🗝The keys

🗝The keys


👨🏿‍🏫HOMEWORK 4: 

These people did everything by themselves. What exactly did they do? Translate the sentences below using ON ONE’S OWN & BY ONESELF

1. Том может отремонтировать свою машину самостоятельно

Tom can fix his car on his own = Tom can fix his car by himself

2. Боря и я самостоятельно накрыли на стол

Borya and I set the table on our own = Borya and I set the table by ourselves

3. Он явился на встречу самостоятельно

He showed up for the meeting on his own =

He showed up for the meeting by himself

4. Он и его сосед по комнате продлили самостоятельно договор об аренде

He and his roommate extended rental agreement on their own = He and his roommate extended rental agreement by themselves

5. Гарри самостоятельно заморозил зеленые бобы и оставшуюся часть курицы

Harry froze green beans and leftover chicken on his own = Harry froze green beans and leftover chicken by himself

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