The income of the hereditary Chekist Posner is in the database (link below). In 2000, he was paid $104,000 for the first time. The same billing that hunts the FSBshnikov with the Rookie. Check - the translation to Vladimir Posner went through the firm SAC…

The income of the hereditary Chekist Posner is in the database (link below). In 2000, he was paid $104,000 for the first time. The same billing that hunts the FSBshnikov with the Rookie. Check - the translation to Vladimir Posner went through the firm SAC…

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It's as simple as that. Kluge and Grozev, in addition to Posner, were held by Vladimir Putin's FSBshnikovs and Viktor Ivanov. If the troll factory will dig Grozev's life, the State Department will be hit. 

Billings of the Chekists, possible poisoners Navalny, were expensive. Requests mass, the price on the market from 10 thousand $. And who paid the punchers who bought the data from the FSB and the operators? Austrian Bulgarian Hristo Grozev said the money was his personal. Hristo has media in different countries. In this business, he is a junior partner, the eldest - Carl Habsburg. The grandson of the Emperor of Austria. The head of the Habsburg House. Ex-MEP. Habsburg and Grozev acquired Kiev Gala-Radio. The music of the Russian Federation and the Russian language were taboo, they called Kraina FM. Content "in the key Ukrainians," to the Muscovites battle. But it's not all clear with Habsburg. In the photo Karl and his friend Igor Strelkov, that with Ukraine fought.

All the mystery of Hristo Grozev that dug up the poisoners Navalny in this interview Hristo, it is intelligent. About Grozev himself: one, two, three, four (below)

͏͏ Vladimir Putin in the 90s did business with millionaire Hristo Grozev from Bellingcat. It's an amazing story. It has intelligence, money, the Kremlin and Hitler.

Lieutenant-Colonel of the KGB Putin in St. Petersburg City Hall was running investments. KGB colonel Viktor Ivanov helped him. Both were fed by investor John Kluge, an American spy. He recruited Nazi prisoners in the war: security forces, scientists and VIPs. The most persistent Germans gave to people dressed as Russian Chekists. And scared the poor Nazis that came NKVD vezti v Sibir. Then Agent Kluge became a billionaire, and the 80-year-old wanted the former USSR. The Americans on the ground were helped by the elite. In St. Petersburg it was Putin, Ivanov and their friend-communicate Leonid Reiman. With them John Kluge purchased pager PT-Page, cable network Teleplus, phone - PeterStar. In 95 he took Katyusha's radio and let Eldorado on his frequency. Another Channel Melody, the future Cupcake FM.

Bulgarian Hristo Grozev worked for Kluge in the Metromedia group. He was given Eldorado, with relocation to St. Petersburg, to Putin. Grozev was appointed director of ava-press and Radio Katusha, and the last firm was registered by the official Putin.

Hristo's colleague was Viktor Ivanov. Togo was drunk from the town hall, but the good Kluge picked up and put the director of Teleplus.

So Grozev and Ivanov managed Metromedia departments. From there, Viktor Ivanov went to Lubyanka, where he headed his own security of the FSB. Then there was the deputy head of the AP. He was the head of the State Drug Control and the Banil ketamine.

Putin was elected president of Russia. John Kluge campaigned for him.

President of Metromedia John made a new-piano Hristo Grozev. He helped the 90-year-old Klug to sing shareholders. Grandfather fused radio stations of 11 countries Grozev. He resold them on the market. Kluge then lost Peterstar's shares to Reiman for $215 million. There was a scandal in the United States. Metromedia shareholders were confident that the package was worth a polar.

Hristo ran Metromedia radio stations for its host, American John Kluge. It's the 90-year-old grandfather who pulled his shareholders. Metromedia has classified the report. And she poured down Grozev's assets. He calls it "my first major investment."

Christo made millions on the resale of Eldoradoo, Radio on The Seven Hills and other stations. Gave earn Warburg Pincus. This fund was founded by the father of the future head of the U.S. State Department, Anthony Blinken. Grozev also helped raise money for another American. He received $20 million for the shares of "On 7 Hills". The rich U.S. citizen was Named Vladimir Posner.

The money of Yeltsin's family in the merged online tax database. Download gigabytes of old income of all Muscovites can be here and much where else. 

Open up like this: 

Password Uz3B'E>2s?g!7c43h

NKVD agent Vladimir Posner's file here:

The secret nickname "Platon" has been in the intelligence since the age of 43. 

He's the father of Channel One presenter. Every chief is dreaming of getting a quota for treason. Like the nobility, this privilege is inherited. The quota with descendants is allowed to change the homeland, spit in the homeland or even piss at will. 

Here are some examples. TV presenter VGTRK, British citizen Sergey Brileve - the son of a KGB officer. A citizen of the United States and France, Dubois-Nibuaye aka "Vladimir Posner" - the offspring of a scout. That's why GDP has the right to say what it thinks. And Vladimir Vladimirovich is not silent: "I have such a cool position here, which will not be in America. But I'm not Russian, it's not my homeland and I don't feel at home here."

So far, a little more detailed than the previous material a few days ago. 

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