The international experience of implementing the MRV system in agriculture and water management was studied

The international experience of implementing the MRV system in agriculture and water management was studied

The members of the delegation of Uzbekistan met with the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry in order to study the experience of Morocco in the implementation of the inventory of greenhouse gas emissions in the fields of agriculture, forestry and water management.

First on the agenda of the meeting, a presentation by forest and land use experts was performed on the stages of introducing the MRV system into forestry, defining the role of organizations and enterprises in the field, and the methodologies for calculating GHG emissions and their absorption.

Furthermore, the experiments on planting the most befitting trees for absorbing GHG emissions and reforestation were familiarized with the climate conditions and soil fertility of each region.

In addition, the parties discussed the possibilities and results of using modern methods of calculating greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture and forestry, in particular, drones and laser devices.

The parties studied the possibilities of involving state-owned enterprises and private sector in reducing GHG emissions, in particular, the possibility of issuing carbon unit certificates as compensation to enterprises that have reduced emissions by planting trees.

During the meeting, the experiences of introducing smart irrigation instruments in the field of water management, in particular, the creation of artificial basins through water recycling and its use in irrigation of agricultural land were studied, and the options of introduction of these instruments in Uzbekistan were discussed in detail.

At the end of the meeting, the parties agreed to establish cooperation on the projects implemented in agriculture, forestry and water management.


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