The domain name is for sale

The domain name is for sale


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Кинг казино онлайн

The domain name is for sale. Make an offer or buy it now at a set price.

Кинг казино онлайн

Full ownership after36 months

Long term service fee20 %

Total purchase price 4,186

Use the domain shortly after payment

After the first payment, our system automatically transfers the domain to our own holding registrar to keep it safe and available for you. Once the transfer is done (this can vary per domain since some registrars approve transfers only after 5 days) you can manage the DNS of the domain via your Buyer Control Panel.

Domain transfer after the final installment is paid

When the final installment is paid for, we will assist you with transferring the domain to a registrar of your choice and changing the ownership records of the domain.

Stop at any time

You can cancel an installment transaction whenever you want. This is only available for buyers. Sellers can’t cancel the contract, as long as you do not miss any final monthly payment deadline(s). When you opt to cancel a transaction, the received installments will be kept by the seller. You won’t receive the ownership of the domain and the domain will be returned to the original seller.

Long term service fee

Long term service fee is a fee percentage added when you pick a period longer than 1 year. The fee is included in the price you see in the Lease to Own dialog.

Domain priceInstallmentsService fee$1,0001 - 12 months$0 (0%)$1,00013 - 24 months$100 (10%)$1,00025 - 36 months$200 (20%)$1,00037 - 60 months$300 (30%)

The service fee covers the transfer & renewal expenses of the domain, hosting DNS, providing support for years, and the recurring monthly payment processing expenses that Dan makes to facilitate this type of transaction.

Estimate in RUB


This amount is an estimate based on the most recent currency conversion rate.

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