.

8 Gunter G. Selected Works on Racology. - М., 2002. - p.24.

9 Ibid. - p.83.

10 Cited in: Avdeev B., Ivanov A., Rieger Y. Hans Gunther - prophet of the Nordic race // Gunther G. Ibid. Op. cit. - pp.20-21.

11 See: Organization of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. - Riga, 2002. - p.638.

12 Rosenberg A. Myth of the 20th century. - Tallinn, 1998. - p.155.

13 Hitler A. Ibid. Op. cit. - p.274.

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